Posted By: Alex K. Viefhaus Four New Paraliminals - 12/04/13 09:25 AM
Glinda the good witch told Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, “You’ve always had the power.” We’ve been saying that for years, creating Paraliminal after Paraliminal to help you access your power.

“You have an extraordinary life to live.”

Recently, thousands of our clients participated in our “product concept” survey, which led to the introduction of four new Paraliminals. We wanted to be absolutely sure we are delivering exactly what you most need right now.

The four new Paraliminals are:

Conscious Time – No more frittering time away when you can do what really makes your life special
Letting Go – No more letting emotions get the best of you
New Action Generator – No more struggling to make the best choices or follow through with the best action
Recover & Reenergize – No more living with a tired and sore body

As magically as always, all you have to do is push play, close your eyes, and relax. These new Paraliminals will be like best friends who take care of everything for you. And when you open your eyes, you’ll feel refreshed and revitalized.

We’ve been creating Paraliminals since 1988, and they truly keep getting better. Paul Scheele, Ph.D., pours his big heart and impressive brain power into the creation of each Paraliminal so you get the results you want.

Quickly, easily, and effortlessly.

Let’s take a closer look at the new Paraliminals:

New Paraliminal #1: Conscious Time
Get the most out of every minute

Did you know if you do not always have the right amount of time for all that is important and meaningful, it is probably because you do not value your time? You might think you do, but the circumstances of your life are saying otherwise.

This Paraliminal will help you naturally and carefully choose how you spend your time – perhaps allocating it prudently and precisely, perhaps giving it away generously and freely…perhaps investing your time toward a goal…always spending your time intentionally.

Conscious Time helps you create a deeply positive relationship with time that feels free, happy, and potent. It helps you feel in control of your life, always having enough time to do what is important and meaningful in your work, play, and personal time.

New Paraliminal #2: Letting Go
Gain emotional freedom from what holds you back

“You live in an expansive universe of possibilities that is open and ready to empower your intentions,” says Paul Scheele. “Yet from time to time, you may find yourself faced with a seemingly unsolvable problem or caught in the emotions of the moment.”

By learning to let go, you can transform emotions and situations (even the most painful) so you can live a life of greater freedom and joy. In the process of letting go, you shift your energy, and that’s when perspectives and new approaches reveal themselves. Obstacles that once seemed immovable become lighter and often disappear.

This Paraliminal teaches you a simple, practical process for letting go from [1]The Sedona Method[/i] program by Hale Dwoskin, who joins Paul on this session. Once you free yourself of unwanted emotions, you can tap into the powerful resources that come from your truest and best self.

New Paraliminal #3: New Action Generator
Make choices, take action, and succeed

What do you need to be doing to have the life you deserve? What do you need to be doing to achieve goals and feel satisfied?

Make the best choices with conviction…consistently take the action you need…and enjoy a life worth living.

I originally added this Paraliminal to the product concept survey (and I am so glad it came out as one of the top four), because of a friend who over the course of the last ten years made a series of misguided decisions that consistently got him in trouble, creating unending problems for himself and his friends, and stifled his career.

He knew he wasn’t making the best choices, but it was as if he couldn’t help it.

This Paraliminal will help you make the best choices day in and day out. It will help break patterns that may be keeping you stuck. It will help you take the action you need. It will align your inner mind for success.

New Paraliminal #4: Recover & Reenergize
Get your body back to feeling great

This Paraliminal helps you bounce back quicker from any physical activity such as riding a bike, running a marathon, lifting weights, landscaping, or strenuous home improvement projects…anything that causes your body to feel tired and sore.

It helps you enjoy more energy and emerge with greater strength, endurance, agility, resilience, and flexibility. We originally created this Paraliminal for runners and soon realized that anyone who overdoes it would find immense benefit.
Each of these four Paraliminals can be explored in detail here:

Check out the Paraliminals

We can’t wait to hear how you like these new Paraliminals.

Paraliminally yours,

Posted By: Guillaume Re: Four New Paraliminals - 12/12/13 03:18 PM
Yesterday I received my 4 New Paraliminals which included the FREE Genius Mind DVD. Because I have always wanted to get that DVD & when this special offer came up, I just thought to myself what a perfect time to get it. I am so happy now to receive these & I can't wait to use them. Here's to "going beyond the threshold of conscious awareness!"

Posted By: prosperitylove Re: Four New Paraliminals - 02/14/14 12:48 AM
hi, how can I integrate the four new paraliminals into paraliminal accelerator? thank you!
Posted By: Alex K. Viefhaus Re: Four New Paraliminals - 02/14/14 09:21 AM
After, you've gone through the Accelerator once you can pick and choose where you might like to switch sessions. Note it on the circle which one you used instead. Trust your intuition on this.

Avoid switching a Paraliminal you feel uncomfortable using, instead try switching it with a Paraliminal you tend to enjoy. The Generator Paraliminal can easily switch the Generator Paraliminals in the Circle. You can switch Get Around To It or The Behavior Generator with the, Conscious Time. The Ideal Weight Session with Letting Go and the Renegerize for Prosperity or similar.

That's just some possibilities.

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