Posted By: hkably The Right and The Left Hemispheres! - 08/20/03 01:57 PM
Hi everyone!

Since there's a change in my brain to the better, how can I improve it? (FORUM: Can't Think Anymore!)
How can I synchronize my left hemisphere with my right one? Is it better if they were balanced? How about if I imagined the connection between them is strong? How about listening to Holosync? Do you think that photoreading enhances the connection between both hemispheres?

Thanks to everyone!

Posted By: kosmik Re: The Right and The Left Hemispheres! - 08/20/03 02:26 PM
IMHO I believe doing cross lateral movements help. I.e. crawling, moving your right toe and your left index finger then opposite, lifting one shoulder and opposite hip etc.
I have also heard (but know nothing about how correct it is) that doing breathing exercises where you close one nostril, inhale, switch nostrisl and exhale, inhale through same, switch, exhale also helps calibrate the two hemispheres. It is recommended to do this slowly (e.g. count of six to inhale, hold for four counts while switching, six to exhale, hold for four counts before inhaling).

There is more about the hows and whys of cross lateral movement in the book "Smart Moves, Why Learning is Not All in The Brain" by Carla Hannaford. There are also probably websites on the subject of Brain Gym with examples of exercises.

Tracing infinity signs (sideways eights) with your eyes is also a good one, remember to do both directions - also, if you want to get very fancy, alternate counting and humming while you do the exercise.

A great exercise is:
Slightly bouncing up and down at the knees
Put an open left hand with the palm out on your right cheek while closing the fist of your right hand and throwing a gentle punch towards an imaginary opponent on your left. The idea is to do both movements at the same time. Then switch sides so that your fist becomes an open hand at your opposite cheek and vice versa. While doing all this, alternate humming a tune and counting.
If you find it very difficult to coordinate this (example finding yourself with a fist near your cheek, forgetting to bounce and thinking that humming and counting is just too much, then a steady regime of crawling would definately help balance the hemispheres and this exercise could be a measure of your success).

I also think Holosync could be extremely useful, since it stimulates the brainstem and also gets the whole brain swinging to the same frequency.

Oh and - being totally new to photoreading I can't say whether it should help or not, but I imagine that it would, because the process seems to encourage the right brain (concentrating on the entire picture rather than bogging down in detail) while still allowing for some detail (dipping, for example) and especially: I believe that photoreading stimulates the limbus and the corpus callosum because in dipping and superreading we keep getting little tastes of knowledge, awakening curiosity and encouraging these two parts of the brain to seek patterns and answeres. Also stimulates the stem of the brain, because of the relaxed state and the focus on intention.

My .02$ worth


[This message has been edited by kosmik (edited August 20, 2003).]

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