Posted By: JLN10E Emotional Freedom Technique - 05/14/08 03:43 AM
Is it okay to practice EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) along with SFQ? I wasn't sure because they both work with energy and I wouldn't want my SFQ practice to be less effective or affected.
Posted By: Gabby Re: Emotional Freedom Technique - 05/15/08 12:42 AM
Hi Jodi,
I pretty sure that you can do EFT along with sfq, but
maybe separate the two of them. Maybe like the half
hour rule. I think that would be o.k. Anyone please feel free to correct me on this if I am wrong.
Take care
Posted By: JeffreyC Re: Emotional Freedom Technique - 05/15/08 02:49 PM
I agree with Gabby. Practice at separate times.

Good luck

Posted By: Hornsby Re: Emotional Freedom Technique - 11/26/08 07:58 PM
New to SFQ but have been using EFT for years but had thought a knowledge and use of SFQ would be a good addition. Now worried because it does say not to use another energy technique with SFQ. Posts here indicate a half an hour between would be OK but does anyone have realy knowledge or experience of a conflict in this EFT and SFQ option?
Posted By: EMM Re: Emotional Freedom Technique - 11/29/08 06:02 AM
I don't see any conflict with using EFT as long as you wait a half hour or so before switching to another energy system or after using another energy system. The same goes for yoga, Reiki etc. Master Lin himself at the last International Conference acknowledged that there were many ways to get well/healed - he said this after someone had given a testimonial about her healing (she had used EFT as well as SFQ).
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