Posted By: Viridian Diamond Dowsing vs Diamond Feng Shui - 04/21/13 10:47 PM
Hello all,

I am new to this, and considering purchasing a course (Diamond Dowsing vs Diamond Feng Shui), but am a bit confused about which one would be most beneficial initially.

They seem a bit related, but I am not clear about that either.

I feel strangely drawn to one of these, but not sure why.

Thanks for your help.


Posted By: DamienMunro Re: Diamond Dowsing vs Diamond Feng Shui - 05/10/13 05:38 AM
Hi V!

You are right, they are very related!

I purchased the Diamond Feng Shui, followed by Hexagrams and Quantum Colors and finally Diamond Dowsing.

It will not matter in which order you decide, you will not make the wrong decision! Both are extremely powerful together or as stand alone products!

I personally had amazing results in the order that I purchased the program and have so far had an additional $25,000.00 come my way from completely unexpected sources within 4 weeks!!! I am not kidding! When you activate your life life to match you are mentally calling to you, the stream will open up!

80% of success is in just showing up. Just decide on one and go from there. The one that you choose will be the one that your are supposed to have for now.

Bless xx Damien
Posted By: PeterHursey Re: Diamond Dowsing vs Diamond Feng Shui - 05/11/13 06:47 AM
Hi there
I agree with Damien.
The only other thing I would add is that dowsing would be my first choice if your health is not good as it could be.


Pete ;-)
Posted By: umehani9 Re: Diamond Dowsing vs Diamond Feng Shui - 06/12/14 12:30 AM

I bought Diamond Fengshui but i don't see any hexagrams or quantum colors...are there different forms of diamond feng shui?

And I gotta agree, its powerful! I am activating diamond facets and personal directions...but even de-cluttering has brought groundedness in me...
Posted By: simone444 Re: Diamond Dowsing vs Diamond Feng Shui - 06/18/14 09:20 PM
I purchased Diamond Feng Shui and just recently hexagrams. The hexagrams are a seperate course to purchase but work alongside Feng Shui.
Also Quantum colours is a seperate course.
Hope this helps
Kind regards and blessings
Posted By: Sharon Dunn Re: Diamond Dowsing vs Diamond Feng Shui - 09/04/14 05:35 AM

Dowsing and Feng Shui are completely complimentary. Practising feng shui is fantastic but lets say you sleep in a great direction and have activated your four best directions here, what it you are being affecting by stress lines where you sleep, the energy of the room will not allow you to fully tap the energy of the good feng shui.

Kind regards

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