Posted By: Neo-Matrix Smoke Free -does it work? - 07/19/02 03:50 PM
i have a friend(my boss, too) who smokes like a pack of cigarettes a day, he's tried the gum, patch, inhaler, the works. but he just CANT stop smoking. he HATES smoking, but the craving wont stop. i want to know does the smoke free paraliminal really work? even for a physical addiction? i dont think i beleive that paraliminals can do much for a naturally addictive substance. someone tell me how it works. convince me. i want him to get this tape but i have to know its not gonna fail. thanks

Posted By: Neo-Matrix Re: Smoke Free -does it work? - 07/20/02 11:13 PM
ok well despite the lack of interest in my topic, i finally went to the descriptions of the paraliminals and found that smoke free has the highest satisfaction rate. im gonna buy it as soon as i get some more money. maybe ill give it as a gift... he might not want to spend the money himself.

[This message has been edited by Neo-Matrix (edited July 20, 2002).]

Posted By: AlexK Re: Smoke Free -does it work? - 07/21/02 12:50 PM
I can't say I've tested it since I've never smoked. The other paraliminals have had a healthy success... the motivation to give up smoking will still come from the smoker.

It will be interesting since the smoker needs to listen to side A daily until ready to go cold turkey then side B everyday for 2 to 3 weeks to stay on the wagon. So the motivation starts with getting into the habit of listening to the tape daily.

Tell us how it goes...


Posted By: starfish Re: Smoke Free -does it work? - 07/22/02 01:40 PM
The major motivation for someone to become smoke free is the desire to do so - the desire and determination to become, once and for all, a non-smoker. I stopped smoking on July 1 and although that has only been 22 days ago, I am confident that I am now a non-smoker. For me, the Smoke Free tape is a kind of pep talk. I have been listening to side B daily for the past three weeks, and it has definitley helped me in a positive way. I also did a lot of reading about the unhealthy effects of smoking, the damage it does to your body, how second hand smoke affects those around you, etc. etc. First you boss will have to want to quit smoking, but secondly if you can get him to use the Smoke Free tape I do not think he will be disappointed. It is definitely a useful tool.

Posted By: stace_45 Re: Smoke Free -does it work? - 07/22/02 08:53 PM
I've been using the Sedona method, before that I was smoking 2-3 packs of ultra-lights a week. I've found out that I liked to smoke for social reasons and it's an excuse for me to take a break and go outside. I usually work indoors and do allot of studying at school indoors. Right now I'm to the point were I don't care wether or not I smoke. I only smoke when people offer me cigarettes if I'm in a bar or something. When ever I get a craving I just release. The Sedona method worked well for me, I have to try and remember what it was like for me before I started using it, it's like I've always been this way.

Posted By: Neo-Matrix Re: Smoke Free -does it work? - 07/27/02 11:11 PM
he hates smoking, and has tried everything else, he is recently converted to christianity. he says that anyone who says they like smoking is lying. maybe it helps with social life, but smoking itself isnt a good experience. he has the motivation but he cant stop. i found out he smokes only half a pack of marlboro lights a day. ill try getting him the tape and see what happens

Posted By: MikeR Re: Smoke Free -does it work? - 08/26/02 08:59 PM
It worked for me - I gave up on the 28th September 1999 after smoking 40 a day for 25 years. Motivation for me was my kids did not want me to die.

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