Posted By: ctrlalt PhotoReading several books. - 03/15/04 10:49 AM
I'm a newbie at this PhotoReading stuff and it amazes me alot. I've bought several book on how to use and explore the unconscious mind.

Now I have a question about PhotoReading several books at once, well after one and other.
In the book they mention that after you have PhotoRead you should wait a few minutes until you activate the content. Does that mean that you shouldn´t read at all for those minutes?

I was thinking that if you prepare,review and photoread one book and when you rest for twenty minutes you could prepare read and activate another book.

But then again if the second book has the same content as the first it would be as activating the first book.

Hmm do you follow?


Posted By: ctrlalt Re: PhotoReading several books. - 03/15/04 10:52 AM
Most amuzing that I almost got the same question as another gentlemen with the same firstname, Mattias, as me who comes from the same country, Sweden, I wonder if we come from the same town, Stockholm.

/Mattias Ahlström, Stockholm, Sweden.

Posted By: AlexK Re: PhotoReading several books. - 03/15/04 11:16 AM
We often postview immediately after PhotoReading. This helps to get the mind probing questions flowing. Limit the time to say 10 to 15 minutes and then let the book incubate.

There is no reason why you cannot activate another book immediately after PhotoReading. In fact once you've let the book incubate once we often PhotoRead it again just prior to activation.

Try it and see what works best for you.


Posted By: Sarion Re: PhotoReading several books. - 03/15/04 01:43 PM

Hej, jag kommer ifrån väst. Uddevalla för att vara mer specifik. Hittade inte din email så jag skiver här stället, hoppas de inte blir sura att jag skiver på svenska.
Mina språkkunkaper gör sig inte rätt här har jag mä det kommer.
det var lite lustigt att det var ett sådant sammanträffande (?)..händer inte varje dag
Letar efter en kurs i du något om det?

MVH Mattias

Originally posted by ctrlalt:
Most amuzing that I almost got the same question as another gentlemen with the same firstname, Mattias, as me who comes from the same country, Sweden, I wonder if we come from the same town, Stockholm.

/Mattias Ahlström, Stockholm, Sweden.

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