Posted By: stheelders Where to look at? - 04/09/02 07:47 AM
I'm new with PR. I think this forum is the best place to understand PR. I got the book last week, and it was confusing. I learned 50% from the archive of this forum, where the book has failed.

Anyway, to my question. I can see the blip page, but don't know how to photoread yet( don't laugh!!). I don't know if it's my english, i don't get it. Will you look at center of the book at the blip, where you see both pages, and the flip to the other two pages. Or are you supposed to scan each page in photofocus.

I appriciate any help

Posted By: stheelders Re: Where to look at? - 04/09/02 07:55 AM
I'm trying to explain it better.

Are you supposed to look at blip and then flip to the next pages?

Or, while in photofocus state, scan every page?

Posted By: Mastermind Re: Where to look at? - 04/09/02 09:51 AM
Its kind of expanding your periferal vision abit, so you can 'see' the whole book at once with the blip page. I personally focus on the edges (I just like the way it feels, and I dont feel like I crossing my eyes)

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