Okay, here we go!

I'm sorry I've got to dig this up again, but I tried to make Paraliminal mp3s, for personal use only, and maybe to try and add some binaural beats ...
I'got a cable no prob, it's got one end in the headphone-plug, and the other in the soundcard line-in. Then I've got my headphones plugged into the soundcard line-out. When I play a paraliminal on the stereo tape-deck, it works fine with the headphones (so it can't be a hardware-problem).
However, when I record the paraliminal with CoolEdit or dBpower AMP, and then test it, it's mono! arrgh. I always check that I record in stereo, but the ensuing mp3 gives me mono-playback!

Anybody got any ideas??


If it is not a hardware problem then it is the settings in your software.

Make sure you refer to the manual and also try the manufacturers website.

[This message has been edited by Terry C (edited May 24, 2002).]

Most likely you have a mono cable. Check to make sure that the silver part of the plug has 2 black bands (these are dividers between left and right). If there is only 1 band, the cable is mono and you need to make a trip to Radio Shack.

Something I noticed when I did this, the channels were reversed so I had to have my software flip the channels.

Good luck!

nope ... 2 black bands ... and the soundcard is a SB64PCI ..


Stefan check the post I think I read something along the line of overcompressing mp3's makes them mono, having to make sure that the software doesn't compress them into mono. Someone had posted in detail how to do it on the forum...

Sorry I can't be more specific.


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