I'm clearly manifesting more Prosperity since I been working with the paraliminals almost daily and doing various other NLP exercises. I'm steal struggling with with my inner talk and thoughts , plus since I been working with these exercises ramdom negative crap from my past I thought I forgot about has been surfacing in head.

So what I started doing is using the Break the Habit Paraliminal with my goal as redirecting my unwanted negative thoughts.

Can anyone explain why my inner thoughts and self talk are are taking longer to change but I know I made a change at the core?
Possibly due to your "conditioning" since infancy, or toddler stage.
The constant "NO's! Dont's!" and other negatives,
embedded deep within your subconscious,rebel,as the subconscious,or reactive mind,wants to stay in command,have all control,all the say! So that may be why, the method used in your case,is slow in effect and result.

Try Laura De Georgio's "Clearing your negative voices".I think she has a sexy, foreign accent, which embeds deeper into the psyche!
Where as Dick Suphten is monotonous,one toned and makes you fall asleep!
Here's some notes from my "theory". Tell me what you think. Great,or a load of Horse droppings!

If you could "undo" your "conditioning's",those "NO's! Dont's! You can't!You aren't able! You'll never amount to anything! You're A Loser!" anagrams, deeply embedded into your subconscious mind over the years,by parents,extended family,friends,churches,educators and politicians... which cause you to "fear" the "unknown". Make you hesitate when opportunity arises, the belief the sacrifice or cost is too high or extremely beyond you,could you,or would you be automatically able to become exactly what or whom you so dream and desire to be?
There is a method I have tried and it truly freed me from control and manipulation via fear, fear of the unknown,etc. And now I believe I am TRULY free!
Originally Posted By: thevermin8tor
Possibly due to your "conditioning" since infancy, or toddler stage.
The constant "NO's! Dont's!" and other negatives,
embedded deep within your subconscious,rebel,as the subconscious,or reactive mind,wants to stay in command,have all control,all the say! So that may be why, the method used in your case,is slow in effect and result.

That's exactly what's rising up in my thoughts
This is why I'm going to be very careful what I tell my kids and I'm going to constantly tell them they can do anything they put their mind to. Thanks thevermin8tor I'm going to check that out.
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