Posted By: AkaCharlieG Spontaneous Activation - 01/19/09 08:52 PM
I know this is not what I should be spending my time working towards. But my curiosity can't help itself.

What is a spontaneous activation like? Can I hypnotize myself and auto suggest things that will help stimulate one? How long does it take?

Really I just want to know. So that I can know if it will be worth PRing 5 or 6 extra books a day that I know I won't have time to activate.

Posted By: criss Re: Spontaneous Activation - 01/20/09 04:23 AM
I have PR about 30 books,but nothing came up to me.
Posted By: Yukala Re: Spontaneous Activation - 01/20/09 08:29 AM
The limits that bind are the ones admitted.

Stay on course wanting what you want. Feed desire, nurture her as goddess you might steal away with secretly and love.

Spontaneous activation is when that Goddess comes real.
Posted By: Jacktuff13 Re: Spontaneous Activation - 01/21/09 02:55 AM
I was recently reading old posts on the forums in my spare time, and one I came across by Pete Bissonette stated that the more he photoread, the more spontaneous activation that occurred.

30 books? I maybe did that in my first week or two of photoreading, yet I didn't spontaneously activate anything. Actually the dictionary game was the first time I actually had spontaneous activation, and that's what sold me. It was too exact, there's no way it could've been a coincidence.

Anyway, my point is, 30 books is nothing to a photoreader. Photoreading 30 books maybe in a week or so, for a few weeks, and you'll start to NOTICE your spontaneous activation. See the thing is, you're always spontaneously activating through the image stream, but those ideas go unnoticed. Photoreading and activating more builds that connection which helps you notice those images and ideas, leading to spontaneous activation.

Keep going for it, you will achieve what you want.
Posted By: AkaCharlieG Re: Spontaneous Activation - 01/23/09 02:22 AM
Thanks Guys! I'll keep that in mind.
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