Posted By: BlkWolf Subliminal Filters - 06/19/01 08:00 PM
Hello, This is my first posting on your Forum. I have spent the last few days going through the forum in hopes to get an understanding to what I have signed up for, and try to get a flavor of the questions I myself may face while starting the photoreading program.

What attracted me to this program was the similarities it held to what I already grew up knowing. I knew growing up, that the mind stores everything it has ever scented. This was something I learned back around first grade. From that understanding, learning to me has always been a myth, but one that I knew no other way around. I knew that true learning was nothing more then recalling information which was already stored in the mind. Spell a word correctly once, the skill and ability has already been established. This understanding was emphasized while learning WuShu. One thing which stood out like a sore thumb was the Chinese concept of "no mind". That only further assured things which I felt to be true all along. (no, I am not Asian, I am a pure blooded Californian, native even)

I am very hopeful and extremely non-skeptical, that the processes taught in photoreading will success as presented. I can only hope that my effort will not get in my way of success. I can go on about my ultimate goals with starting this process but I will leave that for another post, another time. On to my question.

Subliminals where understood and used in advertising for many years. From the water droplets forming the word "sex" to the backwards masking in many popular songs. Apparently this got so far out of step that laws where passed to prevent them from occurring (this is not something I know as fact, but something I had heard.)

When the PhotoState is obtained, does that subject the mind to a much greater state of suggestibility? What made subliminal so diabolical was that they would bypass the mental filters and store their information in the mind like an intruding virus. Taking from what I read from Sidis

"if in two hypotheses the consequences are the same, the two hypotheses may be considered as identical for all purposes of further reasoning."

(Yes I had to ready that statement a few times to understand)

With that, what form of warnings, failsafes or education has been provided by Learning Strategies to its customers concerning the hyper-suggestibility of the mind during a photostate? I freely admit my own ignorance to you concerning your program. I am not a physic major but a life long student.

If I have missed a post which already addresses this question then to all, my apologies,

Thank you for your time and I look forward to the lessons ahead,


Posted By: Michael Saikali Re: Subliminal Filters - 06/20/01 12:18 PM

Good to have you aboard! Cali ... one of my goals in life is to sometime visit that great state!

Think or envision "Photofocus" as a pathway leading or opening to the subconscious mind.

The ability to apply suggestions to the sub conscious mind depends at which level of relaxation you have. (Beta, Alpha, Theta etc and their degree)

Their is no such thing as ignorance, just the opportunity to learn!

Posted By: BlkWolf Re: Subliminal Filters - 07/02/01 07:57 PM
After going through the program, I can see where this subject would have willingly been overseen on this forum. Could I raise the original question once again to get one of the experts oppionions on this subject? I have some views on it but I would much rather get a profesional response before offing up my own understandings.

Thank you for your time,


Posted By: Jens Re: Subliminal Filters - 07/03/01 10:34 AM

No expert, but...

OK, the difference between subliminal manipulation and PR is that, in PR, you have a clear intention for your suggestible state - and you know that you are in an altered state of mind.
First, your intention should act as a filter.
Second, your knowing of your state will be a defense too.

And you can actively defend yourself against manipulation: Choose a time and place "where you are reletively free from distractions" (Paul Scheele). Oh, and you could instruct yourself to only accept positive input or even create a detailed list of things not to notice.

But, my personal view: Since we all are steadily manipulated I don't think the PR-time will make a great difference.
Just be aware of yourself, your thoughts and actions, or, to put in in the way of LSC and Natural Brillance: Release - Notice - Respond - Witness.


Posted By: Michael Saikali Re: Subliminal Filters - 07/04/01 02:26 PM

Your degree of belief and practice are two very determining factors in what you quote as 'experts'.

Experts is only a term given to one who has had the 'opportunity' to 'practice' over a given 'time'.

This being said, with all the bright, energetic and determined individuals on this DB ... I'd say that many 'experts' already exist. It's a matter of your interpretation or view on what you consider to be an expert.

To truly benefit, succeed and grow ... one must be willing to be open ... to all opinions.

Opinions be it from a newbie or an expert are pathways to improvement.

Just a thought/opinion from a soon to be 'master'!

Posted By: BlkWolf Re: Subliminal Filters - 07/06/01 04:49 PM
Thank you for your words of wisdom Michael Saikali. I agree with everything you had to say concerning my response to the former post. My intentions where not to belittle any ideas or concepts developed by those passing by these collection of words, but a request from those who have been through the path and developed the energy-time (KungFu) in these technologies.

The information you posted prior I found that I had a similar understanding. However, there are allot of questions still untouched from my original post. It surprises me in ways that these questions have gone untouched by those who support this process and those who sacrifice their time to teach using this medium. Questions concerning subconscious filters and subliminal, I would imagine is directly in line with this learning material.

Ignorance: I acknowledge my ignorance so that I can further grow. A true master never welcomes his understanding as complete, but basks in the breeze of questions each answer provides. A true master remains a student. (I present this only as my own understanding) Without the acknowledgment of ignorance, can you truly focus on your path of growth? To me, its a crime that the word has been so polluted within the English concept of the word. I not only welcome my own ignorance but embrace it. Through that acknowledgment, I can find hope in the on going growth known as life. It is my teacher.

NLP shocker: My original question was one of a very real concern about the PhotoReading process and this companies presentation of this technology. PhotoReading was developed from the understanding and practice of NLP. (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Some on this forum, I feel, have a good understanding of what this entails, but more I fear do not. I can not stand here as any expert on the subject of NLP, but I have kept my eyes open on the subject and will soon begin furthering my development of this technology. The things I have learned about NLP, has scared me into a need to understand it further. Who here would not raise a brow of concern with the understanding that someone can talk to you on both a consciously and subconscious level, while planting triggers of their own design into your mind without your understanding or agreement? The name says it all, Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

Technology != (good or evil): I believe in the neutrality of all Technology, its the application of those wielding the technology which makes it good or evil. (yes, I am a firm believer of such ancient things as right and wrong). Look through the history of yesterday and the history known as today. Who here can see in the past, leaders who used social physiological manipulation? Look around in today's world, who here sees the Ramped display of so called religious leaders using the same techniques of mass-hypnosis and social physiological manipulation? To me, these are very clear demonstrations of a technologies evil uses. The saddest part is, far to many are willing flock to those who can give them an experience but offer so little truth. Not surprising in a Microwave TV dinner world where "instant" is the only acceptable time frame. Who is around asking these hard questions? Who is around asking if these technologies are understood and their usages known? Now to throw you all a curve,

I believe that the PhotoReading, whole mind system, is one of the best things to hit this population in a very long time. Through the practices and development in activating the whole mind into internal communication, these warning signals become brighter and brighter as the subconscious picks up which the conscious doesn't. Subliminal Filters should be established in the other then conscious mind. Ever heard a song that gave you the creeps? Ever talked to someone who made you uncomfortable? To me, these are the subconscious filters at work in every day life. These filters should be placed and nested deep within the other then conscious mind where they can warn us of things our conscious mind has and will miss. (miss by sure design in NLP) Those who read the Bible may find this defined as "discernment". True discernment, I believe. can only come from aligning your spirit with that of our God, Jesus. (I leave your beliefs and definitions to yourself and simply present my own). Regardless of your alignment, the mechanism of this decrement is found within the whole mind itself. Going through a process which trains the mind to better communicate within itself, can only enhance these filters.

They Mystery of Questions: Assuming all which is stated within the PR system is true, our mind-body is picking up FAR more then the average person realizes. Being Bio-Electrical creatures, are we communicating to one another in other then visual and audio means? What would make the transmission of intelligence different between two electrical systems, different then another means of electrical intelligent transmissions? You turn on your radio, you hear words and music. This is a means of communication from one electrical system to another. One electrical system is designed to transmit the intelligence while the other is designed to receive that intelligence. Is there more in a handshake then we know? What truly is exchanged when the Laogong of two meet in a friendly hand shake? Are we humans sharing an other then perceptible communications with one another? Are we engaging in an other then conscious electrical communications with one another? Would not a study of the whole mind system better develop the skills for understanding and translating these communications within ourselves? Americanistic history would call this ESP, Asian history would call this Qi.

Original Question: As you can tell, I am a life time of questions and concepts, as you all. Knowing that PR was founded off the technology of Neruo-Linguistic Programming, I have/had questions about the NLP technology being used to teach PR. What this means is, when you purchase the tapes, do you (as the client) accept the other then conscious methods which (yet to be confirmed) are used to help teach you these techniques? Michael Saikali, could you confirm if NLP methods are used within the Self learning course of the PhotoReading system? I can confirm that the Parliminal tape which came with the source does use NLP techniques to plant triggers and redefine the concepts of its listener. I went through the system accepting this fact. I went through the reading course placing an Immense Trust in Learning Stratifies that their intentions are founded in the utmost of Integrity in their goal to provide accelerated learning to it's clients. I trust Learning Stragities hold the highest respect for all who will come to them for learning and who open themselves to the techniques used to bring them further down that road. Personally, as a client, I would want to know if NLP techniques are being used on me. That is only respectful. That is the foundation of my original question. I wanted to see if the established Learning Strategies Cooperators would even touch such a question? The sad part, its assumed that the answer is, no.

I write this in hopes that anyone in the future interested in such things will have one's perspective to keep in mind when looking at this Course. I have not found anything malicious within the PhotoReading Whole Mind System. I will continue to look deeper and deeper to confirm those feelings. All I can do is encourage the supporters of this course to have faith in the integrity and respect their company carries for it's clients. And future clients, know what you are doing, and who is doing it to you. (I speak, universally)
Thank you all for your time and patients on this long winded fellow. Together our growth will reach vast, our understanding shared and our insights deepened.


P.S. Honors to you my fellow traviler upon the Master's Path. And my thanks for your offerings.

Posted By: mgrego2 Re: Subliminal Filters - 07/06/01 06:59 PM

You certainly raise some interesting points.

I was certified some years ago as a practitioner of NLP. That's as far as I went but it has given me perspective. It's true that an individual gifted in NLP techniques could plant triggers and anchors, however, any of these acts require your cooperation at some level. It may be that I've never met anyone truly gifted at NLP, but I am skeptical that too much damage could be done using "stealth" NLP. A person could elicit a state in you and then anchor that state. I would argue that this happens all the time and that we all do it to one degree or another on others (albeit without our conscious awareness). But,bear in mind, those triggers and anchors require reinforcement. I believe that we all have this discernment and we will pick up on continued "stealth" efforts. I think you're in far greater danger from inept use of NLP at the therapeutic level than you are from an acquaintance slipping techniques in on you. People tend to turn themselves over to therapists much more readily than to strangers.

As far as subliminal advertising goes, they couldn't make you do anything that you weren't already predisposed to. For instance, they can't make you go buy a bucket of popcorn at the movie if you: 1. Don't like popcorn. or 2. Think it's an absolute crime to spend $4 for $0.30 worth of raw materials...

There are certainly NLP language patterns in the Learning Strategies tapes and you DO turn yourself over to them to some extent. However, I've not detected anything in their tapes that would suggest an intent to do anything more than is promised in their literature.

Regarding levels of communication, there is a relatively new book called "The Other 90%" by Robert Cooper. He points out recent discoveries that we each have three brains: the brain we think of, a "heart" brain, and a "gut" brain. These areas are called brains because of the neurological "bundles" discovered there. He contends that we all use the three brains in a specific sequence. We first process with the gut brain, then the heart brain, then the brain. Each is progressively slower than its predecessor. When we feel uneasy about an issue, it's because one of the brains came to a different conclusion and the lack of consensus is bugging us. He also states that the "heart brain" gives off a MUCH stronger signal than the "brain brain." It has a signal that can go out 10 feet or so and others pick up on it. When we can sense that a friend or loved one has a problem before they tell us or show it, it's because we're picking up on that signal. It's an interesting book and this contention has interesting implications about our interactions with others and about the idea of intuition.

Getting back to the idea of filters...If you're willing to accept that the unconscious mind is able to evaluate text that is "scanned" into it to find information relevant to your probing questions, it doesn't seem like a stretch to also assume that it is capable of applying filters to the content. If it can look for answers to questions, why can't it also evaluate that material and say, "You know what, this author is suggesting things that are repugnant to my world view."

Sorry for the rambling. Just some thoughts triggered by your thoughts.

Posted By: Kato Re: Subliminal Filters - 07/14/01 06:50 AM

The truth is, not comforting, to say the least.

My NLP instructor attented a seminar where a practitioner sat down and had a casual conversation with an audience member.

After several exhanges of question and answer, the recipient simply passed out. He was deep in a hynotic state. There was no discussion, or information offered to indicate that he was the target of NLP, or that they were conducting any sort of hypnosis. The whole technique was deeply subversive and hidden within the conversation.

Thus, it can be used against your will. Some of the less scrupulous (and highly talented) practitioners can (and do) give phobias and neurosis to their prey. I certainly hope that these people were not willing recipients.

In any event, there are no huge hoardes of evil NLP masters running amuck trying to turn us all into Ablutaphobists(afraid of bathing... although, looking around, one might wonder). However, I cited some specific and rare examples to demonstrate that it can, and is, used against the will of the recipient.

Most directly, this is done by making the recipient think he/she is recieving something they want (like any good scam), thus making the efforts easier.

However, in martial arts, I have occasionally used NLP against advanced students, very against their will, to defeat them in sparring matches, contests, and other competitions. (Mostly to stengthen them against, and teach awareness of, such weapons) So, it stands to reason that it can be used in vulgar disregard of the recipients will as well.


The answer to your question is yes. The PhotoReading system employs NLP techniques to teach, refine, and utilize the skills presented. Beyond this, the skills presented ARE NLP. This isn't something they hide (as I was able to find indicators in the products discussion and descriptions), however, it isn't directly mentioned either.

NLP is a vast arena of study, and blends quickly into the arena of higher thinking and cutting edge mental awareness.

Probably the only way to feel secure that the NLP techniques used are wholesome and good for you is to study enough NLP to understand (in depth) what is taking place. I realize that you have taken steps at this point to do just that.

Kato (RW)

© Forum for PhotoReading, Paraliminals, Spring Forest Qigong, and your quest for improvement