Posted By: Anthony001 Activating Via Talking/Discussing - 10/12/05 12:31 PM
Anyone have any tips on how to activate when amongst people discussing a particular topic?

For instance, I read a lot on physics/cosmology....yet when discussing it with others I seem to "freeze up"......that is, the information I have read and that, I would assume, is currently locked up in my subconscious mind, doesn't seem to naturally "bubble up" to my conscious mind for me to comment on.

And it's not just a fear to speak in public or anything like that....that's not a problem.....because even when home alone I am not able to recall much of what I have read.

I guess I would just like better recall/memory. Otherwise it just seems that after I read an article or book or something, that it just up and vanishes from my mind completely.

I have an idea that maybe if I just relaxed more and "go inward" when a discussion begins, and just ALLOW my mind to flow in some sort of natural, relaxed, focused on the subject at hand way...that this will most definitely help. But any other ideas would be greatly appreciated.

[This message has been edited by Anthony001 (edited October 12, 2005).]

Start by noticing what you pick up and understand what they are talking about. It's when you go yeah, I read that, I noticed that I saw that about the stuff they are talking about. It then allows you to loosen up and add your thought.

Usually you don't think about activation when you are talking with someone. As soon as you do the self-critical judge steps in and clams you up. When you do start talking you'll find it's spontaneous. You'd probably leave the room and notice you've talked about it some time later.

If you have problems with recalling information from what you've activated then mind map, concept map or make notes get actively involved with putting more of your mind to work for better recall.

Also try skittering instead of superreading and dipping. Although slower than superreading and dipping it often works better on techical material.


Posted By: Anthony001 Re: Activating Via Talking/Discussing - 10/14/05 05:02 AM
Thanks for the tips, Alex. Will do as you suggest.

Do you think any of Tony Buzan's boooks are worth checking out? I have a couple of his mind map books, but any others you'd recommend?

Also, have you gone through any of Ed Strachar's material? For example, are you familiar with his particular mind map technique?

Posted By: Anthony001 Re: Activating Via Talking/Discussing - 10/14/05 01:04 AM

I'm reviewing your post again...what's the latest, greatest way to do skittering? I suspect I have been skittering as opposed to SR and Dipping, but I am wondering what you might recommend for beeter activation via skittering.

Also, you mentioned "concept map"....what is this and how does it compare to mind mapping?

Skittering is explained on page 64 of the book.

Start with that from there you'll develop your own technqiue.


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