Posted By: youngprer Something Weird - 11/25/03 05:28 PM
Something weird has really started to happen sometimes when I relax, or more importantly - enter the accelerative learning state. I can begin to feel my heart beating. At first, just because I felt it beating made it speed up, because usually I am not going to feel it beating without touching it, and if I ever do - it's beating fast. My mind took this association and acted on it.

Then I thought, I'm feeling my heart beating because I've gotten into a deeper version of this state, so why not welcome feeling it there? Now I do still feel it, but when I put my hand over it, it's normal. Not just my heart beating, but a lot of sensations have gotten amplified to a degree. Anyone else had the same experience? It's almost like the same state I'd experience while meditating.


Posted By: flex22 Re: Something Weird - 11/26/03 06:02 AM
Yes, I've always had this experience, even before photoreading.It's normal for me.

It used to worry me somewhat but now my attitude is to let it pass.
What I suggest is just be a witness to it.So your heart is beating faster and louder.Just say to yourself, "ok, that's cool, right let's see what happens"

If you try to ignore it then you won't be able to.

This state usually passes and then I'm as relaxed as I can ever be.
I don't know myself, but maybe it's a sort of transition stage as you go deeper into yourself.

Posted By: bennypr2002 Re: Something Weird - 11/26/03 06:12 AM
A lot of information I have read on astral projection, almost always said that, before seperation you will feel a sensation thats you describe above. They also explain that this is not your heart, but the energy in that region of the body / heart chakra.


Posted By: Iam2 Re: Something Weird - 11/25/03 08:33 PM
I've experienced that strong heart beat whenever I just relax. I have for decades. It doesn't speed up. I never thought anything of it except maybe neet. If I lie on the bed and relax I can even feel the bed rock with the beating of my heart.

I've never experienced astral projection.

I've only recently gotten into meditation and Qigong. I've not associated this with either of those experiences. For me it just comes with being still and relaxed, but not any obvious mental state change.

You are perfection.

Posted By: EricML Re: Something Weird - 11/26/03 12:02 AM
Wow. I also sense my bed rock to my heartbeat at times. I thought I was alone on that.

Posted By: Iam2 Re: Something Weird - 11/26/03 01:17 AM

And here I thought it happened to everyone. Neet the difference of perspectives.

You are perfection.

Posted By: Adam16 Re: Something Weird - 11/26/03 06:29 AM
I've gotten that feeling a lot before because I'm a meditator. I take a lot of time to relax. But I've worked with astral projection before and I moved to this stage, and soon you feel tingly vibrations all over your body. I sorta quit with astral projection, but this does mean you could be getting close to it.

Posted By: Agent_Orange Re: Something Weird - 11/28/03 02:56 AM
i dont think it's that strange. i just relaxed for 15 minutes with some quiet music playing and felt the same effect.

as for it being related to astral projection, i would hardly believe it no matter what you said. the heart is the strongest muscle in the body. when i relax with music i almost stop moving, though some movement is likely. my heart pumps 5 liters of blood per minute [ ] so it really wouldnt surprise me if what you're feeling is the movement of your heart and the changes in pressure within the blood vessels

^my brain at work

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