Hi, I purchased the photoreading product yesterday(Sunday). Before I get this product by tomorrow, I just have a few questions in advance. Will you guys please help me out?

1)I know that reading is the most essential requirement to survive in schools(Like high school and college and many other workplaces). I am planning to take many AP exams this year in order to get college credits. Can this product help my SATs and APs both long range study and short range studies to prepare these tests? You know AP exams are about 3 months away from now. Can I do well on more than 14 AP exams if I start from tomorrow?

2) How about textbook(I am talking about Math and science field) reading? I am sure it will boost fiction reading skill. Is it possible to comprehend faster if I use this product?

3) I heard someone said that the tapes are gonna take about 12 hours to finish the self-course. If I study these tapes in 3 to 4 days, will it help me somehow? Or, should I take time like 2-3weeks to get the better reading result?

4) Honestly, my mother has been discouraging me VERY MUCH buying this becuase she said there is no shortcut in studying. Shall I believe that or shall I have confidance that Photoreading will truly work? (By the way I have been in America for 5 years, my english skill has been plateau because my reading speed has been 150-250 words mer minutes. I asked my mother so many times and she finally and reluctantly accepted my idea. phew~)

Thank you for concerning my problem and I really hope this product will boost my AP and SAT grades and my reading because otherwise my mother will reemphasize that there is no shortcut in studying.

Don't be misguided, but do stay curious about things. My recommendation is to read through the PR book first, then buy the course if PR sounds like something you can do. ONCE you start PR, don't expect excellence the next day nor work at it REAL hard and practice it so that you can get it. Play with the system and learn ALL the steps because I been told many times that I lack to do some steps correctly. I am sure your mom is very smart and from her perspective, studying has no shortcuts. But that's HER system of beliefs, PR will and can build a WHOLE new idea to the way information is synethized by your brain. Again, this system is very fun and playful, but do not think it's a GOD tool which you can study for 14 AP exams AND the SAT and get perfect score on each. (The AP exam is designed to simulate a college course in which crediting you College hours. There is bound to be some people on the College board that knows how to PR. The classes are designed to be a semester or 2 semester course which fully covers all aspects of the course. Don't think PR will automatically learn the exams for you; "YOU HAVE TO DO THE WORK FOR YOURSELF" from a Friend -or so I was told by a wiseman.)

Chang Liu

day1 of truth?

I agree with Chang and I want to emphasize that the playful aspects of PR are essential. Basically anyone can learn to read faster by reading intelligently, but one still has to work. I recommend that you have faith in your own abilities and the proper motivation to succeed, first, before you set any sort of dependance on PR for taking 14 AP exams-- that's a lot. PRing will help you, sometimes obviously, at other times it just may be subtler insights, more specific memory.

Thank you very much for the tips. Yeah, I know what you guys say but I don't mean that I am gonna slack off my reading after I master the Photoreading. You know I am willing to take as many APs as possible so that I can save both time and money in college. 14 APs are tentative. If I under stand well on those AP subjects I am planning to take, then I will take more, but if I don't then, obviously I will reduce. I have been working for AP studies for 10-15 hours a day, and I become dead tired by Friday and Saturday. I even reduced my sleeping time from 6 hours to 4-5 hours. I hope Photoreading can boost my speed and comprehension so that I can have more breaks and rests. I am willing to work hard but I dont wanna work like a slave in a death camp. Ok, I understand that this is not like a magic overnight. So how long did it take you guys to approach both speed about 1000-1500 wpm and high comprehension from the day you bought the photoreading? Thank you for the replying

1000-1500wpm? WPM doesn't matter in the system. Reading is newly defined. You are over working for APs, I admire your effort, but the game of life requires efficiency. 1000-1500wpm I got after a week working with Speed reading. I don't know how you want to approach understanding the material for 14 AP tests. If you read at 200-300wpm, I'd say your are relatively beginner reader. From all the APs that you plan to do, I would stop with such high goals at this moment. Boost your regular reading skills, see which system works better (Speed reading or PR). Then pursue your goal. I say this coming from a speed reading perspective, PR is better just playing with the system. I read at 1200wpm with 91% comp and 2640wpm with 71%. But I don't concider myself a good reader and I am definitely not up to the goal of 14 AP tests even with PR. What grade are you in by the way?

Chang Liu dropped you a big hint in his most recent reply. He mentions that you can purchase the book first. Everything you need to actually learn the Whole Mind Photoreading System is contained within the Photoreading book. It only costs about $15, probably cheaper if you buy a used version from an online bookstore such as amazon.com or e-bay. Personally, I've been Photoreading for a month. I have only possessed the course for 3 weeks; but with all the insightful information available on this discussion board I invested my first week simply learning here. So there's no need to feel rushed to order the course because there are many excellent threads that can provide you with the necessary info. Sifting through the discussion board is a great way to get a feel for this product.

I realized you already purchased the course. My main point was that there is a plethora of knowledge that exists on this forum. Don't hesistate to ask for help.

Very true and good point. The Forums is like cyber meeting of all PR around the world which is given as a tool for PR customers. This is about the BEST tool besides coaches that LSC offers on this course. Ask and we will give help while we all learn PR together. The course is to sum up the book and put it into good use. Like a math book, the HW problems are demonstrating the examples and the theories in usage to further your understanding.


Each side ot the tapes will take you 20 to 45 minutes (do the exercises before going onto the next tape). Once through the course you'll be able to get through your reading material in 1/3 the time it takes you now. You will also have photoread and activated 3 books (thats why it takes approximately 12 hours).

Photoreading isn't about speed reading it is about getting the information you need from a book in the time you have available. Getting to the core of the information that you are seeking.

As you do the course (and do the exercises) you will discover that it also teaches some very useful study skills.

EG. Setting time limits with breaks, mind mapping and layering. These things may not mean much now but once through the course you will see the benefits.

Use the memory supercharger regularly (daily for while learning the system.) It is also a valuable aid to your studies.

If you "don't get it" after doing any of the exercises on the tape. Return to the tape, Paul usually explains what you might just have experienced. Even then if you are not sure, keep going and continue with the next tape. They build the system and you can return to any tape to explore it further when you have finished the initial pass. The concept of layering applies to the course too.

You can get through the tapes in 2 days if you allow yourself a few hours to work on it. Recommended is tapes 1 to 4 one day and 5 to 8 the next. However go easy on yourself. Even at a slower rate you can apply what you learn from the first 4 tapes to your studies immediately and notice the benefits.

Can Photoreading help you get your studying done in less time? Yes


[This message has been edited by AlexK (edited February 10, 2003).]

then what is the main difference between speedreading and photoreading? They sounds very similar. As far as I know, I heard that photoreading can be more analytical in depth of knowledge than speedreading. So what is the difference? Oh, I am 12th grade in high school. I wanna do well on AP exam since it is my last year of high school and I believe it is my last chance to take AP exams in my life.

P.S: I ordered the photoreading at 10:00PM Pacific time with UPS Second-Day shipping. Will the product arrive my house today or tomorrow? I am anxious to start as soon as possible.

Speed reading is different and to me, it's stressful. Until I learn the tangerine tech. That helps just to concentrate more and be more aware. But Learn PR anyways or just learn PR first. Speed reading is WAY more work and less fun. And after that, you HAVE TO DRILL EVERYDAY to maintain speed, or else subvocalization happens again and you basically lost everything.

Wow, so the difference between Speedreading and photoreading is that PR is more fun and easy to understand than Speedreading
well, I am still waiting to start the PR as soon as it is delivered to my house. It seems the PR has not come to my house because here it is raining. I thought it would be delivered to my house by today because I ordered PR on Sunday night. (I did 2day business day shipping). How about you guys? If anyone ordered the PR by 2 day shipping, did it take you longer that it is expected to be arrived? Thanks...

I'm learning from book right now, I left my tape set to take a break until I can understand the whole system better.

Your mother is right, there is no shortcut to studying.

That being said, most people are doing things the long way around.

Imagine what it would be like if you were to read through a textbook without ever looking at the table of contents, or reading the introduction or preface. You'd have some idea what it was about while reading the first chapter, but you wouldn't know what to expect next or how to put it into context. PhotoReading puts everything in the textbook into a context, because you read the whole thing in minutes. PhotoReading also lets you know what to expect next, because the PhotoReading step of the whole mind system works on the implicit, intuitive memory.

I've never used it on text books, but there are hints both on this message board and in the PLC on how to do just that.

Remember, there may not be shortcuts, but there are effective techniques for adult learners.

Well... Unless you read like 400,000 books (all subject reading) already, there is no clear way in which you can grasp the information that you want. But then again, who has read 400,000 books? Anyone hit the 1 million mark yet?

hey, Kaiden I don't understand what you mean when you said, "Remember, there may not be shortcuts, but there are effective techniques for adult learners." So you mean the Photoreading can only help us fiction category? I thought PR could help nonfiction or math-related textbooks as well. So what about science course like physics, chemistry, and biology? I see that biology is mostly reading and chemistry seems half reading and half calculations, and physics seems more like math. Honestly, reading textbooks kill my almost entire time in day schedule. Bye the way, I am really strong in math and science field. My weak area in study would be reading, writing, and history (although history is one of my favorite subjects), which all require lots of reading and understanding and sometimes analyzing! I would like to improve those weaknesses so that I can be a round skilled college student by next year.

P.S Can anyone seriously answer my question on shipping, plz? I did the 2 day shipping on Sunday night. Today is Tuesday. So will it be delivered by tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?


The course is perfect for what you want. Mostly Photoreading works fastest on nonfiction. When it comes to fiction many of us just want to slow down and savour.

Sorry I cannot help with the shipping info.


Originally posted by klizark007:
hey, Kaiden I don't understand what you mean when you said, "Remember, there may not be shortcuts, but there are effective techniques for adult learners." So you mean the Photoreading can only help us fiction category?

No, I mean that PhotoReading is not a shortcut. If I want to go from my bedroom to my mailbox, I could open my back door, lock it, close it, walk around the outside of my house, enter the front door (appt. building), check my mail, leave the front door, walk around to the back door, unlock my door, open it, step inside and close it. Or I could walk to the front door, leave it unlocked while I pick up my mail, and then close and lock it behind me. That is not a shortcut, it's the most effective way available to pick up my mail.

PhotoReading is not a shortcut, but it is the most effective way available to study written materials. Otherwise, you are truncating your reading ability with second-grade methodologies.

Thank you for the advices so far. By the way, Ummm, has anyone taken this PR course while in high school? If you has taken PR during high school, how long did it take you to feel that you are improved with both speed and comprehension?

byw, all of you seem beyond college graduates. Ummm, are there anyone who are in high school and had a photoreading experience? please post some messages if you are in high school or college student how much PR benefitted you and how long it took you to understand PR thoroughly. thx

Lots of us are high school students. I am a highschool student messing around with PR. Seriouly though, if you listened to the tapes and read the book... you'll find that the book is mainly the tapes, almost some parts word for word just Paul saying it.

Isn't it kind of late for SAT and SATII prep?
I mean, that was Junior year stuff that you should of taken care of.

[This message has been edited by Chang Liu (edited February 15, 2003).]

[This message has been edited by Chang Liu (edited February 15, 2003).]

Hmm, Chang, I have a few questions. You are saying that you have been messing around with PR and you r a high school student. Honestly, what grade are you in? So you are saying that PR basically messed you up in high school. DO you mean that PR is bs, or photoreading makes you lazy because you dont need efforts in school because you can finish your homeworks and curriculum in a minute? I dont get what you are saying on that.

PS I know that it is late for SATs but my brother is 9th grade and I was meant that PR can help my little brother for his SATs. However, I am gonna tackle on APs.


By "messing around with it" Chang means that he hasn't made the effort yet to actually learn it and therefore hasn't applied it to his studies. In fact because he hasn't done the course in the order given he is now paying the penalty of having to sort it all out.

Use the tapes sequentially learn it for yourself and you will discover how useful the photoreading system really is for studying. I expect that you will be passing on the tapes to your brother in the future


Bah Humbug to you too AlexK. I did read the WHOLE PR book today. So now, in accordance with you, I am all sort out. I just finished activating a book. It's cool, I'm going back for another pass.

ROFL @>>"Bah Humbug to you too AlexK."<<

Good one

So. You read the 'whole' book? As early as today?.

Sorry about the sarcasm Chang but remember truth right?

If you actually did activate a book, I congratulate you. You've jumped your own high hurdle. You'll find from here on in it gets better.

If you didn't... well it makes no difference to me. Love the >>"Bah Humbug to you too AlexK."<< though


hmmmmm, ok. If you are a high school student, and used the PR whole mind system preparing SAT or AP exams at the same time(probably like last year or before), can you tell us what you got on SAT or AP exams thank to PR?

me?! or who? I'm a junior, SAT and ACT this year. Meditation and knowledge sharpens the mind. I'll tell you what I get on AP US test after I take it. It's not looking soo good... =( well... this is what I did. For preview of my American History book I looked at the pictures chronogically that are included on every page or so. I mentally noted what the events were, pictures should represent important events or people. I memorized those and flipped the pages concious through the book 4times just looking at the pictures(review). Now, all my passes are just filling in more detail to my events thus aiding my essays and deepens the understanding of history. But I find that if I rely one ONLY one book for a subject my knowledge is sparse and very limited. Most of us do Direct learning or synpotic reading. I am going to the library on saturay from 9am to 6pm, wish me luck. =)

k, I meant anyone who took SAT or AP exams. I want to know the result from people who have been training PR. please post the honest SAT scores and how you achieved up to it. Thank you guys~

Originally posted February 16, 2003 02:25 AM by Chang Liu:
Bah Humbug to you too AlexK. I did read the WHOLE PR book today. So now, in accordance with you, I am all sort out. I just finished activating a book. It's cool, I'm going back for another pass.

Originally posted by Chang Liu:
Most of us do Direct learning or synpotic reading.

Really? Since when? Considering you only read the PR book last week, I find this implied leap in ability rather astounding. And to the best of my knowledge, few members of the forum employ either direct learning or syntopic reading. Of course, they can speak for themselves!


[This message has been edited by KWLee (edited February 22, 2003).]

Long story... I know how to PR, just that I jumped around in the system and didn't really connect all the dots until whenever I did it... Read the book, things made sense. Then I already knew how to do Direct and Synoptic, went to library, made a bib page and read up. I'm "new" as in I started fresh after I read my PR book. But I had prior knowledge when I jumped in so that gives me advantage.

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