Posted By: elessadil Healing with Sword Fingers - 10/12/03 03:09 AM
On Wednesday night my Dad suffered a stroke and is in the hospital. He has lost control and feeling on his right side as well as the vision on the right side. His memory is gone and his speech is affected. He hasn't been doing too well the last few days. He was very sleepy and confused. We found out that the artery on the left side of his neck is almost completely blocked and caused the stroke and he could have another one. Although I have only been doing SQF for a few weeks I decided this afternoon that I would do Sword Fingers on him to see if it would help. I figured it sure couldn't hurt him. I wasn't sure I had enough experience or even enough chi to accomplish much. I was hoping maybe I could get rid of a bit of the blockage in the artery to help reduce the chance of another stroke. When my mum and I went back to see him tonight, did we ever get a surprise! He was sitting up and wide awake and when we asked him how he was feeling, he said that he had started to feel much better about 1 1/2 hours ago. He was able to move his arm and leg quite well considering. He was a bit more like his old self and even joked around a bit. I was blown away, I never expected anything like that. Both my Mum and I were so thrilled. I decided to do a bit more sword fingers to see if I could help him a bit more. Tomorrow we will see how he is. I wish I knew more about the healing aspect of SQF so I could help him more. I am so grateful that I found SQF at this time and I feel that the reason I did find it now was to be able to help my Dad.


Posted By: JETAY Re: Healing with Sword Fingers - 10/13/03 11:06 AM
Dear Elessadil
What a fantastic story. I pray and hope your dad continues to improve as well as he's currently doing! You've used your body to help your dad in an amazing way - congratulations!
Posted By: gallen Re: Healing with Sword Fingers - 10/13/03 04:08 PM
What a wonderful experience, and beginning, on your path as a qigong healer. May all your experiences be as rewarding. Sometimes we learn alot, or receive great inspiration, from love ones close to us, who are experiencing difficulty. Their situaltion or experience moves us to higher levels of being. The lessons rec'd this way can be quite heart-felt, in reflection to what happened for them, and you.
Posted By: kev5 Re: Healing with Sword Fingers - 10/13/03 04:33 PM
I'm so glad you shared this wonderful story with us.

Love, Kev

Posted By: elessadil Re: Healing with Sword Fingers - 10/14/03 12:40 AM
Well, a progress report on my Dad. He is continuing to do well. The nursing staff and quite pleased, but surprised by his recovery. He now has feeling on his right side and is doing very well moving his arm and leg. He even has some control and the can hold his arm and leg up for a few minutes. He even stood up by himself today. His memory has improved somewhat and his speech is a bit clearer, although he still uses the wrong words sometimes. He has improved enough to go to rehab. I did more Sword Fingers on him yesterday and he said today he was feeling even better. While I was doing the healing last night, I had a bit of strange experience. As I was working on his left side, where the blocked artery is and where the stroke took place, I got a strange kind of itchy crawling feeling on the right side of my head. And kind of an electric shivery feeling in my body. then when i went to work on his right side I got the same thing but on the left side. Anybody got any ideas what this might mean? Anyway, I am just so glad he is getting better and if I contributed to that in anyway then I am thankful that I could do so.


Posted By: gallen Re: Healing with Sword Fingers - 10/15/03 05:01 AM
I am glad your dad is getting better.
I would suggest you spend some time meditating, in conjunction with your experiences. You were there, you had the sensations, you know what you were doing at the time you experienced them. Although it may seem difficult at first to approach, you know the answer to your question. It was 'your' experience. Reflect on the dynamics of the moment, focus on the question, then meditate. You can do any meditation with a singular focus. Go in with the question, put out to your master, then, just do the meditation. Focus on whatever the meditation is. Don't think. If you drift in thought that is ok, just keep coming back to the meditation's focus. You may drift through the answer.. It is a good practice to look inward for answers. Although someone could specifically give you an answer, your growth and self empowerment will come from going within. Using meditation as a place to regenerate, experience, learn, reflect, etc... You will, get a sense of something by doing this. As your father is progressing, the information from your experience can be processed by you, as you continue to bring your father the help you are giving him, that has certainly helped him thus far.
Strokes are something dealt with in level 4. There is alot to assimulate between level I and level II, let alone level 4. The reason , I think, it shows up in level 4, is because the blockage deals with someones state of spiritual health. I am not talking soul here, but rather spirit. The spirit in qigong perspective is a multiple faceted concept/truth. As a healer, I think the increased meditation times a person at level 4 has put in, and their focus being more on meditation, coincides well with doing that kind of healing work. The love that you feel for your father is at the core of your success, and that is what it is, regardless of how much qigong you learn. Giving your love, wanting to learn, trying to help your father....the master's energy will lead you. You are not alone. Just keep feeling, looking in, regrouping after sessions, reflecting, interacting with your master's energy. You don't have to only connect with your master's energy while exercising. You can draw on that source to answer your questions. The sooner you go there, the more you self empower yourself. I see Master Lin maybe once, or twice a year. I always have one question, or two. They are not new questions, and sometimes, more of looking for affirmation to something I am finding true for myself. They are things that seem to stay, as questions, or important things to focus on for the time. By the time I ask the question, I have sat with it for some time, and sort of know the answer, but want to hear the affirmation. Anyway....revisit your experience, and start building on simple realizations. ask yourself what you were feeling at the time, what were you doing when it happened,,,,were you sending out energy to your father, or receiving information. How were you connected,,,was it like scanning and receiving,,,,were you merged in any way with your father,,,etc., etc,.
In strokes, the blockage relates to ones spiritual balance. It starts in the liver, moves to the heart and then the head. Aspects of spirit dwell in the liver and the heart. Working on the physical manifestations of stroke is fine. You are accessing your father through that, and it connects to everything. Things are set in motion, you can learn, practice , and continue helping. It is moving in a good direction. In matters of spirit, love is very powerful. Do some visualization to help your father this way, thinking in terms of his spiritual health and balance, and let it appear how ever it does, and trust your helping him. Love him and calm him on that level. On the physical, support his 'waking up' again. Physical therapy, massage, stimulating the physical body, perhaps cupping the body like in harvesting qi??? arms torso, legs...rubbing the bottom of the feet, massaging hands, etc, physical/energetic stimulation to wake up the body...
Posted By: elessadil Re: Healing with Sword Fingers - 10/15/03 12:48 AM
Thank you Gallen for your comments. I will certainly meditate to try to find the answers. Once I understand what happened the other night then perhaps I will be able to better help my Dad. Thanks for explaining a little bit about where strokes originate. That will also help me to help my father. We have already started the physical stimulation by stroking his arm, hand and leg and making him do certain exercises. And we talk to him all the time and correct him when he uses the wrong words, once we understand what he is trying to say. I just pray that I can help him enough so that he recovers most of what he lost. I will just meditate on these things to find the best way to achieve this.


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