Posted By: Raanan Hadar question about photofocus - 05/16/01 08:10 PM
1. how big is ur blip?
2. how far beyond the book do u usually look?

im trying 2 work on my photofocus cause i c the blip still i think im a bit of defocusing my eyes or just plain diverging them than just looking beyond the book.

Raanan Hadar

Posted By: Dana Hanson Re: question about photofocus - 05/18/01 02:49 PM
It varies depending on how relaxed you are. Anywhere from 1/2" to 2". The more relaxed you are, the larger the blip.

If you peek above the top edge, you should be able to see something clearly a couple feet beyond.

Give your awareness to the outside white margins as you turn a page per second in a steady rhythm and comfortable pace. It's alot like the vision we use when we're driving. A soft gaze for everything in our peripheral field.

And, feel free to get creative with the closing affirmation statements. Direct your inner mind to jumpstart your activation sessions. Request to recall a dream sequence where your inner mind reveals a solution or insight.

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