Posted By: Marian I'm Stumped By The Tangerine - 12/04/01 01:37 AM
I seem to have a problem with the Tangerine theory. Does anyone have a different way for me to accomplish this? When I meditate or use self-hypnosis...I can use the "third eye" easily enough but this really has stumped me.


Posted By: glasseagle Re: I'm Stumped By The Tangerine - 12/04/01 03:02 AM
it is just like the thinking cap you did in kindergarden all it does is just to keep you mind on the book insted of what you have to do tomarrow or what you did yesterday or somthing

Posted By: glasseagle Re: I'm Stumped By The Tangerine - 12/04/01 03:03 AM
sorry for my spelling

Posted By: Marian Re: I'm Stumped By The Tangerine - 12/04/01 03:06 AM

Hmmmmmmmmmmm. I still don't understand. I need some better description in order to visualize this "tangerine" or "thinking cap".


Posted By: razordu30 Re: I'm Stumped By The Tangerine - 12/04/01 03:48 AM
I guess you could picture one of those cardboard birthday hats rubberbanded to the back of your head. Alternatively, you could probably go out and buy one.


Posted By: Marian Re: I'm Stumped By The Tangerine - 12/04/01 04:02 AM
ROTFL, Ramon. No, no, no...I need something better to visualize...something that I can wrap my mind around. For some reason the hat, cap, tangerine just isn't working for me. I just can't grasp this idea.



Posted By: eagerchild Re: I'm Stumped By The Tangerine - 12/04/01 05:31 AM
After doing the tangerine technique, i could somewhat feel that the tangerine is on the back of my head. This is not just a visualization, but an acutal feeling.

So I'm guessing that you could try putting the tips of your fingers on the back of your head and while gently pressing on it, start rubing it in a circular motion for about 5 secs or so. After doing this, you should feel as if there is a point of attention on the back of your head.

*It's best to do this while being relaxed, and make sure you dont think about ANYTHING*

Posted By: Marian Re: I'm Stumped By The Tangerine - 12/04/01 05:35 AM
OK, Eager. I'll try what you've suggested. Perhaps I'll try and get myself into a state of self-hypnosis for this.

Meanwhile...back to the tapes.


Posted By: Andy030 Re: I'm Stumped By The Tangerine - 12/04/01 05:35 PM
Visualizing myself with fruit on my head doesn't really inspire me so I visualize a huge light beam going into my head at that exact spot where he tells you to put the tangerine.

Your head is somewhat down so the light would be comming straight down into the top of your head.

Got the idea off some meditation tape.

Posted By: razordu30 Re: I'm Stumped By The Tangerine - 12/04/01 07:50 PM
I remember the first time I tried to use the tangerine technique...let's just say it wasn't working.

My visualization (this is graphic) was that a nail was in the back of my head. It was holding up a sign that said, "Concentrate, stupid!" Believe it or not, this kind of worked.

That and the "picture you're standing just behind and above you" thing.

-Ramon ("No quote this time, guys...instead, check out this insane link that seems appropriate:" -Wow...just wow)

Posted By: Marian Re: I'm Stumped By The Tangerine - 12/05/01 01:57 AM
Thanks, Ramon & Andy. So far, nothing has worked. Sigh. I'll keep at it until something does. Oh, and my #2 tape was eaten by my tape recorder. Brand new boombox, too. I've temporarily taped it to get through the program.



Posted By: shaan Re: I'm Stumped By The Tangerine - 12/05/01 04:32 AM
This is what you do. Tape a penny or anything small to the back of your head and focus on it. If that doesn't work then bang the back of your head on a wall(lightly) or knock on your head with your fist. Now focus on the point where you banged your head. It should work.

Posted By: Marian Re: I'm Stumped By The Tangerine - 12/05/01 04:41 AM
Thanks, Shaan. I'm not usually this dense but I have been trying this with no results. I'll try what you're suggesting. I had placed my fist at that spot on my head but I didn't see any changes.

I think I'm too tense because normally I'm a fast reader and now I notice that I'm not able to preview anything with any sort of memory or comprehension.

Does this happen to anyone else....before they get it????

Posted By: shaan Re: I'm Stumped By The Tangerine - 12/05/01 09:17 AM
I have another suggestion. Have someone behind you breathing on the back of your head. Maybe that will work.

Posted By: purjo Re: I'm Stumped By The Tangerine - 12/05/01 11:51 AM

Thanks for a great question! It led me to experiment with my own photofocus...

You mentioned a "third eye". Having no idea what it means, I invented a third eye between my real eyes. I felt it there. It was like my point of concentration was there, like i was looking from that point and at that point. (If it makes sense). Then i simply moved my third eye to the computer screen and back, playing with it. I moved it through my brains to the back of my head, and there it was! I entered photofocus just like that!! I moved it a bit further backwards, behind me and the photofocus widened even more. The feeling was great!! I was really relaxed.

Maybe this helps you some? At least it was an interesting experience to me! Thanks again!


Posted By: Marian Re: I'm Stumped By The Tangerine - 12/05/01 08:59 PM
Shaal--LOL!!! I already have that...two dogs and a cat!!!

Purjo: Great idea!! I'm going to try this out. The third eye idea came from some forms of meditation. It's a place to focus your a turn your closed eyes to where a third eye would be and, for me, it puts me immediately into a self-hypnotic state.

Marian--who is even now trying to wipe the drool from the back of my neck. LOL.

Posted By: eagerchild Re: I'm Stumped By The Tangerine - 12/09/01 07:30 PM
Is it neccesary to maintain the tangerine in place throughout the photoreading session?

If you are calm and aware of you presence and not wander off to some thoughts, I don't see the use of the tangerine technique.

Posted By: Marian Re: I'm Stumped By The Tangerine - 12/10/01 12:17 AM

That is another great question. Do we? I've read several posts where it's mentioned all the time.

Axiously awaiting the answer,


Posted By: mgrego2 Re: I'm Stumped By The Tangerine - 12/10/01 02:16 AM
The tangerine acts as a trigger for the photofocus state. Once you're relaxed and your gaze is open, you don't need to worry about the tangerine.

Posted By: Marian Re: I'm Stumped By The Tangerine - 12/10/01 03:18 AM
Thanks, mgrego2--That answers that question nicely.


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