Posted By: The_Gentleman Experiences w/ Sonic Access - 11/12/07 05:41 PM
To all I extend warm greetings,
I'm new to the forum and I've had the pleasure of experiencing various Paraliminals and the “Photoreading: Whole Mind System” in the past. Which I must say, I've been quite pleased. Now I'm embarking on the "Sonic Access" system. Definitely, I feel as though it's quite energizing. I'm wondering what others have experienced with the system. Please feel free to provide me with your feedback.

The Gentleman
Posted By: CPW1 Re: Experiences w/ Sonic Access - 11/13/07 01:50 PM
Do like the directions tell you on the first cd I had Great results.
Posted By: CarlosS Re: Experiences w/ Sonic Access - 11/14/07 12:51 AM

I have been meditating with the Success CD, and it has been a real trip. First of all I would like to let you know that I have been meditating for many many years, and that my ultimate goal is to become one with the creator of all there is. The ideal time for me to get up and meditate is 3:00 Am and as you can imagine that is a real challenge, because one wants to get as much time as possible in bed. But, that is where the great benefit that I have gotten from the paraliminals and Sonic Access lies. I have been getting up very early in the morning and meditate consistently for a few weeks now, which is a BIG BLESSING for me.

It is important to clarify that I believe or better I know that my spiritual Master is the one that gives me that kind of strength, but I am also convinced that He was the one that took me by my hand and exposed me to the different systems of Learning Strategies, especially the Sonic Access.

I am going to start with the Spiritual Growth CD tonight God willing and I can’t wait to start experiencing the results. I am sure that it is going to be amazing.

I would say that since I am meditating with SA and a couple of paraliminals that I have, my life has been changing for good rather fast. And I have to tell you that I am in a pretty pretty tight position right now financially wise. But, the calm and certainty that everything is going to be ok is amazing. Now, it is important to clarify that I have been working and learning without interruption about the possibilities that are available for me to better my actual situation, but I am sure that the SA and paraliminals have played a very important role on that attitude.

P.S. Please excuse my English. As I have said before in other posts, I came here to USA 5 years ago and did not speak any English whatsoever at that time. So, I am working on it right now. If there is anything else I can do please let me know. Thank you!
Posted By: Chrysanthemon Re: Experiences w/ Sonic Access - 11/14/07 08:36 AM

Wonderful to read that things are moving in a positive direction for you!

All the best,

Posted By: CarlosS Re: Experiences w/ Sonic Access - 11/16/07 01:29 AM
Hello chrysanthemon,

Thank you for remembering me and for your thoughts. Yes, this has been the most evolving time in my life. I now understand at a deeper level the profundity of the blessings that I have received from the Creator in this physical life. A very powerful explosion is taking place within myself and this is only the beginning.

Peace in His Name,
Posted By: clairvoyant Re: Experiences w/ Sonic Access - 11/24/07 12:55 AM
Hi Carlos,

I'm glad to read that my recommendation on Sonic Access made a great impact on you, keep up the good work on meditating!
Posted By: CarlosS Re: Experiences w/ Sonic Access - 11/30/07 01:07 AM
Hi Clairvoyant,

Yes, thank you very much. I am now meditating with the Spiritual Growth CD and it has gotten even better. I can feel the energy within myself and the changes have been taken place. I stay awake more easily now that I start my morning meditations with the SA CDs. As I told you before, the ideal time for me to meditate is at 3AM, So, you can imagine how hard it is to remain awake. But, once you relax deeply enough and establish contact with your inner self, it is a wonderful experience and instead of falling asleep, you recharge your whole being with the higher energy.

Peace in His Name,
Posted By: crescendo63 Re: Experiences w/ Sonic Access - 12/21/07 02:09 AM
Hi to everybody!

I'm considering to buy the "Sonic Access" package, but I'm not really sure if it could be useful to me.
I'd like to improve my life in relationships (romantic) and money abundance areas, above all; also Spiritual Growth would be nice (my health is good, thanks God ).

I already own some Paraliminals (Prosperity, Positive Relationships, Self-esteem...) but I didn't got many results from them (I admit I don't use them a lot). I used the Positive Relationships PL several times, but got almost nothing.

So I wonder if SA is similar to "classic" PL, and therefore I would end with seldom using them, or are they different, more powerful or...? :?

I explored this Forum, but I couldn't find enough user responses to clear my mind about this.
I hope some SA user could chime in and report his/her experience and results in using them.

Thanks in advance, happy holidays,
Valter Prahlad
Posted By: scooter Re: Experiences w/ Sonic Access - 12/21/07 03:24 PM
Hi Valter,

I would examine why you didn't use the PL's before you purchase the SA's. the SA's do require a little more time to get through. But I do know for myself it is a different energy experience and that is helpful...

good luck,
Posted By: uniquesoul Re: Experiences w/ Sonic Access - 12/28/07 01:35 AM
Congratulations, Carlos, your English is excellent!!!

Which is your daily routine to be able to wake up at 3 am and meditate? How do you organize your day around your meditation?

I meditate when I wake up in the morning at 7 am with Holosync. I use a Paraliminal at night. At the moment I am using Happy for No Reason as I want to cheer myself up. Overall, the Paraliminal is helping.

All the best.
Posted By: Grace Re: Experiences w/ Sonic Access - 12/30/07 12:04 AM

I meditate when I wake up in the morning at 7 am with Holosync. I use a Paraliminal at night.


I think your schedule (Holosync in the morning and Paraliminals in the evening) is really ideal. I started out like that and it was wonderful – really almost everything in my day would function smoothly and successfully – but now I seem to be getting of the truck, even skipping days in a row with Holosync and listening Paraliminals only when urgent.

So I guess my question to you is I am wondering how you manage to discipline yourself – I get sidetracked when I enter the “planning” mood (in a search of perfectionism I spend hours mentally planning what to do and when, and at the end of the day feel kind of frustrated that I failed to listen at least one of the CDs).

Posted By: uniquesoul Re: Experiences w/ Sonic Access - 12/30/07 04:49 AM
I am not sure I do the best with Holosync. As soon as I open my eyes in the morning (anything between 5 and 7 am, depending how late I go to sleep), I plug myself into my iPod with the 4 tracks of Holosync on it (Dive, Immersion, Gamma and Floating). Often I still dose while listening to it, which is not good as Holsync is designed to take you from beta down to alpha, theta and delta. While you sleep, you are spontaneously in alpha and theta with dips into delta.

I live alone and can go to work a bit late (like 9 to 10 am, but I get back home at 7 pm). I am a very strong believer that Holosync is the affordable meditation for any improvement. It does the work for you!!! If you have lots of money, you can go to the Cybernaut Institute ( and speed things up.

At times, if I am in a hurry, I skip a day of Holosync. I have become a sort of fanatic of it as this is the only way of achieving something you firmly believe in. I do believe that a break of a day every 10 or so, is probably good as it allows the brain to re-adjust.

At night when I go to bed, I dowse which Paraliminal CD should I listen to out of the 30 I have. I tend to fall asleep while listening to it. Over the weekend I will listen to a Paraliminal late afternoon and then, during the night, go on track 3 in repeat mode. When I wake up during the night, I stop it.

I admit that living alone gives me a huge choice of my time. I was also away from work for months due to pyschological injury. I even over-meditated at the time, which made things worse. You get overwhelmed by it and feel very uncomfortable as you stir up too many emotions at once.
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