Posted By: JackieN New user gets tingly feet! - 01/04/06 11:40 AM
I started practising SFQ level 1 exercises just over a week ago. I know that the manual said that itchiness may be an initial side effect but I woke up the other night with a vibration running from my mattress through my feet. It felt a little like feeling a vibrating mobile through the mattress and it was intermittent too. I couldn't find any reason for this and it wasn't unpleasant but a little annoying. I'm not even sure if it has anything to do with SFQ but I wonder if anyone else has experienced this sort of sensation. Thanks
Posted By: Shawn_Grim Re: New user gets tingly feet! - 01/04/06 04:46 PM

The feet are a very common place to have channels that need opening when one is first starting.

Chunyi would say: "You're very lucky -the channels are opening up!"

Much Love, Shawn

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