Posted By: Iam2 SFQ and strong body. - 01/05/04 04:25 PM
I know that there are three main areas of chi work; medical, spiritual, and martial. I also suspect that the separation between these three is not delineated by a hard boundary.

I always thought of the martial system as the form to strengthen the body. The medical systems like SFQ are for a healthy body. They are not the same idea, but they are not contradictory ideas.

The core idea I want to get at is, can I use SFQ to improve the strength of my body and not just my health. My issue is I want to be strong and healthy. I keep injurying (minor) myself while I'm exercising. They are injuries of repetition and not accident. I figured that a more flexible and strong body would not be as susceptible to these injuries and cause me to back-off from exercise.

I've been considering working the strength and flexibility into the self-concentration meditation.

Any comments on the ideas dribbled here is appreciated.

You are perfection.

Posted By: Ascending1 Re: SFQ and strong body. - 01/06/04 01:25 PM
Have you considered adding Tai Ji to your regiment? It would certainly provide you with what you are looking for. Benefits are vast and wide spread, some of which include improvements with reflexes, coordination strengthens the body and so on. Also the system by nature incorporates qigong and meditation into the movement and flow.

Also yoga may be another consideration to complement your desired path.

Just a thought

[This message has been edited by Ascending1 (edited January 06, 2004).]

[This message has been edited by Ascending1 (edited January 07, 2004).]

Posted By: Agent B Re: SFQ and strong body. - 01/09/04 04:54 AM
Hi Iam2:

Injuries are frustrating because we see them as setbacks and holding us back from reaching higher goals. Remember though that they are also opportunities to practice your SFQ healing on yourself. Get those sword fingers out and heal thyself!

I suspect from all your posts that you are destined to be a great healer and great healers sometimes have to suffer the injuries so they can have empathy for their patients and understand better how to heal. Master Lee has mentioned this in his lectures that people who suffer from and overcome (example -- cancer) often go on to be great healers to help others (with cancer).

Often when people get injured they are just trying to do too much too fast. Sometimes it is deeper and they are afraid of success and the injuries give them an excuse for not being successful. Spend more time doing the warm up and cool down. Block the time out for your activity and push the busy things of life out of your mind and enjoy the time with your physical body. Probably most important is to pick activities that you really enjoy doing and fresh air outside is always best for me. Personally I never found a hike I didn't like. Some kind of yoga and stretching routine 3x per week is pretty much a requirement with this path. I find that getting the heart rate up is a good thing as well. I always find that music helps kick the enjoyment up a notch if you are confined to quarters in all that snow. Brrrrrrrr.

Just some suggestions. You'll find what is right for you and do those great things. There is plenty of time so enjoy the ride... splint and all.

Agent B

Posted By: Iam2 Re: SFQ and strong body. - 01/09/04 02:26 PM
Thanks guys.

Agnet B, great combination of carrot and butt kicking. You words have inspired me. Look out body here comes some Qigong.

You are perfection.

Posted By: Agent B Re: SFQ and strong body. - 01/09/04 02:43 PM

Still thinking about you this morning. Go to the library and check out Dan Millman. He was a PE major in college and real fitness nut and has written some good books. If you can find, "Everyday Enlightenment" on page 83 he has the "Peaceful Warrior Workout." You can scan over all that but do photocopy pages 114 and 115 (you can get both pages copied on one page). This is the quick reference quide and it gives you 15 quick exercises to energize you and get you in shape. Pin it up on the wall so you can't miss it every morning and "just do it!" 3x per week or more. Over the years, I have modified this to suit my tastes and add some free weights but I did only his workout this morning and must admit I'm totally charged up and ready to go. Not surprising some of the exercises are the same as Master Lin's and Gallen's.

If you can't find the book or don't have time, e-mail me and I'll send you the quick reference guide. Anyone else who wants it for that matter just drop me an e-mail.

Dan is an inspiration as R U 2!

Have a strong and energetic day,
Agent B

Posted By: Iam2 Re: SFQ and strong body. - 01/10/04 06:38 AM
Thanks, I checked and my libray does have a copy. I have to return "Imagine Yourself Well - Better Health through Self-Hypnosis" soon, so I'll check out your book.

You are perfection.

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