Posted By: Zakyrus Galactic Core - 01/05/13 06:47 AM

Just thought I'd share this, this picture tells a VAST and very descriptive story unto itself...

THIS is imagery of the Galactic Core, of the Milky Way Galaxy.

In the middle you can see a large and awesome looking 'being' with an animal-like figure (almost like a teddy bear head).

On the left, this 'being' holds Sword-Fingers.

A few inches to the right of the face, is an angelic being, lifting upwards to the heavens.

And in the lower right, you have a white-silver dragon-face (which has been determined to be the location of the Galactic Core/the Black Hole at the center of our Galaxy).

How ominous that this imagery is pointed towards Earth.

I think the Universe is telling us something here... smile

Posted By: Shawn_Grim Re: Galactic Core - 01/17/13 06:10 PM
Well, that would be a very creative look at that image.
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