Posted By: Tore Success: Self esteem supercharger sleeplearning - 03/15/05 06:50 AM

I'm back for another round of paraliminal cd reporting. This time I've used the SelfE and as sleeplearning, that is, using track 3 on repeat all night long. Although its only been about three or four hours. The good effects are that when in a situation where if feel that I "should" get anxious or indecisive - I don't. The bad effects would be that I feel clouded in my head in the morning. Perhaps it would be wiser to have a player that plays for two hours instead of until you wake up and put the headphones away.

So what's different from paraliminal tapes? It feels even more integrated and me than before. That's probably because of the "sleep track" which is the only part of the paraliminal that I've used.

Summary: It stays longer and feels much deeper than before. I'm feeling heavy in the morning but it's possible to correct I hope. I'm curious of using the personal genius as a sleep track but will wait. Also, which part of natural brilliance generator A and B can be used in a similar fashion? Alex? I'd be cool to use that beast of a paraliminal in sleep track way.

Thanks for making the paraliminals! The best thing for me this yet.



The clouded mind could be a result of a lack of deep sleep during the first 90 minute cycle. The conscious mind still being with the Paraliminal because of the headphones. They can be creating a discomfort and breaking sleep often will make you feel more tired or cloudy in the morning. Try listening to the Paraliminal without headphones. It will probably run all night unless you have some sort of timer to turn it of but it will interfere less with the sleep cycles.

Also try not to use asleep learning every night. You will want to have nights where you can just have nights where the mind can look after the usual learning it does during sleep.

Let us know how it goes.


The Natural Brilliance Generator wasn't made with sleep learning in mind so there is only one track for Each A and B.


Thanks for the swift answer!

Ah, yes, that's important to bear in mind. This night I awoke after two hours of the sleep track and put the headphones away. I'll see if intending to put it away at the right time will work. The new thing for tonight was waking up every once in a while. I don't see it as negative effects. Holosync used to mess with my sleep at times, often making me need less sleep. I'll see what sleeplearning behaviors that will work the best for me.

About natural brilliance. Okay, but it seems to me that there are no changes to the paraliminals and that there is a passage that is the sleeplearning-part. It's always possible to cut the track in the right area and get the same effects, I'd guess. Hmmm... this has been a topic before. I'll do some search.


I find that I wake up often during the night when I have had a intensive day. The interesting thing is I'm not dreaming the usual fantastic dreams I notince my mind churning on the problems and information I've been working on during the day. I usually wake up when I have solved the problem and I remember the solution and that's so cool. I don't know what brought that about but it's interesting.

Of course I do find being woken after only two hours of sleep bad because I wind up falling asleep again for the 3 to four hour solid block I seem to need. Snoopy (my pup) doesn't help when I crawl into bed at 5 am I do plan on sleeping till 9am but he's proving to be an excellent alarm clock and wakes me at 7:10 every morning. I have to let him out but am edgy until I can shut him out. He usually wants to play tag. If I try to sleep after he wakes me he gets up to mischief. That stuffs up my sleep cycle. I wind up sleeping till 11am. Although I didn't bother today it costed me later when at 3pm I zoned out till 4. And today I found out that the lino (he rips up) can give him lead poisoning. And I was only worried about the landlord having kittens when he sees what the dog thinks of his dog-eared lino.

Oh I had an interesting premonition dream about the lino too. I'll save that for another time.

{Lino is the vinyl floor coverings used in instead of wall-to-wall carpet or tiles]


Well, yes. A good dose of holosync tend to stress my system at first but it also seems to put it into shape. Perhaps its only due to me gooing to bed at the right time when sleeping is also some kind of activity other than "just" sleeping.

I'd love to have a dog but will never manage to get home from my job at lunch to let the little creature out... Hmm... have to get a neighbour's dog. Do you like snow?

What is a lino?


Lino n : a floor covering [syn: linoleum]

A durable, washable material made in sheets by pressing a mixture of heated linseed oil, rosin, powdered cork, and pigments onto a burlap or canvas backing. Linoleum is used as a covering especially for floors.

Since I'm up and about most of the day he can go in and out as he pleases. He doesn't bark much I'm learning the silent ones get up mischief. You know how mothers say "I worry when it's too quiet." My brothers think I should have got a sheep and because that's not allowed in the suburbs call it dog... shear it to look like a poodle they said. At least you wouldn't have to mow the lawn.
The lawn hides him now. he likes even is he if he's more sticky than a wet toffee apple.


What a beauty! That's the kind I'd like to babysit.

My family had sheeps when I was little but they we're too much to handle for my family. Kind of some hippie act of my mother. Hmm... I guess I like happy dogs better. Although lambs are quite adorable too.

Hmmm... I'll have to ask you another qustion. I think I've mentioned this before but I've not found an answer that satisfies me. The thing is that the paraliminals (which are kicking in so sweetly right now - my voice is mostly a little low at first when I speak to people - nothing of it today, and there are no feelings of anxiety with people where they're usually "should" be) doesn't change my thoughts as much as my feelings. *thinking about how I should present this*

I get into a situation where I'm usually a bit anxious. I expect to be anxious but I'm not. The expectation can sometimes throw away the effect of the paraliminals but not now with the sleeptracks. Perhaps I speak with a person that I don't really connect with and am aware of it. Then my feelings don't reflect what I think at the moment. The feelings don't follow as they usually do. Why is that? My feelings often respond directly to what I think but not now. The "negative" thoughts are still there but the respons isn't. I've always thought that the paraliminals achive a cognitive restructuring that makes me have different thoughts (which as an effect makes my feelings different). Which does happen. But this is a mystery to me. The thoughts are still there but the feeling doesn't follow.

I don't think I can get much clearer about it.


The Paraliminals create new neural pathways. The old ones are still there and you will still notice them but now your feeling have a choice. What would work better for you. Getting anxious even though you have these thought or the feeling of calm.

I think it's a good thing that we still have the old thoughts even if we have new choices for feeling. If the old thought just disappeared we'd be wondering who we are what happened to that person. Also it's not always about eliminating thoughts or feelings but having more options. Now you're learning by experimenting with those new options because you're still testing the water you need thos old thought.

In some ways creating new neural pathways is like moving into a new house you bring many old habits with you but you have to drop some of them because they just don't work in that house. You still mentally, for a split second, go the same bathroom but in the new house you have to change the direction and it doesn't change you long to do it. It occurs from time to time for a couple of months, Then suddenly about 6 months down the track it feels like you've been living in that house forever and the habits from the old one are modified or dropped.


I receieved self-esteem supercharger a few weeks ago and when I tried it the first time, I was consciously following the exercises for the right voice. Afterwards I felt it didn't work. I tried again and didn't see anything, so I gave up on it and went to use some other paraliminals.

However upon reading about your success Tore, I felt like trying the sleeplearning thing out. I had my headphones hooked up to my computer so I could set the sleeplearning track to repeat for 2hours, and then stop. So I drifted off to sleep while having it playing and the next day I woke up and felt different. I noticed that I pretty much had better self esteem, I wasn't able to feel down about myself and I just felt more in control, felt assertive. I tried it again that night, and while I only listened to it repeat 2 or 3 times(didn't feel like keeping the headphones on), the day after that I had even more self-esteem, it was like being near-invincible.

So for me the best way I've found to use the paraliminals is to not try to consciously pay attention to the voices, just to let it play. Even mind wandering doesn't seem to adversely affect the effects.

I'm just surprised that these paraliminals can work so quickly. I mean I can just listen to something like new history generator one night and the next day any past event that was bothering me I'll barely care about anymore, its great. Not to mention they're much more permanent than other affirmation/subliminal etc. things I've tried.

You never have to consciously listen to the voices. The duel voices are meant to quieten the conscious mind and let the other than conscious mind handle it. So you will get the best results when you just let go and not try to listen to either voice.


Hey Subzero!

Great to hear about the success. I've also felt stronger and stronger from using it as a sleeptrack. I'm thinking of creating a cd with track one two and then fill the rest with number three.

I've yet to try out new history and see if there's any great results. I was inspired from what you've written before about it but have been caught up using selfesteem sleeptrack. I'm just dying to try out personal genius and memory supercharger but I'll stick with SelfE untill it sticks with me. Sleeplearning is by far the best method for me to get lasting results.

And through the years that I've used paraliminals its still fun to see that the tapes/cd works even if you have a really wandering mind. I've said it before and I'll do it again. The paraliminals are the best self-help products I've used. Simple, works fast and now I can truly say that it sticks with me. I'm going to be a psychologist and wonder how I can use them in my practice later on.

Keep posting about the success that you meet!



I am considering buying self esteem supercharger.

However, english is not my main language, although I understand it quite well. I can follow a conversation, but sometimes there will be a word which I do not understand. Do you think I can still benefit from the paraliminal tapes though?

your reaction would be appreciated.

Hiya Rick!

My first language isn't english either and it works fine with me. The paraliminal doesn't have a tough language and your mind will probably understand it perfecty well.

Good luck! /Tore

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