Posted By: SkipM Visualizations for Harvesting Qi - 01/15/10 12:30 AM
I have just completed Level 1 training (self study and a class) and would like guidance on visualizations to use during Harvesting Qi. For example, what should I focus on when massaging my ears, cupping my arms, etc? What am I doing when I perform the various Harvesting Qi movements?

Posted By: shakurav Re: Visualizations for Harvesting Qi - 01/15/10 05:56 PM
I would imagine any excess energy still remaining after all the circulating you have been doing to being removed and dissipating into the air and into the universe.

And/or I often think of this phase of the active exercise as a kind of "smoothing out" of all of the energy in, on and around my body. Kind of like a "finishing technique" on wood after making something.

You are also helping circulate the energy on your skin and surface of your body, while at the same time, massaging points, areas and meridians to get a good energy feel and field at the end.

You are also kind of "waking up", because even the active exercise is meditation (and even the meditation is active! Yin in Yang and Yang in Yin, just like the Tai Chi , aka "Yin-Yang" symbol expresses).

Hope that helps. I am sure both a search here and more responses can help even more.
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