Posted By: Darko Small universe without tape - 03/19/12 01:45 PM
Hi all,

I have a question regarding the small universe meditation.

Can I do the small universe meditation also without the tape? Should I do the OM and MO sounds in this case by myself?

Additional question: Is it ok or recommended to do this meditation without the OM and MO sounds by myself? (I mean without the tape) Just breathing and concentration on the energy points. It somehow feels easier for me to do it without the OM and MO sounds.

Posted By: Zakyrus Re: Small universe without tape - 03/19/12 04:56 PM
"Can I do the small universe meditation also without the tape?"

You sure can. Go with what feels right.

"Should I do the OM and MO sounds in this case by myself?"

Not necessary, though if you want, you can make the sound mentally. Almost like the sound of a 'power transformer' humm while you are doing the breathing.

Posted By: MB Re: Small universe without tape - 03/21/12 12:04 AM
Interesting idea to do Small Universe without the tape. This makes it possible to do Small Universe without a tape player when waiting for an appointment, for example.

Question about the Master's sounds. It was my understanding that these sounds empowered the Small Universe meditation. Is that still true? Or is my understanding wrong?
Posted By: Zakyrus Re: Small universe without tape - 03/21/12 02:26 PM
Originally Posted By: MB
Interesting idea to do Small Universe without the tape. This makes it possible to do Small Universe without a tape player when waiting for an appointment, for example.

Correct! You can do it ANYWHERE...


Question about the Master's sounds. It was my understanding that these sounds empowered the Small Universe meditation. Is that still true? Or is my understanding wrong?

Yes, your understanding is correct, the Master's sounds are their for your benefit. However, they are also used as learning aids and can be transcended when you have become proficient. Somewhere in Level 1, Chunyi mentions that the meditation (with the sounds) can be gone beyond, once you have a firm grasp on it's function.

This is one of the reasons there is a 'music' track, without the sounds--so you can go even deeper into meditation without 'outside' assistance. You don't have to 'think' "breathe here, push here" etc, you just 'do it' because you've trained your mind to automatically move the energy to the next spot. Also, everybody breathes at a slightly different rate.

As for me, the intervals between the sounds is too which the sounds is too short (meaning it goes 'too fast' for me). In my case, I would play the 'music' version for preference of doing it at a rate it can enjoy rather than rushing it. For some others, it may not be fast enough, so they opt for the music version so they can do it faster. It all comes down to what is comfortable.

Like I said in my above response to Darko's question, the Master's sounds, themselves can be 'visualized' as you do the meditation without them. This is also done in a few of the Level 2 Active Exercises, (you first learn them by making the OM sounds, but later on 'visualize' you are)

It is true, that in the classic or 'older' QiGong systems, you did not want to change (even slightly) the style--even if your energy system did not agree with it. Altering styles, then was forbidden, and many practitioners were shunned, some even disowned from their families for doing so. Yet, Chunyi's style is Created for simplicity. Once the levels are understood, the techniques can be changed, as long as it remains under the basic guideline of Chunyi's original foundation: In that it remains simple and works smoothly for you. Love, Forgiveness, and Kindness are also important factors that cannot be left out.

I don't imply nor suggest 'changing SFQ' then going out and telling your friends you've learned all of this from some guru in Tibet, that would be deceitful. Give credit where credit is due. Yet, if you feel like you should make a slight 'alteration' for yourself, because you feel that it might further help your practice--and as a result, you become more in tune and more loving,...then the logical response would be 'go for it!'

Posted By: trasheik Re: Small universe without tape - 03/21/12 03:53 PM
As for me, the intervals between the sounds is too which the sounds is too short (meaning it goes 'too fast' for me). In my case, I would play the 'music' version for preference of doing it at a rate it can enjoy rather than rushing it. For some others, it may not be fast enough, so they opt for the music version so they can do it faster. It all comes down to what is comfortable.

This was the case for me, Zakyrus. I really like Master Lin's Voice on the Small Universe audio, so I ordered the hour-long CD, hoping it would be a bit slower, but it isn't.

However, The Heart Sutra Chant CD of Master Lin's is perfect for me. I still "hear" the Ommmm and Moaaah from the Small Universe CD "in my mind" and I "hear" Master Lin as an instrument (on the Heart Sutra CD) and his chanting as music, rather than words. I do not understand any of the words so this works for me.

This body seems to like to breathe, while meditating, at four breaths per minute and it turns out that the Heart Sutra Chant in Master Lin's voice lasts one-half "round" of Small Universe at my rate of breathing, from the lower dantien to the spinal-cord-of-neck area, one more sutra-chanting lasts from the spinal-cord-of-neck area back to the lower dantien. So for every "round" of the Small Universe I hear the Master Lin's Heart Sutra Chant twice, precisely.

On the Heart Sutra Chant CD package, Master Lin says,

The Heart Sutra is Buddha's perfect expression of unconditional love, compassion and forgiveness.

It contains the most powerful messages in the universe to help you raise your energy to a higher spiritual level through the doctrine of emptiness.

The Heart Sutra is the shortest sutra in Buddhism and the most highly regarded. It is considered the summation of the wisdom of Buddha. I chant the Heart Sutra regularly in my meditation.

By listening to it daily your energy system will be tuned in to its vibration more and more closely. The closer the vibration of your energy comes to the vibration of the Heart Sutra the greater the guidance and understanding you will receive from the universe.

You may play this chant at any time, while you are sleeping or in the background as you go about your daily life. It is especially helpful to play the Heart Sutra chant during a healing session or during longer meditation for spiritual cleansing.

In the beginning of my listening to Master Lin's chanting of the Heart Sutra during my Small Universe meditations, there was a lot going on: reverse-breathing, the Ommmm and Moaaah "sounds in my mind," the attention moving from area to area with each breath, and the chanting of Master Lin in words I don't understand. It was like learning to ride a bike and became just as easy, pretty soon.

I'm way over a hundred days at it now and, for me, the combination of the Small Universe and Master Lin's Heart Sutra chanting is kind of a spiritual double-whammy - it took my meditation to a new level.

David smile

Posted By: Darko Re: Small universe without tape - 03/26/12 08:20 PM
Thanks Zakyrus!
Posted By: Shawn_Grim Re: Small universe without tape - 03/28/12 05:47 PM
Good question Darko.

Nice supportive reply Z.

Finding a solution that works for you is always good - well done David.

There are many versions of the Small Universe/Microcosmic Orbit meditations out there. Feeling the sound/energy of the "ohm" sound in each location you visit whether the vibration is from your mind, our from a recording of Chunyi's voice is a strong variable to this version.

Doing the Small Universe mediation to your own breath is ideal in most situations, as you are your own small universe. To get new students the experience and understanding of meditation, the Cd is wonderful, and once they understand that they have permission to take an extra breath when needed, get lost, or stay at an area for more than one "ohm," they really start making progress.

In the same respect, I do like following the Small Universe CD when I have the opportunity, as I find it an effective training for going with the flow. Just as the new student can find a breakthrough in not having to do the mediation or active exercise "right," allowing myself to follow the Small Universe with however long or short the sounds are, allows for a releasing of a different kind of "right" or personal control. wink

Once again - helpful question, and support from all of you. Well done.

Much Love,

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