Posted By: Coldrayne Setting the Record Straight - 03/07/06 06:27 AM
A couple of my posts over on SFQ got edited because I went "off topic" so I think certain things must be said, more out of respect and giving credit to where the credit is actually due.

As much as I go on and on about Higher Balance's courses on this forum it's worth mentioning that I wouldn't be where I am today without Learning Strategies Corporation.

Without the Photoreading course I wouldn't have been able to get through ALL that I had to get through in order to arrive at where I am today. I literally would be 5 years behind where I am today. I wouldn't even know about the Handbook of the Navigator because I wouldn't have bought it. I would still be "slow reading" all the other stuff that I had. And if it wasn't for Photoreading I wouldn't have the time to invest in Spring Forest QiGong which is what lead me to want to understand "Lifeforce" and all it can do. I may sound like a preacher for Higher Balance but that doesn't make it the BE ALL END ALL of anything. It's just one part of a vast topic I happen to be focusing on right now. In a year or 2 I will move on to a bigger, greater subject because that's what we do. We don't stay in one place all the time and just sit around.

Nothing I ever say about anything else is a put down to LS. I've tried most of their stuff and I combine it with everything else and if you're here then you've done the same thing. One hand washes the other. One learning course makes you smarter so you can go back and get better results with everything you've learned up until this time. One thing isn't better than another. Higher Balance isn't better than Silva or Sedona, they're probably very similar and chances are in time (if we can) we'll learn it all and use it all and "stack" one system on another.

If we just stick with one guru we'll get bored. After I used SFQ to heal myself of every ache and pain I had I GOT BORED and wanted to see what this Lifeforce could do so I went back to Photoreading everything I could on the subject of Lifeforce and what did I find? Something more and something more and something more. It never ends. Learning never ends.

I just hope everyone understands that this is LS's forum and I NEVER in any way want to come across as not being appreciative of what they've done for me and I never in any way want anyone to get the impression that I think a course sold by someone else is better than anything here. I just like "a larger view" of things and tend to rand and rave about new things I find and since this is LS's website, we are all familiar with their courses and their course descriptions (on this site) are better than most of what I can say about the courses so I do tend to talk about "other" things a bit more but that doesn't in any way reflect how IMPORTANT something is or isn't. It's just a post, man. We're just talking.

Now that I got that off my chest, I feel better

Posted By: Alex K. Viefhaus Re: Setting the Record Straight - 03/07/06 07:32 AM


Posted By: jeffdengr Re: Setting the Record Straight - 03/07/06 10:25 AM
Aloha Coldrayne;

I believe that you are coming from a good place in regards to the enthusiasm you put out there regarding Higher Balance. If you are enjoying this then take this ride as long as you can as nothing lasts forever.

You obviously have jumped into a higher frequency of sorts with the inspiration you have found in Higher Balance but I would suggest that not everyone is in that same pace you were when you found "it".

There is an old tale by the Tinglit Indians in Alaska about crabs being caught in a pot. If one crab finds a way out of the pot the others will grab onto it and pull it back in so they all stay together.

So it would appear when you deal with different groups of people.

In my experience you can learn about Astral projection, teleportation, ESP, levitation, mind reading, remote viewing
and the never ending list of possibilities
out there that all await you, but what about right here and now?

Right here, right now you can choose to Love, Forgive and be Kind. You can decide to enjoy Happiness, Success and Peace based on the blessings you already hold.

You can always find that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence
but that is not going to benefit you here and now.

Life is one long labyrinth and soon as you find one answer, many more questions will pop up to muddy the water. To find the answers is good work, it is fighting the good fight.

But probably the greatest achievement is going down the path enjoying every moment of it as you go.

This old value of doing good work so that someday you will get to heaven I think is a bogus ideal.

stick your sword in the earth and say "Heaven starts right here and right now" The heck with waiting for it.


Posted By: Coldrayne Re: Setting the Record Straight - 03/08/06 07:39 AM
[You obviously have jumped into a higher frequency of sorts with the inspiration you have found in Higher Balance but I would suggest that not everyone is in that same pace you were when you found "it".]

Yes, I was finally willing to take a long hard look at science for the answers instead of dogmatic spiritual beliefs. HB is bent toward quantum physics as a medium to communicate.

[In my experience you can learn about Astral projection, teleportation, ESP, levitation, mind reading, remote viewing
and the never ending list of possibilities
out there that all await you, but what about right here and now?]

I am not leaving the present moment at any time. Those different radio like frequencies that you tap into exist right here, right now. You just tune to them. If you watch TV in your house, you do not leave your house but you tap into images and sounds via the medium and the connection. Now, if you get all worked up over what you see on the news (as an example) then yes, you've left the present moment and are now in thought about what you're seeing.

[Right here, right now you can choose to Love, Forgive and be Kind. You can decide to enjoy Happiness, Success and Peace based on the blessings you already hold.]

What is a blessing? It's a living force. Paramahansa Yogananda talked just like this. START with what you mentioned here. Using any ability doesn't impare or detract from those things you mentioned.

[This old value of doing good work so that someday you will get to heaven I think is a bogus ideal.]

Whoever wrote "the kingdom of heaven is within" actually went there, within. Touching another dimension does feel like you've gone to heaven. And it is here, now.

Posted By: jeffdengr Re: Setting the Record Straight - 03/08/06 11:13 PM
Aloha Coldrayne;

Although it seems on the surface that we agree I didn't jump in here to discuss abilities and doing things but more your response to things, like everyone should share your viewpoint and I don't.

The frustration you seem to put out there because you couldn't put HB on the SFQ forum. Being edited is not the same as being Censored.

BH is the right forum to express your views, the LSC Police will not be coming to take you away.

We all have to play by the rules because that's how we get along. Showing some common respect to the people that run this operation will only benefit you. ( No, I don't get paid for this). They are people too.

To tell you what I think is that you are bumping up against an internal barriier
that you are not facing and instead pointing fingers at everyone else making more problems for yourself.

A clue to this might be when you found SFQ Boring and weren't will to persist and go deeper into the emptiness and clear out this blockage.

You can sit there and "make yourself right, by blaming others" or your can deal with your own internal Kingdom of Heaven. You choose.

Hint: Go fight the real fight that you can win.



Posted By: Alex K. Viefhaus Re: Setting the Record Straight - 03/09/06 12:45 AM
People who are interested beyond the specific forums will be looking at the Beyond Human forum so rest assured your message is heard.

Your interest in Higher Balance doesn't belong on the other forums. People looking there are specifically looking for tips and advise that relates to their level of growth. Even when the individual ask a question that says they are interested in more we must be aware that there are people who are not yet at that point reading the forum.

When the student is ready they will find the teacher. They will then look at the Beyond Human forum because it is for everything that forum members have found that help them in their growth.

The rest of the forums we aim to keep on topic to allow the student to grow at their rate.

There are many roads to Rome (roam) we all get to where we are headed.


Posted By: chrisp Re: Setting the Record Straight - 03/09/06 02:20 AM
Your thoughts, knowledge and input have been valuable and helpful and are held in high regard by many of us.
You are very gifted in the way you are able to break down foreign and confusing ideas and make them understandable. You make things make sense to those of us who do not have the background (or patience) that you do and I have never once sensed an attitude of superiority or negativity or irritation in doing so. So, for whatever its worth, thank you. And keep up the good work.

Posted By: Coldrayne Re: Setting the Record Straight - 03/09/06 07:55 AM
[The frustration you seem to put out there because you couldn't put HB on the SFQ forum. Being edited is not the same as being Censored.]

WHOA! I'm not frustrated. The posts over on SFQ actually dealt with "dark entities" that someone was having difficulty with. When they edited me over there Brian pointed them here to the Navigator Post and what I didn't want people to think was that I thought that Higher Balance was the solution to everything.

[To tell you what I think is that you are bumping up against an internal barriier
that you are not facing and instead pointing fingers at everyone else making more problems for yourself.]

I think you missed what I was intending to say in the first place. I haven't pointed fingers and I'm not aware of what problem you're refering to. The edits over there just seemed to say that the Navigator post was what I was talking about. I wanted to "set the record straight" that I didn't want HB to look like my answer for everything, and that was what the edits seemed to say. I wish he would have just deleted them but oh well.

[A clue to this might be when you found SFQ Boring and weren't willing to persist and go deeper into the emptiness and clear out this blockage.]

This is exactly my point with SFQ. And it's why I continued my study of QiGong in general after I completed the course. I didn't find it boring. I found it to be very effective. Once I healed myself of all aches and pains I wondered what else "Lifeforce" could be used for. If "healing" is your only concern, then you'll look at every problem as a sort of "blockage." I just got interested in the part where we put energy back into the body. Remember the part in Level II where you put energy back into the body with the hands? I wanted to know if I was using my own store of energy or using the energy around me to do this. In studying EVERY style of QiGong I could find I found that there were several different belief systems. Some say you used your own energy, some say you used the person's energy, some say you used your guru's energy, some say you used the surrounding energy and some say you used energy from the spirit world and some say you used a combination depending on what you're intentions were. If I'm using MY energy, that's a finite supply that I must replenish. If I'm tapping the ambient energy in the room or tapping the "spirit world" then that's a limitless supply. With me, since I didn't have much to heal in myself I wanted to know if this Lifeforce could be used for something else. So that's what I'm doing now.

[I didn't jump in here to discuss abilities and doing things but more your response to things, like everyone should share your viewpoint and I don't.]

So far I haven't discussed a viewpoint that COULD be disagreed with. Even when I said that Holosync didn't "work" for me I said why it didn't and I also explained why it does work for those it worked for. The first post in this thread should have explained that although I ranted and raved about HB here, I contained all that jazz in one thread. I wasn't over on SFQ trying to preach about HB, I wanted to talk about going furthur with QiGong. Since QiGong literally means "energy work" I was responding to posts with that in mind, not following the outlines of the SFQ course, which is what they want and why my posts were edited. I wasn't pointed a finger at anyone about anything. Those posts got edited and made it seem like I wanted people to come over here and read the Navigator post, which made me seem like a preacher boy for HB, which wasn't my intention so I felt the need to "set the record straight."


[You are very gifted in the way you are able to break down foreign and confusing ideas and make them understandable. You make things make sense to those of us who do not have the background (or patience) that you do and I have never once sensed an attitude of superiority or negativity or irritation in doing so.]

Thank you! That's all I really wanted to do anyway. I was amazed at the emails I've gotten over the past couple of weeks telling me that they didn't understand the Foundation Meditation until I explained it. That blows my mind because there are 4 cd's that explain it before you even do it. All I really did here was repeat what I was told but in my own words. I'm not the originator of any of these ideas. They aren't mine.

The only reason I felt the need to bring HB to this forum was because of how much it increased the effectiveness of my Photoreading. I was struggling with Photoreading for over 2 years. I would get really good results one day, and none the next and I would get angry and frustrated with Photoreading and I would blame the system and it wasn't the systems problem at all. It was because one day I had high energy and another day I had low energy. The HB foundation meditation JUST gave me more energy. That's all. QiGong helped me work with what I had but I needed more "gas," so to speak.

The whole point of this thread was that I wanted people to know that one course amplified my results in another course. And then my results with yet another one amplified as well. But I'm not saying that one is "better" than another, but together THEY ARE ALL BETTER. Just beating your head over and over again with one approach is what I see alot of people doing in practically everything. Over on the Photoreading forum everyone is posting about the same problems and I think the problems have to do not with photoreading but with their bodies and the amount of energy they have.

I also noticed on the SFQ forum everyone is having problems also. I think they're trying to drive a car with an empty gas tank. But I don't want to start an arguement because my idea doesn't fit in with "detecting and eliminating energy blockages." That's great but after 10 or so SFQ treatments I think we can rule out energy blockages- they're GONE. If the problem is still there, I have an idea. But I can't say it over there. So I won't. I'll say it here. If they find it, they find it.

[You can sit there and "make yourself right, by blaming others" or your can deal with your own internal Kingdom of Heaven. You choose.]

I've said it before and I'll say it again. All experience is real. We can't know about something that isn't real. If it's not real, then we can't know about it. If we can know about it, it's real, in one dimension or another. Everything we have right here and right now once existed only in the realm (dimension) of ideas, but it did exist as a reality even if it was only there at the moment. It is AN ILLUSION to say that someone isn't at a level of understanding to understand something. When guru's and teachers want to shield their students from something outside of their own teachings, what are they doing? If I had listened to anyone regarding anything, I would have learned nothing. If an idea exists and I learn it, I can reach another one and if that brings me to the boundary of the current information- the only way to go is through the boundary. The boundary is the illusion. There is no emptiness beyond the known. Even empty space is filled with energy and information that no one even knows about and each one of us can be the first to know it, if we'll reach.

I had a long time spiritual guru tell me, urge me, not to study a questionable philosophy. But I didn't listen and I'm glad I didn't because it was exactly what I needed at the time. Now I know things that he doesn' t know and now when I go back and learn from him, everything hits me more intensly and it's all more real and alive, more so for me than his other students. Man, don't listen to ANYBODY about boundaries. There aren't any. Learn it all, do it all. Reality is what you know. Increase what you know and you increase your reality.

Jeff, you said, "the heck with waiting for it."

I agree.

Posted By: Jeanne Re: Setting the Record Straight - 03/09/06 04:49 PM

Thanks so much for your posts on this thread. You expressed quite eloquently some of my own thoughts. Occasionally, on SFQ I mention one practice or another that experience has taught me works very well with SFQ, even enhances it--and because it's not specifically taught in SFQ, it's poohpoohed and I suspect frowned upon. As a result, I try not to post over there any longer. That's just one example.

I love the LS products, and use a lot of them. They've helped me along the path immensely--but they are not the only products I use, and I know from the occasional ads I receive from them that the folks from LS use other things too--selectively, as most of us would.


Posted By: jeffdengr Re: Setting the Record Straight - 03/10/06 06:04 AM

Thanks for venting and please keep us appraised of all the recipes you try for cooking potatoes.



Posted By: Coldrayne Re: Setting the Record Straight - 03/09/06 07:29 PM
I can't. I'm on Atkins.

(just kidding)

Posted By: Coldrayne Re: Setting the Record Straight - 03/09/06 07:48 PM

You just said the same thing that I said only using alot less words. Thank you.

Posted By: Oxygen Re: Setting the Record Straight - 03/10/06 07:59 AM
After reading this discussion I can now see why I'm not comfortable in the SFQ Forum. I guess my *a* is not tight enough

Posted By: Coldrayne Re: Setting the Record Straight - 03/10/06 05:44 PM

I love SFQ and think that everyone should learn it. But don't turn to other students in the class and ask, "how am I doing?"

Posted By: Philip Re: Setting the Record Straight - 03/11/06 06:58 AM

I really don't understand the debate on this thread - from what I can see the debate is all about "turf wars and "boundaries" - of what can and cannot be stated on the Forum.

I believe you have done a cracking job creating awareness, applications and the ability for people to trade off your experience. You certainly have raised my awareness. I have even purchased a lot of the HigherBalance material.

Nothing you have stated - discussed and explained has turned my back on LSC products, the Fourm, SFQ etc. So relax and be pleased to know that I think you have done the Fourm a tremendous service. At last we are dealing with some great issues that enable us to integrate and co-create our personal development rather than "how do we use certain CD's etc level of questions" (Oh my God have I just opened a can or worms?).

This level of debate helps us to move to the strategic element of personal change rather than dwelling in the tactics. Thanks.

Posted By: Coldrayne Re: Setting the Record Straight - 03/11/06 02:41 AM
There wasn't a debate on this thread. I wanted to talk about QiGong on the SFQ forum and they wanted to talk about Spring Forest QiGong only. And I'm pretty sure Jeff thought I was stepping on toes, or something.

On the photoreading forum Alex let's everyone talk about anything at all and I just started posting on the SFQ forum with kinda the same attitude and I was a little stunned at the censorship, that's all.

[Nothing you have stated - discussed and explained has turned my back on LSC products]

Thank god. That was the main point of this thread. I didn't want to be the HB posterboy, I just wanted everyone to know about their Foundation course because I think it can enhance any other course they do whether it's Photoreading or QiGong or whatever.

[At last we are dealing with some great issues that enable us to integrate and co-create our personal development rather than "how do we use certain CD's etc level of questions" (Oh my God have I just opened a can or worms?).]

My favorite is, "how do I use Holosync?"

Um, you listen to the cd, or something like that.

Posted By: chrisp Re: Setting the Record Straight - 03/11/06 04:45 AM
"Um, you listen to the CD or something..."
I have to admit you are a hoot.
(but I am still waiting for the potato recipes)

Posted By: Alex K. Viefhaus Re: Setting the Record Straight - 03/11/06 06:21 AM
Originally posted by Coldrayne:

I love SFQ and think that everyone should learn it. But don't turn to other students in the class and ask, "how am I doing?"

By the same token "other students in the class" shouldn't direct people to other energy methods when the Master implores beginning students not to mix forms.

Remembering that not everyone who is beginning understands what is meant by that advise and having discussion about mixed forms becomes very confusing to the beginner.

As so pointedly mentioned many times Spring Forest Qigong is a way of learning about energy and there are many forms of Qigong, Tai Chi, meditations, hypnosis, yoga and products sold that aim to help people get in contact with the field.

When you get involved with any you should do it thoroughly. Know it well and know the other form well and how the energy moves before you mix forms. Some you might never mix. Each should have it's own time.

Knowing which one to do is confusing. One thing is certain when you do start one you should give it your best shot before you seek another.

If Shawn allowed discussion of all the different energy exercises people could do it becomes confusing to the newbie and those who made Spring Forest Qigong a part of their live (I'm talking 4 hours meditation a day minimum, Helping to heal others etc).

"Is this the best? What if I'm doing the wrong one, maybe I would get better result with..."

As Chuyni Lin will point out...Each is good if you are focused on using one Each should have it's own time.

Give the Newbies a chance to get to know Spring Forest Qigong as long as they only visit the Spring Forest Qigong forum that's all they need. They will visit the other forums when they are ready and want more.

That's why the Beyond Human forum is here so we can discuss the other energy forms, learning techniques and interest that help us as individuals to develop.

Coldrayne - the record is round and flat like a CD it keeps spinning in circles.

Spring Forest Qigong forum is for Spring Forest Qigong. It is normally a subject that you must learn in person to really get it. We receive a lot of emails and telephone calls asking for clarification after people talk about alternative methods on the Spring Forest Qigong forum. (Not everyone who reads the forums posts on the forums). So with experience under his belt Shawn will edit or delete posts which will create confusion or complaints. The Spring Forest Qigong forum is there for the people who have or are interested in the Spring Forest Qigong course. So if it's off topic.... *

You haven't been censored if you were you wouldn't be posting on the Learning Strategies forums

Learning Strategies welcomes discussion on what you are doing what products you have used successfully (that is not permission to use the Learning Strategies forums to market products I can and have deleted post attempting just that.). If you've used it and enjoyed the benefits tell us how it helped you and how have used it.

I have also moved posts from the other forums that were too removed from the topic of the forums here to Beyond Human so the other forums are not a free for all either


Posted By: jeffdengr Re: Setting the Record Straight - 03/11/06 09:34 AM

You seem to misunderstand what I was talking about. Let's pretend you enter into a Dojo or Temple and rather than follow the teachings you want to introduce your own thoughts, although the teachings at this place are centuries old and proven to work.

You want to use American Standard wrenches when everyone else only has Metric and they work fine.

There is a traditional answer to a students question using the exisiting tools but you jump up and try to take over the class with ideas that are very new and really have no proven track record.

I think you are doing a great disservice to those who are starting off with SFQ and introducing such a distraction where it does not belong.

You can whip help the student whip those demons right away with the new potato recipe. Till you meet one for real.

This is old school stuff like I said. My belief is that if it weren't for people like Master Lin or other true Master's in this world then things would be awfully bleak.

You claim to have studied under a Master but have now gone way beyond him. Did he not teach you anything of respect? He will always be your Master
no matter how smart you think you are.

If you were to pretend that going into the SFQ Forum was like entering a Temple where you could quiet your mind, enter the Emptiness and receive all the answers to all the questions you could possibly dream of, maybe it would be different.

I think if you had graciously said "excuse me I've made a wrong turn" no one would say anything but you started ranting and so here we are.

Oxygen thinks we're all tight's "A's" because you walked into the space and made a scene. I think it's your mess.

And it'sOK if you just don't get it.

Life is Good.


Posted By: Jeanne Re: Setting the Record Straight - 03/11/06 03:24 PM
Originally posted by jeffdengr:
I think it's your mess.

I think that's kind of ugly, and probably unnecessary. Coldrayne has already "taken it elsewhere" and is no longer "bothering" the people on SFQ.

Nor am I.

Much as I love what SFQ does for me, what I don't like is the almost fundamentalist and cultish atmosphere that some students seem to cultivate.

And maybe more than the students. Mixing energy forms? Well, let me just suggest that folks read up on the history of that part of the world--I won't just say "China" but consider, please, that there were trade routes where merchants traveled from the Near East to the Far East, with many stops in between. More than merchants--travelers, monks, and adventurers tended to travel with the caravans--and during the evenings around the campfires, discussions would include more than the day's journey.

The techniques of one Master were shared with another--someone would say (in their own words), "Hey, that works, let me add this one." And so on. What is now QiGong also has elements of other energy practices from more than just one place in China, and even places beyond China, including Tibet, India,and Persia.

So QiGong, including SFQ, comes to us in already "mixed" form.

That said, I respect the requests of the moderators, and do not post there (or even visit usually) any longer. I do my SFQ on my own, and if I have questions, I just wait until an answer appears either during meditation, or through re-reading the material.

No point in flaming over this. No point in accusing someone of "making a mess."

Posted By: Faune Re: Setting the Record Straight - 03/11/06 08:40 PM
I started on SFQ 2 years ago and only used the SFQ forum which was very helpful to me.
More recently I started visiting Beyond Human which covered a great many topics and answered a few more of my seekers questions.
I agree that Master Lin prefers that Beginners do not mix systems and thoroughly learn SFQ before adding other energy practices , however Master Lin studied with several Masters and also learnt Acupunture and Chinese Herbal medicine and does a form of Tai Chi as well: so he is definitely NOT against learning other systems nor does he claim SFQ is the only way.
My own feeling is that there is so much on the market and some of it is dubious.
LSC has integrity and its offerings are those which enhance our learning and can be trusted.
We rely on the people who test other methods to relate their experiences on this forum so that those of us who are still seeking have some point of contact and some clarification on the benefits or otherwise of other modalities to enhance our spiritual life.

So Thank You to all who participate and by doing so help the rest of us to understand a bit more.

Love and gratitude

[This message has been edited by Faune (edited March 11, 2006).]

[This message has been edited by Faune (edited March 11, 2006).]

Posted By: jeffdengr Re: Setting the Record Straight - 03/12/06 02:45 AM
Then I guess the record is straight now and time to move on?

Posted By: Coldrayne Re: Setting the Record Straight - 03/12/06 08:03 AM
I think this thread took an unecessary turn.

The only thing that happened was that my SFQ posts got redirected here and it made it look like I was harping HB to a bunch of people practicing SFQ. I wasn't doing that. I was trying to talk about "energy work" which is the literal translation of "QiGong." It looked like I was doing what Alex talked about- marketing for another company. No, no, no. Even though the "Navigator" posts went on for a long time, talk about HB has been confined to those threads.

My comment about "not turning to other students and saying 'how am I doing'" was a joke, like the joke about potatoe recipes. The point was, if you're even trying, I think you're doing it right- regarding SFQ. With the SFQ cds, videos and books, if you're following along, you will be doing it right.

Jeff, there isn't a "mess" either here or over there. Reread the first post in this thread. I basically said, "I did a booboo and I ain't gonna do it no more." I'm not mad that I got "censored" (I should have chosen another word anyway) and in fact what they changed them to was better than what I said originally, I think. I'm not bouncing over there and telling them how they should do things. The threads the got "changed" were off the SFQ topic anyway, so the answers were obviously going to be off topic.

[You claim to have studied under a Master but have now gone way beyond him.]

I did not say that. I said I studied a philosophy that he urged me to stay away from and as a result I now understand him better. I have more "references" that his other students. The philosophy was regarding reality vs fantasy and I learned that the fantasy is just metaphors for the reality. It was like a dead end that circled around to what he was teaching. So now when the metaphors are used (similar to the metaphorical language of the bible) I'm like, "oh yeah, I get it" where before I didn't get it. But I'm still just the student.

[I think if you had graciously said "excuse me I've made a wrong turn" no one would say anything but you started ranting and so here we are.]

I did say I made a wrong turn and I RANTED about how good Photoreading and SFQ was and how it lead to my understanding of so many other things. That's the message I tried to get across and if you reread the first post in this threa you'll see that's all I said.

[I think you are doing a great disservice to those who are starting off with SFQ and introducing such a distraction where it does not belong.]

I admitted that my posts were a distraction and I admitted that the edited versions were also a distraction. This whole thread was me admitting that I ranted and went off the deep end on non LS related material and I wanted everyone to know that LS's courses deserved all the credit for taking me to where I am today, because people have asked. Someone told me I was "advanced" and I certainly am not. I never claimed to be. I was only passing on information that I was taught by others. Those others deserve the credit. LS deserves the credit among many others.

["other students in the class" shouldn't direct people to other energy methods when the Master implores beginning students not to mix forms.]

I didn't know that. I wasn't told that. The subtitle of the SFQ forum link says..."For practitioners of Spring Forest Qigong to share stories and ask questions." I was also responding to questions that were offtopic to begin with so how could I have known? Besides, I wasn't saying "Hey, do it my way." I was saying "Hey, check this out."

[Remembering that not everyone who is beginning understands what is meant by that advise and having discussion about mixed forms becomes very confusing to the beginner.]

I wasn't advocating mixing teachings. One question was talking about psychic attacks and I responed and after all that's been said here, that question shouldn't have even been there. That's not a SFQ topic. I shouldn't have even seen the question.

[What is now QiGong also has elements of other energy practices from more than just one place in China, and even places beyond China, including Tibet, India,and Persia. So QiGong, including SFQ, comes to us in already "mixed" form.]

HallafreakinLeua! Someone else finally said it!

I wanted people here to understand that I was using what I learned in QiGong to understand OTHER evergy systems. I think it was that previous training that made me get such good results with HB.

Jeff, I've clearly miscommunicated to you and I'm sorry. And I never wanted to confuse any beginners over on the SFQ site. I wish I never started this thread. It's not a big deal but I made it a big deal and it's my fault, not yours.

Posted By: Alex K. Viefhaus Re: Setting the Record Straight - 03/12/06 08:47 AM
The techniques of one Master were shared with another...

Master. People with many years of experience and a deeper understanding of what they were doing.

Coldrayne. If I thought you were marketing another company for personal gains you would have received a warning from me long ago.

I'm sure people realise that since I allowed the topic to continue that you weren't bagging Learning Strategies. If anyone did suggest that, don't take it personally.

Spring Forest Qigong is a healing form of Qigong. People there in many cases are dealing with health issues. Going beyond that just isn't. their interest. They are also very familiar with their manuals.

["other students in the class" shouldn't direct people to other energy methods when the Master implores beginning students not to mix forms.]

I didn't know that. I wasn't told that....

Page 30 of the manual level 1 (tips)

I add that because I see the emails and Shawn gets the phone calls.

I think we can be clear, Coldrayne was not putting Learning Strategies products down. And he does think highly of them.

That there are many reasons why the Spring Forest Qigong forum remains tightly focused on Spring Forest Qigong some of which we may or may not understand. Get over it. When you were kids didn't you have rooms where your toys were absolutely verboten and you still managed to bring an occasional toy into the room. However as soon as it was too much you were sent with your toys to the permitted room? We have the Beyond Human forum to discuss anything that interests us. Call it our playroom of the house.

And no matter how eloquently we write our written words never adequately carry our inflection and intent. So lets not take it personally and lets get back to playful explorers of our reality.


Posted By: jeffdengr Re: Setting the Record Straight - 03/12/06 09:09 AM

Thank you for your sincerity. Perhaps we could start again on something more constructive.

You do have a gift for communicating your understanding to others and obviously many people like you because
of your willingness to help and answer questions.

One lesson that I have learned over the years is that we are much stronger together than apart or fighting each other.
Sometimes working together is not the easiest thing to do until having exchanged some energy and worked it out. Like growing pains. It pays dividends down the road.

Wishing you all success.


Posted By: Jeanne Re: Setting the Record Straight - 03/12/06 05:36 PM
Originally posted by Alex K. Viefhaus:
quote: The techniques of one Master were shared with another...

Master. People with many years of experience and a deeper understanding of what they were doing.

To be more accurate, I should have said "master" and "masters-to-be." The point I was trying to make is that all kinds of people traveled these routes in these caravans (usually, although sometimes traveling alone too!) and much information, along with trade goods, was exchanged.

That said, I just want to be clear that while I disagree with the reasoning, this IS LS's house, and the rest of us are just visitors here and need to mind our manners. Which is why I don't post on the SFQ part of the boards--even when I try not to, it seems I step on toes over there. I do like "Beyond Human" lots more, for that reason.

Posted By: 3DLifestyle Re: Setting the Record Straight - 03/12/06 11:05 PM

All n All, I thank you for posting on the beyond human forum about the Handbook of the Navigator and the Foundation CD's from HB. If it wasn't for your postings, these fine products would still be sitting on my bookshelf gathering dust. I'm also a very happy and permanent customer of LSC. I own quite a number of their paraliminal cds. I also own and use photoreading. You have a unique way of explaning things and without that uniqueness i would have still been confused. Thanks and keep the winds to your back & cameosis in your heart.


Posted By: Coldrayne Re: Setting the Record Straight - 03/13/06 04:14 AM
[I'm sure people realise that since I allowed the topic to continue that you weren't bagging Learning Strategies. If anyone did suggest that, don't take it personally.]

I don't think anyone suggested that.

[Spring Forest Qigong is a healing form of Qigong. People there in many cases are dealing with health issues. Going beyond that just isn't. their interest.]

I know that now but I didn't before, but it was the way I was interpreting the course. Level II seems to be totally focused on healing. Level 1 didn't seem like that at all. In many of the exercises you are moving energy around and in your body. In the Hindu Kriya Yoga system you do something similar but they won't show you that until you study Kriya for at least a year and I was surprised that SFQ "got to the point" in level 1. I'm talking specifically about "moving yin and yang." In Kriya, that is the high point of elevating your consciousness and preparing the vessel (of your body) to accept the higher vibrations of the energy worlds. But of course, I'll keep stuff like that here from now on.


Thank you for the kind words! I'm glad that something I said caused you to use something you already invested it. I have lots of courses sitting on my shelf too that I go back to now and then and I'm surprised at how much I missed the first time around. I think it's because WE do change over time. The more we know, the more things become real for us and not just ideas.

© Forum for PhotoReading, Paraliminals, Spring Forest Qigong, and your quest for improvement