Posted By: solutions-r-us Finally completed the PR Course - 01/27/04 12:41 AM
Hi all,

Just thought you could celebrate with me because I have just completed my first full listening of the 8 CD Photoreading course.

I went through one book really rapidly, and before I got to the activation stage I realised that I had all the information I needed for now and that investing more time reading would be a waste for me. Is this normal?

A thought occurred that I should activate the book and create a mind map (I enjoy doing mind maps) and pop the completed map in the front cover for future reference.

Anyway, the second reason I am writing is to share a thought (the first reason was to celebrate with me . . .)

I wanted to learn thoroughly each section of the PR process that it became "hard work" and it shouldn't have been. It reminded me of horsemen picking up hoops from the ground. They travel at a fast pace, but only collect one or two hoops. They go around again and collect perhaps one more.

By the end of a fortnight their riding pace has not slowed much at all yet they are able to pick up all the hoops.

Is this a good analogy or metaphor for the PR course. To just go at it and see what happens rather than try to "consciously" and slowly understand and master each stage first time.

Sometimes the notion of "Get the foundations down and firm before starting to build a solid ground floor" does not work so well with things that we can learn quickly. It is more like building up layers, one upon another quickly (just as the brain learns - quickly).

I thought I would share some thoughts after completing my first run through the course and ask others to share their experiences or comment upon mine.

Posted By: jonah Re: Finally completed the PR Course - 01/27/04 12:54 AM

I do have one question:
What is a "fortnight"?
I've never heard that here in the U.S.

Anyways, Congratulations

Posted By: thearchgu Re: Finally completed the PR Course - 01/27/04 03:34 AM
Another term for a two week period of time

Posted By: AlexK Re: Finally completed the PR Course - 01/27/04 03:46 AM
Fortnight = 2 weeks or 14 days.

Well done Solutions.


Posted By: fritz10000000 Re: Finally completed the PR Course - 01/27/04 04:25 PM
Great job finishing the course. Set some reading goals next to really get it down. I set a goal of using the pr system on 24 books and then did the course again. I found that really helped. Just don't ever quit using the system.

Great Job,

Posted By: kosmik Re: Finally completed the PR Course - 01/28/04 01:39 AM
Hi Tom,

I love your analogy of picking up hoops - it is very, very apt!!!!! I am going to save it for future use!

Best regards,

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