Posted By: matthat A question about audio CDs - 08/13/06 09:28 PM

I'm a novice photoreader interested in improving my skills, so I bought the "memory supercharger", which I find a very relaxing listen, although I can't be sure I have seen any improvements as yet.

My question is - there are lots of CDs discussed on these forums, such as Holosync and iMix, all of which come with pretty daunting price tags, particularly by the time I've paid the duty to import them in to the UK. So, if my purpose is specifically to improve my photoreading skills, am I best off with the memory supercharger.

And perhaps a secondary question is, should I invest in one of the expensive programmes to enhance my overall development, which one is the best investment??


Posted By: Alex K. Viefhaus Re: A question about audio CDs - 08/16/06 02:59 PM
The correct way to use the Memory Supercharger for learning PhotoReading.

Listen to it daily for a week with your purpose for listening in mind. Then when you apply the PhotoReading steps at the end of a learning session you can listen to it again.

Since you are learning from the book be sure to follow the outline of the 5-day test from page 76 of the book. Use it on a number of books of personal interest before using it on school or study related material.

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