Posted By: jeffrenal I want Affirmations and Visualization - 03/08/07 08:56 AM
Hi Everyone,
I hope someone out there has the answers I need about Affirmations and Visualization. I am being told the reason my wishes don't become reality, manifest is because I am not doing this correctly.
What is the "Proper" way or "Certain way" to word affirmations to get them into the subconscious so they resonate with what I am trying to manifest?
Is there a proper way to visualize what I want to make it more than a dream?
Any answers would be most appreciated!
Love and Peace,
Post deleted by Alex K. Viefhaus
If you have trouble with visualization and affirmations then you might consider audio programs such as "You Can Visualize" by Dick Sutphen. Photoreading also gives you an example of how to but I found Dick Sutphen's very detailed.
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