Posted By: UK_Dave Taking the plunge :-) - 01/17/06 01:16 PM
After spending a lot of time reading various posts and replies as well as speaking with a family member who used
Photoreading i've decided i'm gonna jump in and try it.

Just gotta wait for the delivery now :-(

Posted By: Alex K. Viefhaus Re: Taking the plunge :-) - 01/18/06 07:06 AM
Well Now is the time you forget everything you read on the forum. And everything you think you already know about PhotoReading and become an like adventurer exploring uncharted waters.

The map you think you have is not the territory it's ancient and not drawn to scale. You need to measure it for yourself and you do that by looking for what you will find not looking for what you think should be there. The X marks the spot but the treasure doesn't look anything like an X


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