Posted By: lb confidence - 12/04/05 07:50 PM
hi could anyone recommened me a paraliminal cd that would increase my confidence and courage

Posted By: Unis Re: confidence - 12/04/05 08:49 PM

A good place to start would be the "Abundance" Paraliminal. Abundance just doesn't mean financial or material-type abundance - it's an abundance of everything.

So in your intention, express that you would like to have an abundance of confidence and courage, pause the CD if necessary to clarify how that would work for you when Paul asks the questions at the beginning of it, and hold that in mind as you allow yourself to just move down the middle of the Parliminal voices. Your mind will take care of the rest.

Then use Positive Relationships and New Behaviour Generator to back up your intentions.


Posted By: Alex K. Viefhaus Re: confidence - 12/04/05 11:14 PM
Self-Esteem Supercharger, along with Sales Leap.

I like Sales Leap because it is great for confidence in talking with others. An area where a lack of confidence and courage seems to manifest most of the time.

I think it could have a double edge. Confidence in what you say to yourself to motivate yourself.

Before using New Behaviour Generator I suggest New History Generator. Go back to the time when you acquired the skills you have now and collect the other choices you didn't make at that time.


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