Posted By: BubblesOfEvil Holy Good God!!! - 02/02/02 10:20 PM
OK, I added binaural beats to Prosperity, here are the instructions:

Brainwave Generator 3.16 - supplied the binaural beats, custom tailored for Prosperity and then exported to a .wav

Settings used:

Meditation(deep) - eight minutes, custom for Prosperity, sweep from ~12hz down to a nice borderline delta of 4hz.

Self-Hypnosis(complex) - ~7 minutes, this is a cool setting!!!

Outro - two minutes, for the countup & stuff at the end to help you out of that theta/delta state. =)

Goldwave - Three cheers for goldwave!! Used a 6' patch cable 1/8" connectors, plugged my tape player into the line in port, and hit record on my PC, and then play on my tape player. Let it run, and when it finished, trimmed out the crap (silence at the beginning and end) and saved it. (I have a 40GB hard drive, but you probably don't, so it'd be a good idea to convert the final mix to a .mp3 and delete everything else.)

Multiquence - This is what I used to combine the binaural beats and Prosperity.wav - two tracks, one for the paraliminal, one for the binaural beats.

Saved it, and I have the unregistered version, which won't let you export to a .wav file. Sooooo, good ol' patch cable, I connected my speaker out to my line in, made a new .wav in Goldwave, and you can figure out the rest. =)

I hacked this up about two days ago, and I listened to it literally just now. It's INCREDIBLE. I've never been so relaxed! And yet at the same time, the session was so intense. I used the visualization Dana reccomended (hopefully he'll post it on Monday if he sees this - hint, hint, Dana!!), and overall, the experience is impossible to describe. Pete/Paul, you guys HAVE to add binaural beats to EVERY tape!!! When you do the AAD remastering (for the conversion to CD format), you'll have a great opportunity to do this. If and when I get a cable modem, I'll send you the .mp3 of prosperity if you want, you can tell me what you think.

Well, I'm gonna go add BB to Dream Play. By the way, Pete, maybe if you combine the Sleep Induction setting with Dream Play B you'll finally be able to fall asleep during this tape. =)

Posted By: Brian649 Re: Holy Good God!!! - 02/10/02 04:39 AM
Evil, awesome power!

Paraliminals + BB's
I heartily second that!!

It would give us all a reason to buy the "new and improved" tapes again.

Plus it might really get BB's out into the culture. I think every household should own a mind machine...1000 times better than TV.

Posted By: Tantokris Re: Holy Good God!!! - 02/19/02 03:59 PM
Thank you for the suggestion. I combined the Memory Supercharger with meditation deep BB (adjusted the sound a little lower) and was amazed with results. I was completely relaxed and focused, but I absorbed every word of the paraliminal. Also, I had a slight headache when I started the session. After about two minutes, the headache was gone. When the session was over the headache returned briefly and went away. Combining Memory Supercharger with the binaural beat at least doubled the effectiveness of the paraliminal. I am very grateful you guys suggested it. Thanks again.

Posted By: darkblood Re: Holy Good God!!! - 02/20/02 05:53 AM
Could always team up with the Centerpointe people and make something truly remarkable. I have no problem falling asleep with Holosync.

Posted By: PaulScheele Re: Holy Good God!!! - 02/20/02 11:32 PM
Hi Folks,

Regarding offset binaural beat frequencies...

I've been a big fan of sound and light frequency stimulation for brain entrainment from the early days. You may know Synetic Systems built the first "downloadable" system (Mindlab DLS) to accept programming that mirrored state changes within the Paraliminal Tapes.

We explored putting offset frequency beats into Paraliminals but rejected the idea after a lot of experimentation. I remember using various square wave binaural beats and tweeking them until we got a relatively matched sound to the rest of the music. Because of the high rejection factor by those who are not into it, we bailed on the idea. Instead we score the music to my voice's tone center and rhythm to produce the desired effect. It is more tailored and people generally get into it. Personally, I'd rather use light pulses since it was reported that 90% of the entrainment effect is from the visual rather than the auditory. But...

Nowadays, the new Paraliminals all have brain synchronization frequencies imbedded within the environment sounds during the changework and integration sections of the recordings. The binaural beats come in the form of a type of phase shifting, creating essentially the same effect as the old tone beats.

In addition we enhance the music and environment sounds with Q Sound to get high definition spatial manipulation of the background.

The new Paraliminal CDs that are part of our Personal Learning Courses have track points on them. That way you can set your player to loop the changework and integration sessions. If you play that loop quietly all night long, research suggests that everytime you move into Alpha, your brain will record the messages, even during sleep.

The only other concern I had was the frequency settings you selected for the Brainwave bbs. I suppose if they work for you, go for it. But I would think that theta/delta is wrong for the changework. Low alpha/high theta maybe, but delta shouldn't show up until the integration.

Posted By: Jens Re: Holy Good God!!! - 02/24/02 12:20 PM
Hi Paul,

the new Paraliminals you're talking about, would this be all Paraliminals on CD? Or how is 'new' definded in this context?



Posted By: theerapun Re: Holy Good God!!! - 02/26/02 04:02 PM

What's the best body posture while listening to brainwave stuffs? The help section of brainwave program suggest to lie down. Is it like lie down when we sleep? Or extra concentration is needed?

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