Posted By: Kaiden Witnessing Weight Loss - 09/08/03 08:05 PM
I wish I could take credit for this idea, but it's actually from Overeater's Anonymous. Both frequently weighing and never weighing tend to create obsessions with weight and with the physical side of recovery from binge eating. Weighing about once a month gives you a number to work with, without creating a fixed area of attention, so that one can also witness other positives such as increased energy, mobility, looser fitting clothes, etc.

Posted By: Grant Re: Witnessing Weight Loss - 09/09/03 04:17 AM
Hi Kaiden

Why don't you try Phosphatidyl Choline supplements again, they work for memory and weight loss (I think it absorbs fat). I've started trying them again for sleep and weight loss. I got the idea to use it for sleep from one of your postings. Thanx.


[This message has been edited by Grant (edited September 08, 2003).]

Posted By: Kaiden Re: Witnessing Weight Loss - 09/09/03 11:46 AM
Thanks, I'll put that into my possibility list. I've been using choline bitartate, and have two fairly large bottles to go before switching choline types.

Posted By: Nick Re: Witnessing Weight Loss - 09/12/03 02:26 AM
I have recently bought ideal weight paraliminal. My problem was keeping the ideal weight. I am an amateur bodybuilder and like to stay under 4% bodyfat. Its easy to get down to that level but requries some discipline with eating, so I constantly had to make a conscious effort to abstain from junk foods and stop eating well before I am stuffed (I eat 5-6 small meals a day). After listenbing to the tape for a few weeks, I found myhself naturally enjoying very small frequent meals without any desire to eat carbs and stopping eating when I ate just right amount so that I would get hungry in about 3 hours again. For me paraliminals work miracles, but it started to happen only after I clearted alot of mess in my life and greatly improved communication between my consctious and subconscious minds using hypnosis techniques.

Posted By: Kaiden Re: Witnessing Weight Loss - 09/12/03 08:09 AM
I started having the most success with Ideal Weight once I started seeing body image as fluid and the tape as a way of moving that fluidity up or down.

That is to say, I ran the scenario of me being at an ideal weight, and wanting to add more muscle, and realizing that I could increase my weight by 1% per week as a goal. When I did that, the idea of "Weight Loss" and "Ideal Weight" became seperate in my mind, and I was no longer trying to loose weight the same way one might loose one's car-keys, one's parents, one's girlfriend or one's mind. I'm no longer loosing anything (except hair). I'm adjusting weight. And, in doing that, I am not loosing, but rather surrendering without defeat, surrendering and winning at the same time.

Changing the focus from "loosing weight" to "gaining back my body" has made a tremendous amount of difference. It took multiple listenings, and many false-starts, to break through my paradigmatic blocks, but eventually the "ah-HA" experience came, and now I'm at the point where I'm doing to the weight I was when I first acquired the tape. I should be to an ideal weight by February, if my trend stays the same.

Posted By: Iam2 Re: Witnessing Weight Loss - 09/12/03 01:00 PM
Fantastic Kaiden. Great to hear your success story. I've seen snippets in other posts. Thanks for sharing your insight and discouvery.

Sending love,

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