Posted By: EricML Faith Healers - 04/20/05 08:14 AM
I was reading the first page of the Spring Forest Qigong page and immediately imagined a faith healer.

What is the difference between a faith healer, and a energy worker (such as qigong) practitioner?...other than the way they address their method?

Could they be the same? Qigong seems more practical in usage, and faith healing is a religious concept, narrowed down to the help of God "deity."

Posted By: Iam2 Re: Faith Healers - 04/20/05 01:25 PM
SFQ is not a religion, as Master Lin strongly notes. However, the similarity to qigong and many faith / angel / energy healing systems is very strong. In SFQ the energy that does the healing is mainly that of your master. Your master could be god, if that is whose aid (energy) you call upon. You are only conduit that provides some conscious directioning. You provide the "what to do" and perhaps a how to the extent that you can imagine it. The actual details are beyond you. There is where faith and confidence in your master's energy and intervention are similar to faith healing.

I won't ramble anymore on the matter, but because of SFQ I am open to many more possibilities in the world than I once was.

You are perfection.

Posted By: the_human_psyche Re: Faith Healers - 05/09/05 10:48 AM

My take it this. It is much more then that. Watch the movie "what the bleep do we know." it helps this make much more sense. We are all connected and and the universe is all energy no matter if you or anyone wants to think, it is a fact. This has nothing to do with faith healing. It has everything to do with energy, your mind and the direction of energy.

Jimmy P

Posted By: Serafin Re: Faith Healers - 05/09/05 11:08 AM
Originally posted by the_human_psyche:

My take it this. It is much more then that. Watch the movie "what the bleep do we know." it helps this make much more sense. We are all connected and and the universe is all energy no matter if you or anyone wants to think, it is a fact. This has nothing to do with faith healing. It has everything to do with energy, your mind and the direction of energy.

Jimmy P

Where can I watch this movie? I've heard of it before, sounds interesting.

Posted By: Etoile Re: Faith Healers - 05/09/05 01:36 PM
I ordered the dvd from . It was very thought provoking. Due to my SFQ practice I was much more "open" to it than my husband. It was a bit too scientific for me to comprehend all of it - but I think there is also a part of me that didn't want or need to "go there" - the presentation is maybe so scientific that it takes away the "magic" of it all. I prefer Iam2's take on "faith healing" - the wonder of the universe and its energy and healing ability.


Posted By: marrs Re: Faith Healers - 05/09/05 02:02 PM
I have also heard good things about this movie and ordered it from Amazon. I am waiting for the weekend to watch it. I live with scientific type brains who like to have concrete explainations for the things around them, which I don't get as I can think of many things that they accept on a daily basis without explaination.

As to the 'faith healer' portion of this thread consider how it is done. The 'laying on of hands' etc. I think that they are mimicking(sp?)what has been written without any understanding of what they are really doing, the energy involved, and even the science involved. Also to be considered is why 'sometimes' it works(the faith healers)and other times it does not. Most of the time 'not'.

Posted By: Iam2 Re: Faith Healers - 05/09/05 02:04 PM

Nice addition to the topic Jimmy P, I don't know if I've seen the program, but I have seen very similar approaches to describing the universe.

My undergraduate studies was in Physics, and I still see myself in that context. So I just love seeing science, but most often theoretical mathematics, providing these unifying ideas. However, often these media presentations can be more hype than science. I really like some of the material I've seen on super strings and higher dimensions of reality which would describe all matter as being more intimately connected than current science would describe.

Science typically likes external and mechanically derived observations. Objective observation is the phrase, but what is generally accepted as valid observations are restricted to the non-personal observations. I can appreciate the prudence of this behaviour, but I can't help thinking that I would be foolish if I ignored my own observations.

I do scrutinize my observations, and do work to create a comprehensive model of the world based on my knowledge and my experience. I don't always let my model be limited by the current state of working science knowledge. I am often encourages by some of the emerging ideas in the science community.

To comment on these models, I do not see them as being in conflict with SFQ or many of the religously based ideas. I don't think any of them are completely accurate. They are just the models developed by different bodies / disciplines, which are each trying to understand and work with the universe. I tend to work with the idea that there is one so-called reality, and so I look for the commonalities in the different models, as well as the differences. Both the commonalities and differences provide understanding.

None of this, is necessary to progress with SFQ. However, ideas are energy and they influence one's thought patterns. So allowing ideas to develop and changes is a natural part of the SFQ process of creating balance and flow. At least that is the way I see things.

You are perfection.

Posted By: the_human_psyche Re: Faith Healers - 05/10/05 09:19 AM
Thanks you all for writing back

But you should watch that dvd. What the bleep do we know" I am a science, and medical junkie. Anyone want to read a good book? read cracking creativity.
I hope I am not breaking any rules telling people about that book. It is a great way to learn how the great thinkers solved and looked at the world and problems. But I beg anyone doing Qi-gong to watch that dvd.

Jimmy P

Posted By: Kathreen Re: Faith Healers - 05/25/05 11:24 AM
Hi all. First time on this board. I love the SFQ more than any other mode of energy work I have experienced. I've been to many classes etc and this is the first time that I can truly say that it works in all manner of ways. I'm not sure why as all energy comes from the same source, but this is the way it should feel, truly beautiful. The "What the Bleep do we know" apparently embraces the new physics where the observing of an object etc changes the very thing you are observing. I have yet to see it but my friend is raving about it. I did some research after she told me about it and was particularly taken by the change in waters structure by the feelings and influences around it. I have to see this film.
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