With your experience in photoreading, what other programs/tapes/books do you think best compliment (help improve) photoreading?

Natural Brilliance was originally going to be PhotoReading II, but turned into something far greater in scope. I'd say that, followed by Genius Code would be the best bet.

Natural Brilliance teaches you the Direct Learning technique, which allows you to use your inner mind to effortlessly intergrate new behaviors and skills.

Genius Code teaches Image Streaming, and I believe some of the basics having to do with Lucid Dreaming, which are two skills that can be essential for getting direct conscious access to the subconscious.


I read about Image Streaming. I read that once you get it going you can't "go back" in a way, images, or ideas i suppose, just keep coming at you. This true?

"The Einstein Factor" by Win Wenger

"The Silva Mind Control Method" by José Silva (ideal learning and photoreading state!!)

"How to Read a Book" by Mortimer Adler

blah, that's all I could think about right now

EDIT: Oh yeah! "Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming" by Stephen LaBerge

[This message has been edited by Xehupatl (edited September 15, 2003).]

Where can i find moreinformation on Image Streaming? What is it? How is it? I am very interested in it. Thank you.


I read about Image Streaming. I read that once you get it going you can't "go back" in a way, images, or ideas i suppose, just keep coming at you. This true?

Am I right in guessing that you read that in the reviews of the book on Amazon.com?

Pfff. Some of these people also thought that you actually have to see the images in front of your eyes. "OMG it doesn't work all I see are geometrical patterns and flashes of colour!!" Use your imagination, not your eyes!

Has anybody tried Dream Play in order to enhance the PR experience?

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