Posted By: Rene Photo Focus - 10/22/03 04:48 AM
Okay so im back at the course and trying to go through it again. When I did the dictionary excercise, I once again got no results. But I am not about to give up, just with the dictionary.

Anyways my real question here is: when I photoread like last year i belive it was, I remember finally being able to get into photofocus and actually seeing the clerity of the words. they were crisp shapes and not blurs like I am seeing now. I cannot get past the logic that if I am not seeing the words crisp as I used to, nither is my inner mind. This is an eye focus thing not a mind thing correct?

So can anyone provide an excercise or somthing of the sort that would help me to obtain the photofocus as it used to be?

Thanks in Advance,

Posted By: AlexK Re: Photo Focus - 10/22/03 06:52 AM
Try turning the book upside down and photoreading it backward

In the Book Hare Brain, Tortise Mind How Intelligence INCREASES when you think less bu Guy Claxton.

He mention an experiment where a faint image of a letter is flashed before a volunteers eyes. Too faint and technically out of visable range (in other words... beyond blurred you really cannot see it) when the volunteer was asked to 'guess' what they saw they were correct well beyond chance. Because the couldn't consciously see it the volunteers had they habit of apologising for getting it wrong (when they got it right).

I gather 2 things from this experiement;
1. we rely too much on our conscious mind and judge ourselves poorly as a result.

2. We can see a lot better than we think we can... looks to me like the conscious mind interferring again.

I suggest you try applying NOPS to the problem. Try it and see, it's not likely to hurt as much as falling off a skateboard


[This message has been edited by AlexK (edited October 22, 2003).]

Posted By: Iam2 Re: Photo Focus - 10/22/03 01:51 PM
I'd say don't worry about it. When I was starting the system, I had a period when I saw the words much more clearly than I normally do now. Now, I rarely see the words clearly. However, the system works for me.

You're right focussing is an eye thing. The problem is the binocular vision has trained your muscles to focus each eye on the item you are looking at. This means the item that both eyes are pointing at. Your eyes automatically change focus as you look at things at different distances. However, as you look at things at different distances you are pointing (pair-wise, ie. binocular vision) your eyes at something at different distances.

So there are two things that are normally coordinated. One is the pointing angle between the eyes (depth perception) and focussing your eyes. In Photo-focus you are pointing your eyes at something which is very distance, and looking at something that is very close. Since you are well wired you eyes are focussing very far away too. Hence the blurry book.

The great thing is that your mind is really really powerful. You can't imagine how powerful it really is.

The gist is that you mind can read the blurry text, so why bother trying to make it clear. If it happens great, if it doesn't great. Either way your mind can interpret what it sees. It's not harder or easier, just different and well within your capabilities.

You can search the forum for all sorts of evidence of how the mind can read with surprising little information.

You are perfection.

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