Posted By: Fouad can i memoraize a book with PR? - 04/12/03 07:37 AM
is it possible to memorize a book if photoread it more than once? poetry books for example.

Posted By: AlexK Re: can i memoraize a book with PR? - 04/12/03 07:48 AM
You would need to activate it fully and if you want to remember the poetry in it you will be able to remember it faster by photoreading it first.

As such why would you want to memorise a whole book? Books generally represent "a" persons thoughts or ideas, since when is someone elses thoughts or ideas more important than your own that you would want to memorise their book verbatium? Just because they wrote it in a book and the book was published doesn't mean that the ideas represented in a book are fact.

School science books from 1920s contained a lot of misleading imformation that scientist of today dare not acknowledge in there current projects. Fortunately the preceding generation of scientist didn't just memorise the book, they used the ideas contained in them as starting points for their own explorations.


Posted By: astrowill Re: can i memoraize a book with PR? - 04/12/03 01:07 PM
The answer is yes. That British magician/mentalist guy does it in his show--he can recite any definition from a dictionary, and claims he uses photoreading. Someone correct me if I've got that wrong. In any case it's pretty much impossible and I doubt you'd be able to learn it.

Posted By: XtRaVa Re: can i memoraize a book with PR? - 04/13/03 08:14 PM
His name is Derren Brown.

Yeah, he says hes using photo-reading, he is a master mentalist. But hes been in the business 10 years, so good luck =]

Posted By: johnH Re: can i memoraize a book with PR? - 04/22/03 12:58 PM
Originally posted by XtRaVa:
His name is Derren Brown.

I saw that programme recently and it was pretty impresive. The guy with him was a curator or librarian from the British Library in London. This guy was asked to fetch any book he liked from the shelves. Derren spent what seemed like a few minutes with the book after which he had excellent recall - page numbers, paragrahphs, words : If this was completely straight-up then yes, very impressive

Posted By: AlexK Re: can i memoraize a book with PR? - 04/22/03 01:10 PM
Derren himself has said its about controlling the situation.

Winning formula

Finally he hit on a formula he was happy with. Mixing skills learnt in hypnotism with those he'd built up through magic, he created a unique show.

"It's about controlling a situation and playing games with people," he explained.

"It's much more fun to do because you never know how people are going to respond."

It has certainly proved a popular format, what with television spots, corporate events and now live theatre performances.
Call it what you like. Derren Brown reads minds but claims no psychic power.
"I began my career as a magician but slowly left behind the props and sleight-of-hand to work with the psychological techniques that are the real stuff of magic. I have to learn people's patterns, step inside their heads. Then I can play."

The result is a powerful, provocative and thrilling new form of entertainment. [/quote

[quote]Derren Brown, the most radical and original new thinker in the world of mentalism, will take you from excellent close-up magic to the most powerful mind-reading you have ever seen. With flamboyant wit, Derren explains the secrets and techniques that he uses to amaze the experts, drawing from hypnotic skills and breathtaking psychological artistry. This is brand new mind reading without compromise; no use of billets, envelopes or nail writers will be found within these pages. This is a book for the serious thinker who would normally disregard 99% of a magic book's contents.

If you know what questions a person is going to ask you know what you need to find out. If you can control what questions that person is going to ask, you get them to ask you what you already know. That makes the job so much easier to put on an impressive performance. If Derren was able to control the librains questions so that he only had to read and memorise a few passages from the book. I find that much more impressive than being able to 'memorise' a book in any lenght of time.


Posted By: Kenji Re: can i memoraize a book with PR? - 04/22/03 01:33 PM
Wasnt Lord Derran Brown the magician for the British army? The magician who also hid entire armies and cities? If not, back to the subject.

Since a book is a person's thought and view of that topic it is possible to memorize the whole book and reform all of what had been said to your own words unless its poety or something right? Lai Lai Lai Lai.

Posted By: AlexK Re: can i memoraize a book with PR? - 04/22/03 01:54 PM
Why would you want to rehash someone elses thoughts? Doesn't it make more sense to reform them with thoughts and ideas you already own. Perhap getting an 'If that and then... wouldn't this?' = a personal 'Aha'.

Really it is only going to happen if you think about another persons ideas, not memorise them. This is probably why a child loses their photographic memory, the visuals are integrated with imagination creating a multitude of personal memories, meanings and ideas.


Posted By: maesoph Re: can i memoraize a book with PR? - 04/23/03 10:06 PM
I saw a similar performance at a bar with a very un-famous entertainer. He took the most recent issue of TIME or NEWSWEEK and photoread it and had incredible recall within minutes. He did NOT mention photo reading, but whatever it was called at the time must be similar. I do believe that it's possible, but would take some effort.

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