
Well, after working with this system, it has become clear to me that one of my biggest stumblingblocks in learning is that I have problems with defining my purpose and goal while studying.

I have gotten better at it the last few days, but I could need some help to defining a specific, general goal.
Whenever I try to do it, it gets too long and confusing.

I am writing to this forum because I hope to be guided in how to think when I am defining my purpose.

I hope by giving this example, you can help me.

My challenge
I study mathematics and economics on graduate level. I am not very good at it ... yet ... and I think it is because I donīt really have a "picture" in my head of what it is about when I read the letters that represent concepts and definitions. they are just random letters ( C= consumption G= government spending)
and not things that interact with eachother.

these letters are not fixed; the same letters can mean something else another time; or different letters can mean the same thing at different times (i.e. X and Y can mean many different things, and interest rate can both be described by i or r )

these letters are used to analyse and solve math and economic problems, and they can be switched out with words or the words can be switched out with these letters and +/-/* and so on.

Before I PR or superread and dip or rapidread, I want to focus on getting to understand this language, what is behind all the letters ( and not get confused when the letters change ) and learn how to apply them to solve problems .

I have decided to RP many basic books and with a powerful "state of purpose" and goal I have a better chance at grasping the ideas than now.


Anybody that can help me out here?
I get too vague when I try, or too specific, and it all stays wooly.( not even now can I formulate anything that gives meaning...)


Remember that photoreading puts all the information into your inner mind for processing. I see no need to worry about sorting out whether i or r is the interest rate etc. The inner mind already saw that when you photoread the book.

To help your understanding of the topic better, grab some other books similar to your main reference book and photoread them as well... no need to go too deep into the activation. It broadens the information that your inner mind has to work with.

For your purpose.
Possible affirmations.
The material(name subject) I am now studying makes sense to me.

I am studying (name text / material) to obtain my best possible passing grade for the (name course).

I allow my inner mind to present this information on (name subject)in a manner I can consciously understand it.

Those might get you started polish them up to suit your needs.

To establish your purpose ask yourself what do you ultimately want from...
a. The course
b. The subject
c. The book

a. A financially successful career in...
b. (My) Best passing grade
c. to learn with ease the information contained in the book.

There can be more than one answer to each question.

As you can see once you define your ultimate purpose you have the basis for affirmations. When you write your affirmations say them in the present (now ) form. Say them positive... if you are using words like not, never, won't, etc, rewrite the affirmation till you've eliminated them eg instead of saying 'I won't forget', say 'I will remember'.


Thanks, Alex!!

Your wellwritten reply got me out of that pool of confusion and complications that I had jumped into.

I had a great study-session today:
By using the statements you suggested to me, I finally felt confident while studying, and by formulating my goals in a good way, I never lost sight of *why* I am putting myself through all this!!

You are a great inspiration to me in this forum; you seem to know what I am asking about, even when I donīt.

But it is fun to read all the posts here. I am looking forward to passing my exams this term. And when I am done, I will participate more often, because you guys give me so many ideas!!

Glad to be of help.


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