What is the best psychological tools for self-defense and competition fighting? How can paraliminals be used for fighting advancement, and is there any other product on the market for this.

Hmmm, as far as paraliminals go, I'd choose New Behavior Generator, Self-Esteem Supercharger, and Personal Magnatism. For self-defence, there is also Relationships (might make people less likely to hit you), and Perfect Health (for healing faster if you do get hit). For learning things in general, Memory Supercharger and Personal Genius are very powerful.

I endorse everything Kaiden says.
In addition, some other companies offer subliminal or/and hypnosis tapes specifically for martial arts, although I haven't tried them and I don't know how powerful they are. If you do a search for Dick Sutphen you'l find he had a few things of that nature, although I have to stress again, that I do not know much about him or his products. Also, if I remember correctly, Innertalk has martial arts subliminals. I have used Innertalk's weight loss set with good results. I can really feel an attitude change, but the positive changes can take time to emerge.
Good luck!


I have been taking Brazillian jiu-jitsu for a few months now and use biofeedback and Tomatis tapes to improve my muscular coordination and visual learning/recall. IMO eeg biofeedback is very powerful for improving any kind of motor skills; of couse you may not have access to an eeg biofeedback computer so I would maybe recommend binaural beat tapes in the SMR and beta range.
SMR=12-15 HZ
beta=15=21 HZ
If you have a sound and light machine, you can entrain to these frequencies and notice the effect it has on your performance.
Spend about 20 minutes per day entraining in these frequencies and notice how you improve in a few days time. There are many audiotapes available which will have the same effect.

Centerpointe sells a very cheap Tomatis effect tape -- this is a tape with ultra-high frequencies that exercise the muscles of your inner ear, improving motor skills, coordination, and balance. There is also a slightly more expensive version available from toolsforwellness.com that has classical music and "audiophile" sound quality; also I think the frequency range is a little wider.

If you combine these two approaches, I think you will notice a significant improvement in your performance in a short period of time.

Good luck,


Some martial artists have successfully used the software program ThinkFast to improve reflexes, coordination and reaction time.

But, what about their self confidence in their martial art abilities in being able to defend themselves???

Also, is your goal hitting people, or is it Kung Fu? If it is the later, consider some form of qigong practice, to learn how to direct and enhance your qi.

John LaTourrette has done more research into using the mind in martial arts than anyone else I've seen. You really have to work at it though and his tapes are on the expensive side. Tony Blauer also has a good reputation if you want to be more conventional.

If you are serious about getting an edge and have the commitment, practice zazen meditation. This trains your mind to be empty and to move without thinking. You also learn to release all attachments to ego, fear, winning, and losing. Taken to extremes you eventually transcend duality, subject and object, becoming one with your opponent. At this point, you begin to know your opponent's moves even before he makes it.

A few people have attained this level. Traditional Japanese martial arts was tied to Zen Buddhism and it produced superior swordsmen facing life and death situations with pure detachment.

An easy way to get what you are looking for is to use the accelerated learning state. I've taught students to use the photofocus state and their reaction time and ability to deal with multiple opponents will increase instantly. LaTourrette teaches a version of this state with the kinesetic modality added and calls it Hakalau. I've been doing it ever since I took Photoreading.

Another technique to learn is Time Distortion. Richard Bandler took an 18 year old girl with no training, hypnotized her so she would see her attacker move in slow motion, and put her against a 5th dan in Aikido. She won because everything he did was slow to her.

There are ways to use your intent/mental focus/chi/ki/whatever to intimidate your opponent, slow him down, drain his energy (whatever that means), distract him, disorient him, or even stop his thoughts for a few seconds. Latourrette teaches some of these skills and you can also learn them in Ninpo though you'd have to train a long time before you can learn them.

If we're talking psychological deterrence, wearing a visible handgun is one of the best psychological methods of self-defense that I know.

Originally posted by shr33m:
If you are serious about getting an edge and have the commitment, practice zazen meditation. This trains your mind to be empty and to move without thinking. You also learn to release all attachments to ego, fear, winning, and losing. Taken to extremes you eventually transcend duality, subject and object, becoming one with your opponent. At this point, you begin to know your opponent's moves even before he makes it.

A few people have attained this level. Traditional Japanese martial arts was tied to Zen Buddhism and it produced superior swordsmen facing life and death situations with pure detachment.


Do you practice zazen meditation, and if so, how difficult is it to perform?

first off, i second the tony blauer recommendation, he is best known for really focusing on the psychological aspect of self defense, also check out flow state performance enhancment, at www.rmax.tv

Zazen is simple to learn but can be difficult only becuase most people find it hard initially to clear their minds.

See http://www.mro.org/zmm/zazen.shtml for instructions.

There are other various mental techniques for self-defense such as

* White light visualization for self defense and protection

* Mentally zipping your opponent down from the lower lip to the abdomen, and/or visually retracing major meridians backwards to induce energetic weakness

* Use of the "Direct Flash" technique written about by Theron Q. Dumont in his books to manipulate your opponent's thought fields

* etc...


i can recommend an excellent book that deals with exactly this pheneomena: Psychic Self-Defense by Robert Bruce. He also has excellent articles on his website www.astralpulse.com. I have used a few of his techniques and like his style sincerity and humblemness which clearly shows in his writings.


Richard Bandler's Supercharger/Turbocharger CD in his Personal Enhancement Series suggests you imagine yourself in a 40 foot puma, and to imagine your client, boss, or competition at the bottom of a valley. This would help in self-defense because if you think of your opponent as threatning it's already not an advantage for you. The Personal Enhancement Series has other CDs as well, like Wealth Planning, Tenacious Resolve, and Dream Machine which is a favorite of mine.


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