Posted By: Linut What should I see on the blip page? - 01/01/09 11:13 AM
I have a problem with photoreading.
All information from book (I think) I get from preview ,postview and activation,but not from photoreading.
My question: What should I see on the blip page while photoreading?
I sometimes see mixed text from both pages,sometimes text from one of the pages.Is it OK?
thankin you in anticipation
Posted By: Jacktuff13 Re: What should I see on the blip page? - 01/02/09 08:06 PM
You won't think you're getting anything from the photoreading step, especially as a beginner.

All the information available to you on a conscious level will be from those steps, yes.

After you photoread a lot, you will strengthen the gap between the conscious and non conscious mind and will be able to get information you want after just a photoread.

The blip page is nothing to worry about, just don't focus on the words, and make sure the whole book is in your view, so that you can see the center and all the four corners of the book.

The mixed text is fine, you shouldn't even be thinking about this while hotoreading. Just focus on the chant, and trust that you're taking in the information.
Posted By: Linut Re: What should I see on the blip page? - 01/05/09 08:24 PM
How many books should I read to be good at photoreading?
I know it's hard to say,but can you tell an average?
Posted By: Linut Re: What should I see on the blip page? - 01/05/09 08:32 PM
How many books should I read to be good at photoreading?
I know it's hard to say,but can you tell an average?
Posted By: Jacktuff13 Re: What should I see on the blip page? - 01/05/09 10:13 PM
Well, everyone becomes natural with certain things at different rates. What I can tell you to do, that will work, is use it on everything, even if you don't activate, until it becomes natural.

Don't think more about being good or bad at photoreading, you CAN do it. Be more focused on the book itself, on getting the information you want, and be focused on knowing that you have the information you want from it.
Spend less time previewing and then during activation pay attention to feeling or sense of familiarity. the idea that you understand this already or are familiar with it is one way or recognising that something is happening during PhotoReading.

Also try PhotoReading a thriller just before sleep and notice your dreams. Also dreams about PhotoReading and seeing pages of books are messages that your brain is working on stuff you PhotoRead.

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