Posted By: youngprer Question for Experienced PhotoReaders - 09/28/03 11:15 PM
What do you think the most confusing piece of information is in the PhotoReading book, and why?


I think the most confusing part of the system tends to be acivation. I think this is due to the fact most people, well at least me, want to prepare pre/post view and photoread and be done. So I spent a lot more time working on the first three steps under the work ethic assumption that the harder I worked at it the less or no activation I would have to do. I did discover that the NOPS formula was probably the most important part of it. So, when I started having fun with it. It started working.


[This message has been edited by fritz10000000 (edited September 29, 2003).]

Posted By: Iam2 Re: Question for Experienced PhotoReaders - 09/29/03 03:31 PM
I've thought about your question for a while. My first response was to say that I found NONE of it confusing, so I waited. Really it's all clear. No cobbleligoog. People have difficulties not because of unclear information, but because of their beliefs. They are not accepting (taking in) and using all the information in the book.

Then as I was reading fritz's reply I had the phrase "Read at 25,000 wpm" jump out at me. I think this is what confuses most people. When they see Read they have one idea, but within the system is means something different..... or does it?

Sending love,

Posted By: AlexK Re: Question for Experienced PhotoReaders - 09/29/03 03:45 PM
Actually the phrase is PhotoRead at 25,000 words per minute Back cover reads

Discover the secrets of PhotoReading at 25,000 words per minute

Like you said Iam2 people react on what they want the system to be.


Posted By: fionvarin Re: Question for Experienced PhotoReaders - 09/29/03 04:34 PM
I'm two/three weeks into the tape-course and I don't find anything confusing at all.
I'm not saying it's all easy but I feel I know what I'm being told to do.

Posted By: youngprer Re: Question for Experienced PhotoReaders - 09/29/03 09:07 PM
Yeah, for me, I'd say it would also have to be activation when I was learning it. I'd have to also say that RapidReading v.s. normal activation can be a big thing subject to confusion.

Well, thanks for the replies, guys, and please feel free to keep them going. The little bit of content here is going to my site's PR articles and PR tips page soon. Stay tuned.


Posted By: flex22 Re: Question for Experienced PhotoReaders - 09/29/03 09:45 PM
I wouldn't say I'm a guru PR, but I'm getting there.

My advice.Go to a dictionary and look up the words Dynamic and Static.Make sure you stay dynamic with this program, that's how the change and progress comes about.

My problem was being too static with the steps.Now I'm far more relaxed, letting it happen, trusting myself.Believing it will happen.That attitude is allowing for progress, I can feel it, and notice it happening.

Stay dynamic, not static

Posted By: Iam2 Re: Question for Experienced PhotoReaders - 09/30/03 12:22 AM
flex22 it sounds like you don't realize youngprer has the system down cold.

Sending love,

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