Posted By: Randal intimacy related nlp question, serious - 12/02/01 12:58 PM
I'd like to get some help on this.. I have to use some "mature lingo" on this but it is a serious question and my life quality would, I dunno, double, if anyone could help me.
I've had intercourse with my girlfriend on one occation, at the point we were both virgins (though I were more experienced than her, I'd never had intercourse before). I was very afraid of loosing my erection, it had happened at another time (I was not concerned about it then, it just happened, first time and nervous as heck. Another girl, several years ago). It went smooth. Afterward I was the happiest guy on the block, I care very much for my girlfriend and I was glad to have done this.
When I saw her next time, (we live far away from each other due to studies) It got problematic, not for me initially but she found it painful. After that I developed a "stage freight". I've had like 3-4 encounters where I loose my erection at the point before entry (everything else is okay) and we haven't had it since that first time.
I'm seeing her in a week and you have no IDEA how much I'd appreciate any response. Please no flame messages, I don't know anywhere else to ask.
It seems that I've unintentionally have made a negative anchor. I get very focused on my "task" and then loose it. There's absolutly no physical aspect to it, it's mental.

It's all a matter of sensuality. If you can manage to get yourself caught up in the sensation of the experience, then you shouldn't have a problem. You're probably so worried about something OTHER than enjoying yourself, that your body's not properly prepped to continue with the deed. (I'm assuming that the assurance of an equally pleasurable experience for your girlfriend is included in that worry.)

If all else fails, extend foreplay. Good luck, champ.

Posted By: namrekca7 Re: intimacy related nlp question, serious - 12/06/01 04:41 AM
Your setting yourself up for failure by how your thinking. Relax. Sex should be fun and passionate not a chore. Erections come and go all the time its no biggie. It just gives time for other ways of pleasing, I mean your penis isn't the only instrument that could please. Let it come and go. Feel comfortable with your sexuality, and being close to your woman. Instead of thinking just feel. Experience everything. Take note of all your senses. Imagine making love is like a dance, where the music is the passion between you and your lady, the instruments- be they kisses, careses, holding, appreciating, moans, hair, all choreographing into a beautiful symphony.

Don't compare yourself to real or imaginary lovers. If you worry about what she thinks communicate with her how to tailor to her needs. There are a lot of supplements on the market that will help you by increasing desire, and blood flow. None can compare to how you use your mind.

I believe you are attaching unpleasant emotions and memories to a future condition. You get what you expect, so busy your mind with a flawless performance. Don't make it such a life or death situation enjoy it.

You're concentrating too much on the process or act of instead of enjoying what comes.

I remember once hearing that at any given time 'the tool' as I'll name it ... operates at different efficiencies. Don't expect 100% operation all the time ...

Relaxing is very key. Let me explain. One night, I had gone to bed before my wife to rest before you know what. Enter wife. Me wakey. Tool ready and charged at 100%. Relax.

Posted By: crazy08 Re: intimacy related nlp question, serious - 12/21/01 05:30 AM
Did you know that a man has an erection just about every 90 minutes? (unless of course you're incapable of erections in the first place) Why you ask? It's got something to do with keeping the bloodflow and other things healthy and functioning.
So if you go flacid in the heat of the moment, just tell her to stand by for another functions check. Or you can time it just right so that the functions check coincides with your moment of entry.
I'm not trying to make fun of you or the subject. I just had to get this useless fact out of my head and on paper. *Close enough*

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