Posted By: purjo Get around to it - 03/14/05 03:26 PM
I've received my ultimate library of paraliminals just a week ago...

... and right from the beginning I've heard in my head "GET AROUND TO IT" every time I decide to listen to any paraliminal! It's happened so many times now, maybe 7 or 8... The first time it was really hilarious, I was going to decide to listen to some other paraliminal but my mind kept shouting "GET AROUND TO IT" louder and louder. Again and again. I've never experienced anything like this. I've been listening to my other-than-conscious mind many years now, and this is the first time it sends me so clear messages.

Just a minute a go I was going to try another juicy paraliminal and guess what happened "GET AROUND TO IT"! I was astonished. I had thought that it would be time for another paraliminal now. Obviously not.

Yeah, it's true I've been a little slow on the motivational side lately and it's been getting worse and worse... I guess I'm in good hands now...


Posted By: Alex K. Viefhaus Re: Get around to it - 03/14/05 11:27 PM
Cool, I hope you're stating your intention. What do you want to Get Around To It, on? Could that be the reason your mind is repeating it. Is there something you've been wanting to do you haven't applied it to yet?


[This message has been edited by Alex K. Viefhaus (edited March 14, 2005).]

Posted By: purjo Re: Get around to it - 03/16/05 10:04 AM
Thanks Alex. I'll leave your suggestions to my OTC mind and not even try to think about them consciously... ;-)

BTW, I have managed to listen to other paraliminals today and yesterday, NBG and Belief, and, they both are just fan-tas-tic!!


Posted By: Alex K. Viefhaus Re: Get around to it - 03/17/05 05:30 AM
Originally posted by purjo:
Thanks Alex. I'll leave your suggestions to my OTC mind and not even try to think about them consciously... ;-)


Excellent idea!

Looking forward to hearing how the other Paraliminals work for you.


Posted By: Philip Re: Get around to it - 03/17/05 11:56 AM
Get Around to It is brilliant - and always has been - all I have to do is listen to it a few times a day and when I awake in the morning I just jump out of bed and get on with all the work things I need to do. Its a real procrastination breaker and great for de-cluttering woork and home things.

Posted By: purjo Re: Get around to it - 03/17/05 12:08 PM
I listened yesterday to the 10 min supercharger. I had nothing specific in mind, just tried what it's like.

And just a minute ago I realised that the results were really astonishingly remarkable! You see, I have a project that I've been doing on and off and putting off for 10 years now. Needless to say that the work was no more pleasurable. And guess what happened 30-60 mins after listening to 10MS?! Yes! You are right! I opened all the files concerning this project and started working with them!

The most astoninshing thing is that I enjoyed doing this job that until yesterday had been unpleasant. I still think that it may be enjoyable.

But first, I'm going to listen to 10MS again!


[This message has been edited by purjo (edited March 17, 2005).]

Posted By: SubZero Re: Get around to it - 03/27/05 03:55 AM
I've used the Get around to it cd 2 or 3 times previously, I think side a 2 times awhile ago and yesterday I listened to side b. I didn't see much of a clear effect from them until today. Must be side b that did it for me, I'm guessing side a would take longer since its more general and my procrastination is quite severe.

So anyways today something happened to me that usually NEVER happens. I have this big report due on Tuesday and I've just been putting it off, I get that resistive feeling just thinking about it.

So today I was thinking how much of a hassle it would be to get it done in the last minute. So surprisingly I started thinking, "wow, wouldn't it be great to do most of it today instead of later, it would remove all my worrying about it!". Now I never think this way, its pretty weird actually wanting to do something ahead of time instead of brute forcing myself into it. Just so out of the ordinary for me, must be the paraliminals doing their job.

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