Posted By: Mastermind Natural Brilliance - 06/25/02 01:06 AM
Do they not sell the Natural Brilliance book in stores? I was on one of my book raids and I thought I would look and see if they had it, they dont have it or anything by Paul OR Win Wenger. I love the book store, but *sigh* Im so dissapointed in them.

Posted By: razordu30 Re: Natural Brilliance - 06/28/02 01:34 AM
They sell it at amazon: l/index=books&field-keywords=natural%20brilliance&bq=1/002-8244331-2595222

I also found it at, so Barnes&Nobles should have it if you tell them to order and reserve you a copy: n=0925480541

To be honest, though, I heard from a friend of mine who self-published he usually makes more money if you order directly from him or from his vanity press, so LSC will probably make more if you buy it directly from them, which you can, here:

Again, though, if you want to buy a copy from a store near you, you'd probably be best off just getting it at either Barnes and Nobles or from Borders (Borders is teamed with Amazon). If you go to either of those stores and ask them to reserve you a copy, they should do so. =)


[This message has been edited by razordu30 (edited June 27, 2002).]

Posted By: Margaret Re: Natural Brilliance - 06/28/02 02:33 AM
You can also purchase Natural Brilliance for $12.98 from The only problem for Mastermind is that you need to use a credit card.

Forget it b/c Ramon's first site has a $10 book.

[This message has been edited by Margaret (edited June 27, 2002).]

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