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Learning Strategies

Joined: Feb 2000
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Here's the invitation to our fall Spring Forest Qigong Retreat--read through it to hear about the many miracles from last fall's retreat. Hope you can make it. Pete

* * * * * *
Spend six days soaking
up universal energy
with Chunyi Lin
* * * * * *

Imagine boosting your personal energetic level
so high that you heal yourself more quickly of
physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual
issues... that you confidently help others to
heal themselves... that your own life runs
smoothly, with more calm and less stress.
Chunyi Lin is a gifted, talented, and masterful
healer, and he wants to share six days of his
life in an intimate setting with you this fall.
He will reveal his understanding of Spring
Forest Qigong and energy healing.

He'll teach you his techniques and watch you
as you practice them on other people.
Remember, Chunyi says that if a body has a
problem, it is because there is a blockage
of energy that results in imbalance. Through
a brilliant combination of simple movement,
focused concentration, and controlled breathing,
you can use Spring Forest Qigong to melt
blockages, balance energy, and help heal
the body.

Throughout the week he will practice Spring
Forest Qigong with you and lead you in powerful
meditations such as Small Universe, Rainbow, Sun,
Moon, and special healing meditations. During
meditations, he will come up to you personally
to remove blockages, balance your energy, and
give you an abundance of restorative energy.

He'll teach you how to do Group Healings and
Long-Distance Healings. You can choose to be
in the circle to receive a Group Healing or be
one of the healers directing energy to those who
need it more. You'll be able to have Chunyi
and the group do Long-Distance Healings on
family and friends back home.

You'll have the öppörtunity to ask Chunyi quëstions
and share a private lunch with a small group of
fellow Retreaters.

You'll hear Chunyi tell incrëdible and inspiring
stories of healing, giving you immense insight
into how the energy works in yourself and others.
He'll reveal to you information that he hasn't
even told his most advanced students (This is
one of the reasons so many people plan on coming
back for their second and third Retreats!).

Yes, you will experience Chunyi's energy in ways
others have only dreamed, and you'll awaken and
strengthen your own energy. You'll see what it
is like to live love, kindness, and forgiveness.

* * * * * *
We asked past Retreaters
about the miracles they've
experienced and hërë is
what they wrote:
* * * * * *

* "The healing is still working for me. My
whole outlook on myself and the world seems
to be changing."

* "Chunyi removed a blockage and my heart
returned to normal rhythm. Opening of my
third eye and ability to see what needs
to be healed."

* "Well being and better connection with
the universe."

* "Improvement in eyesight."

* "Diminished to no pain. Off pain meds!"

* "In meditations I had intuitions and visions
of things I didn't know I knew, and were revealed
to me. I've always had these feelings and the
Retreat helped realize that I am not crazy! And
nöw I have a way to access them."

* "As I sat in the inner circle of the group
healing on the last day, I literally felt
myself lift out of my body as the huge burst
of healing energy came into me and down into
my shoulder and body. I cannot say that my
shoulder and especially my right knee are
completely healed yet, but I have faith that
they will be within a couple of months as I
continue to do the meditations."

* "Feeling much stronger and more integrated
since the Retreat."

* "More centered, calmer in mind, body, and
spirit. Ability to listen to others and not
get triggered by what they say or their
response to my dialogue."

* "The biggest miracle for me was to see Erna
Klaus's stroke symptoms completely disappear
after a five minute session with Chunyi Lin."

* "My tailbone pain from an injury 25 years
ago is gone. Yeah!"

* "I guess that when I asked about my
daughter-in-law and how I could send energy
to the baby-to-be, it was amazing that Chunyi
'saw' them and knew it was a boy -- it was
confirmed that next week with an ultrasound
(although I told my daughter-in-law to save
the möney, she went ahead)."

* "Some amazing healing on my heart. No more
flip-flops or rapid beating. The miracle of
new friends."

* "Hope and support."

* "An overall new knowledge base that I plan
on going further with."

* "I no longer have seizures."

* "My left leg became much more flexible and a
little stronger at the Retreat."

* "It energized me. Even thinking about the
Retreat makes me very happy. I am calmer,
nicer and more positive."

* "My miracle manifested from within. I was
able to let go of some negative thoughts like
bitterness and resentment toward myself and
others. This occurred during my deepest
meditation on the last evening. I was given
the strength to forgive."

* "I have been in a place of grieving for my
friend and I didn't even realize that I could
not really take a deep breath; it was like rubber
bands were wrapped around my lungs, and I didn't
even realize, I just knew I didn't feel well
and I had no energy. Intellectually I knew that
I did my best to help my partner, and she did
the best she could, but I needed to hear that
reassurance from an 'expert' and I was blessed
to speak with Patrick (guest assistant) about
this, and he shared some of his experiences with
me and about 20 minutes after that conversation
I realized that my lungs could expand, it felt
like they expanded even outside my body and I
could breath again. And then I was blessed to
also speak with Darcie (guest assistant) and
we talked about some other aspects of the
experience with my partner and I just felt so
blessed and so loved and so much peace."

* "The miracle of interacting physically in
such unconditional LOVE was astounding. I
experienced changes on tumors and found
improvement with kidney function."

* "The miracle of self-confidence in finding a
way to keep myself well."

* "None on myself -- many on others."

* "Learned to meditate better. Found how to
get back the feeling, or connection with God
(or the like) like I had before my stroke."

* "I feel more focused and have made a
commitment to develop my Spring Forest
Qigong, to spread the love, forgiveness,
and kindness to the world as I experience it."

* "Finding Master Chunyi Lin."

* "I did a healing (one time) on a student in
my class and she experienced an immediate shift.
I find myself sending 'healing energies' to
others daily."

* "Spontaneous healing of a bladder infection."

* "Hmm... I was ämäzed by the whole experience,
but didn't go there to achieve any particular miracle."

* "I worked with a friend who had severe
injuries from a car accident. She wanted
to feel less anxious and angry. She felt
immediate relief, and for the first time
since the accident felt calm (2 years).
She wants to continue the healings and is
nöw doing Qigong exercises and meditation."

* "More healing on a spiritual level."

* "Deep meditation after a lifëtime of trying."

*"I saw one of the participants, who came to
the Retreat barely able to walk, running down
the stairs the last evening. For myself, I
experienced more quietness and a better heart-
mind connection. (I am suffering of [slight]
ADD symptoms)."

* "I had severe tendonitis in my left elbow.
It didn't go away until the last healing of
the Retreat. Two Retreat friends helped me see
that I was not letting go of the past. My husband
passed two years previously, and although I
outwardly appeared to be adjusting just fine,
I wasn't moving on with my life. On the last day,
I put both my husband and myself into the healing
circle. It was a very emotional and tearful
reunion; I had not been able to grieve since he
passed. At the end, I could see him moving
forward in his soul path and I moved out on
mine. I know he will always be there for me,
but I can look forward to the next chapter of
my life in the hërë and nöw. The pain is gone."

* "The arthritis in my feet has disappeared
and it is a joy to walk without pain! Also,
after taking Prozac for many years, I have
stopped taking it since the start of the
Retreat and find that I am still feeling
happy and balanced with a zest for living.
(I have a pack of Prozac still in my bedroom
drawer, but absolutely feel that I don't
need it anymore.)"

* "Self confidence and an awareness of an
intense self-love. Also, I believe that I
made great strides in healing a difficult
relationship with my mother who died about
1-1/2 years ago. I knew intellectually that
this type of healing was possible but I
didn't know if I would ever achieve it."

* "The pain in my right leg and hip wasn't
there anymore. I also have a stronger
heartbeat and a lot more energy."

* "I felt during the Thursday night meditation
in my room that I was in the presence of my true
universal self. It was awesome."

* "I healed my color vision! Also I have
performed many remote healings on friends
and family. Everybody I talked with said
they had a great week while they were
at the Retreat... perhaps because they
were in the 'healing chair' every night
getting blessings!"

* "I had a wonderful time: that's the miracle.
Everybody got along. We were at peace with
one another."

* "I could not complete the full cycle of
Small Universe on my own but nöw can without
my mind wandering. The light energy nöw travels
full circle in my body and I can 'see' it, FEEL
it moving. It is a beautiful thing! I am doing
this meditation in rush hour träffic, in the
bathtub, walking around the track and gaining
more and more energy from practicing this
meditation daily. I am exploring all new ways
on how to incorporate this new tool in my daily
activities and it's fun."

* "Connection with Chunyi and the Masters."

* "Profound sense of peace, continued healing:
blood pressure issues and chronic infection
are improving."

* "A reinforced belief in the power of Spring
Forest Qigong, and a determination to stick
with it."

* "My ankle completely regained its strength
and full-mobility (after a severe break and
two surgeries. I had come to an impasse in
my healing). I realized that I had just run
quickly up three flights of stairs without
holding on to the railing. This had not been
possible since my injury 10 months before."

* "Since coming back from the Retreat I have
been able to walk up and down the stairs like
a normal person with little to no pain. That
hasn't happened since March 2005."

* "I'm a hard-sell on miracles, but I have
to say the deepening of my meditation
experience was very profound and took me
light years ahead of where I was before."

* "John picked up full blast symptoms of a
cold, stuffed-up sinuses, congestion, aches
and pains all over his body, etc. from our
very lengthy train ride. I did the healing
on him in the middle of the night with sword
fingers, small universe, etc. and within 10 to
20 seconds his breathing was much quieter
and effortless. He woke up the next day
feeling much better. I'll continue to do
more healing work on him."

* "I feel calmer and more sure of myself.
I have a deeper appreciation for my body.
I sat down with a book and held it between
my hands to get the information into my
other than conscious mind. That is truly
a miracle. It worked!"

* "My younger sister, who in the past had
been resistant to alternatives, has taken
a real interest and is quickly seeing
improvements in her own health (she has

* "The miracle of personal transformation.
And, I was able to help someone with
shoulder pain."

* "The miracle for me was to know the truth:
Be Still and Know that I Am God. Since returning
home, I notice that things just do not get to me
like before. I feel like my vibration (lack of
better descriptor) has changed. I feel calm."

* "I am beginning to be able to heal myself
without medication."

* "My tolerance level is much higher nöw."

* "Helping clear and heal someone else's hip
injury, seeing a whole new possibility, moments
that were nearly pain frëë, sleeping better than
usual for last the 3 nights without meds,
strengthening my intention and visualization,
taking my meditation to a new level."

* "The slow progress in diminishing of
leg/knee pain. Much clearer head/
thinking/awareness. Breathing easier
because of relaxing."

* "The main miracle was learning to be open
to accept what comes. I also had a meditation
that offered me the chance to deal with some
old sëxual assaults. Since returning home I had
a heavy rain stop on command after meditating on
it for a few moments."

* "Too many to mention here... however, what
stands out in my mind most is the awareness
of a spiritual/emotional transformation within
my heart area. When I first arrived, I was so
emotionally/mentally/spiritually depleted. I
also wanted to withdraw into myself. Soon I
became totally renewed and felt such a powerful
love and acceptance from everyone, it overflowed
into my own soul and brought me 'back to life'
on all levels. I'm still working on feeling that
powerful divine love for myself... it's still
easier to feel it for others... but, I know that
is still transitioning within my soul. The miracle
is that I went at all! (I usually avoid groups
of people!)"

* "My friend's kidney stones cleared up. Within
two days of me working on him over the phöne, he
spoke of the fact that they must have dissolved.
He didn't feel any more pain."

* "I have had great success with three herniated
neck discs, persistent headaches and sinus problems."

* "My patients are daily reporting resolutions
of their health issues."

* "I felt totally rested and refreshed for the
first time in over 10 years."

* "I did a very incomplete healing session on
a person experiencing vertigo, and she told me
a week later that the dizziness was gone and that
she had much energy throughout the week."

* "The miracle of calmness of thought."

* "I learned for the first time to accept
people for who they are. I no longer take
responsibility for their shortcomings and
mistakes. That was a major shift for me."

* "The fact that Master Lin said my heart was
healing nicely."

* "Many little ones. One of them: I was at my
medical practitioner last week. He tested my
chakra -- energies with a device and kinesiology-
testing and couldn't believe the values he
measured. All values improved drastically.
Out of five values, three were above the
range he could measure and two were just
below the maximum (one of them was the chakra
related to healing abilities). He told me
there are only very few persons he has ever
tested that had such values."

* "I did a healing on a woman, and she has not
had a migraine since (she usually gets them every
week); father's vertigo is basically gone; neighbor's
sore back, sinuses and kidney stones have not appeared
since we started doing Spring Forest Qigong together;
I can really feel the energy when I am working with
someone long distance."

* "Better health for me and others I am
treating. I'm still working on the miracle!"

* "My chronic symptoms of sickness are disappearing."

* "Since I was a little girl, I have wanted to
learn more about the 'sacred mysteries' that
are mentioned at the beginning of the Catholic
Mass. When we did our final meditation and group
healing, I felt I was participating in a more
profound mystery than I ever experienced. I was
suffused in grace. I'll nëvër forget it."

* "Better connection with God and the Universe."

* "Connecting more easily and deeply with my
Higher Self and experiencing the amazing results
of that connection... insights, guidance,
clarification... and so much that can't be put
into words. Meditating for an hour and more
and it feeling like 10 to 15 minutes. Looking
forward to more meditations!"

* "At the Retreat, I was able to talk to
Master Lin about the death of my husband.
He helped me to understand what had happened
and why, which has given me a lot of peace.
Since the Retreat I have had the öppörtunity
to send energy to a friend who has fibromyalgia,
and she has benefited. I would not have had the
confidence to send energy long distance without
the Retreat."

* "I don't feel as afraid as I was before."

* "My back is more flexible. I have more
sëxual stamina."

* "I realized that everything is okay exactly
as it is, and that I don't really need to do anything."

* "Meeting Master Lin. A large cyst the size
of a small egg in my left breast has almost
completely disappeared since the Retreat.
Friendships across the world."

* "I nöw treat myself with sword-fingers: I
just THINK that I and the master are pointing
the sword-fingers to my kidneys, and I can
immediately feel the bands of energy around
the bottom of my head, expanding and opening
up. What a miracle!"

* "I nöw totally believe in the power of the
healing energy and in my ability to use it."

* "I had occasion to use Spring Forest Qigong
to help settle one of my students down -- he's
six and often comes to me 'bouncing off the
walls.' I just put my hand on his head, gently,
and visualized the energy calming him straight
down to the floor, according to the story Chunyi
told us. The boy stopped, looked up at me with
those big eyes, and sat down!"

* "I have been a much happier person since
returning from the Retreat. I feel more like
I have a real understanding of my life."

* "Breast lumps in my left side were the
size of walnuts, but within three days
at the Retreat they were the size of peas
or gone. There was also pain in my left
shoulder and difficulty walking, because of
MS; they are nöw gone. I have a lot of peace
of mind, and I am more relaxed."

* "Beginning to put all the strands of my
life together into one harmonious whole."

* "One week after the Retreat, I no
longer needed any of my medication.
This includes meds for high blood pressure,
which I had taken for over seven years. My
reading without meds is nöw about 117/76.
I am off Prozac, again a drug I had taken
for over five years, and was told to expect
to take it for life. I am off Allegra, my
allergy medicine. I just don't need them any
more. At work, I am calmer, more effective,
less emotional, more productive, more, more,
more... so much more. But the most easily
quantified is not needing the medication."

* "By continuing to do the Qigong meditations
and active exercises, I am getting healthier as
each new day passes."

* "Much greater confidence in my intuition;
things like parking spots and being at just
the right spot at the right time and the right
person appearing at the right time are nöw
common in my life; greater internal peace;
wonderful healing and support."

* "My back was healed. My healthcare practitioners
have been ämäzed at the change they have seen
since my return from Minnesota!"

* "The Retreat was a great experience. Since
then I have a different outlook on life. I'm
more receptive, enjoy more things, feel better,
and look forward to enjoying every moment."

* "Lots of them -- my confidence has increased
and I have so much energy and feel so good. It
gave me a new focus. Also some minor health
issues have cleared. Chunyi's advice made all
of the difference."

* "The whole experience was a miracle to me.
Something is different in me, but how or why
I am not sure, but it is good."

* * * * * *
* * * * * *

* 99% rated their experience as very good and excellent.

* 100% rated the effectiveness of Chunyi Lin as very
good and excellent.

* 99.8% answered yes to this question: "If you knew
then what you know nöw, would you have attended
the Retreat?"

* 97.7% enjoyed the Retreat so much that they are
likely to come back again this fall. And most of
them said they are likely to bring a family
member or a friend!

* * * * * *
Sunday, October 8, 2006, through
Friday, October 13, 2006

What will it take for
you to join Chunyi?
* * * * * *

You might think that you can't attend the
Retreat unless you practice Spring Forest
Qigong every day, but guess what; you can
attend even if you don't practice. We know
that you will be inspired and motivated to
practice more when you return home. But if
you practice consistently before the Retreat,
your energy will be stronger and you should
receive even greater results. At the very
least, Chunyi requests that you go through
Level One and Level Two Spring Forest Qigong
courses before the Retreat, and in a little bit,
I'll tell you how to get the courses frëë!

First... You can enroll today for a deposit of
$80 -- the deposit is refundable for 10 business
days, which should give you plenty of time to
make arrangements. The full tuition -- before
discounts, is $3400. In checking what others
offer for healing retreats, I found our price
to be quite reasonable. I was stunned to find
others as much as $16,000 for a 6-day healing
retreat, which I think is a lot even if they
throw in a massage every day! And -- get this
-- that one is led by an "expert" and not
a "master."

There is a huge difference between a book-smart
"expert" who can talk about anything and a
"master" who actually lives it. And Chunyi is
an accomplished master who totally and
completely lives his talk -- you can see
this in Your Healing Power.

You get full room and board at the Spring
Forest Qigong Retreat, which is something
you won't get at the other retreats! At
Chunyi's Retreat, you will receive a single
occupancy room (at the Radisson Hotel and
Conference Center in Plymouth, Minnesota)
and wonderful, delicious (and maybe too
much, too!) meals, and huge buffets spread
out for the breaks.

* * * * * *
Let's talk discounts:
* * * * * *

If you make a refundable deposit of $80 today,
you will not only reserve your spot at the
Retreat, but you'll instantly save $400 as
well. This is our Early Bird Discount.
Respond nöw and your Early Bird Discount
can be an even greater savings, too.
Read on...

(By the way, these discounts expire on June 22, 2006.)

* Upgrade to a total savings of $850 if
you attended either of the first two Learning
Strategies Spring Forest Qigong Retreats in
2004 or 2005.

* Upgrade to a total savings of $500 if
you attended the 2003 Learning Strategies
Retreat, 2004 PhotoReading Retreat, 2005
Diamond Feng Shui Retreat, 2005 Accelements
Training, or 2005 Natural Brilliance Retreat.

And you can save even more with these special

* FAMILY DISCOUNT: Come with a spouse/partner
or family member, and each of you will save an
additional $100, and your guest will get the
same Early Bird Discount as you!

* ROOMMATE DISCOUNT: If you share a room, your
tuition will be further reduced by $250 each (if
you come alone, at your request we will try to
find a roommate ).

The savings add up. Depending on your situation,
you can save over $1,000.

* FRËË COURSE: All you have to do is pay your
tuition in full by July 1, and you get the
Deluxe Edition of the Spring Forest Qigong
course frëë! If you already have the course,
you can select any one of our other courses up
to a course worth $245. (Or, if you attended one
of our past Retreats, you can elect to take a
$100 discount off of this Retreat.)

I think one of the best reasons to attend the
Retreat is to be with Chunyi Lin personally.
You see, the lone fact remains that I don't
know anyone at all who is at Chunyi Lin's
level (certainly not that guy doing the
$16,000 retreat!). Chunyi's ability
to manipulate/channel/use universal
energy for healing is astounding, mind-boggling,
and a rare gift. And being with him is a
rare öppörtunity.

If you want to heal -- physically, emotionally,
mentally, or spiritually (or all four)...

If you want to help other people heal...

If you want to raise your own energy level...

If you want to explore energy work...

If you want to meet -- and spend time with -- an
amazing man who is truly a master of his craft...
then you need to be willing to invest in yourself.

* * * * * *
We asked past Retreaters if they
got what they came for.
They said:
* * * * * *

* "More confidence in my healing abilities. Yes."

* "Deeper spiritual growth. Yes and more."

* "More motivation to practice Spring Forest
Qigong, meet others who were practicing it as
well, meet Chunyi Lin, get my leg worked on,
make new friends. Yes, I did."

* "Greater understanding of Spring Forest
Qigong, Yes. Deeper Meditations, Yes. Third
Eye Opening, Yes. Being with like-minded
people, Yes."

* "Learn more about power of our minds that I
can apply for my business growth. Learn about
staying healthy and healing my internal problems.
Learn more about helping other people to heal
better. Learn more about energy and energy
healing. Yes, I got all of them and more."

* "Added confidence in my personal ability to
heal. Actual healing on my feet (arthritis)
and distance healing for my loved ones. A
resounding YES to both!"

* "Wanted to learn to be a healer. YES, I
got it!"

* "An inside, in-depth experience of Chunyi. Yes,
I got it."

* "Personal healing. Ways to help heal others.
Yes, yes, and yes."

* "A higher level of spiritual enlightenment,
knowledge and training... for myself and in
treating others. What I gained in these areas
was far beyond my wildest dreams. (I came with
no expectations...just a lot of hope. I was not
disappointed.)" I could go on and on, but let's
cut to the chase. It is time to...

* * * * * *
Make your commitment
to spend six days
with Chunyi Lin nöw
* * * * * *

I don't want you to miss out, so please make
your deposit today and plan on joining us on
October 8 through 13, 2006. To make your
$80 deposit, go to:
or call us toll-frëë at 1-888-800-2688. Feel
frëë to call or write with any quëstions.

See you in October!

For your personal best,

Pete Bissonette


P.S. - As a bonus, during each of the four
weeks before the Retreat Chunyi Lin will
do a group telephone healing for you and at
least one of your friends back home. This will
help you prepare for the incrëdible experience
of a week with Chunyi by opening your energy
channels and melting energy blockages before
you come. Make your deposit right nöw at
or by calling toll-frëë at 1-888-800-2688.

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Joined: Jan 2006
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Hmmmm.... Nice hypnotic patterns....

Is it just me or are there really two dots above several letters? ö, ë, ä?


You'll have the öppörtunity to ask Chunyi quëstions
and share a private lunch with a small group of
fellow Retreaters.

* "My tolerance level is much higher nöw."

* "Helping clear and heal someone else's hip
injury, seeing a whole new possibility, moments
that were nearly pain frëë, sleeping better than
usual for last the 3 nights without meds,
strengthening my intention and visualization,
taking my meditation to a new level."

*End of quotes*

As far as I understand those dots arte there on purpose. To put the reader into a trance. To help markeitng. Makes me thinking...


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Excuse my chuckle at Hypnotic patterns or putting the reader into trance using umlauts.

No the explanation is much simpler and not quite that exotic. Two words Spam filters.

Despite the fact that people ask Learning Strategies to send them emails they still get blocked by spam filters. We get complaints from people who are disappointed at not receiving the emails.

So to solve that problem words that cause emails to wind up in spam are words like opportunity, new, now, free. are changed. Rather than hyphenating, adding letters and symbols that affect the readability Learning Strategies has used the umlaut.


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Joined: Jan 2006
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C'mon Alex, you know better then that!

This happens to be one of my favourite topics... Could say I'm obsessed with it! Now been caught twice... (wiht a chuckle)

Still, I know it's a very subtle way to put people into trance. Of course, if you know of it, it works only if you want it to.

I once was caught by a similar marketing technique, and it led to one of the most wonderful decisions in my life. Maybe that's why I'm so obsessed in all the ways putting people to trances and then giving them positive, life-changing suggestions.


p.s. If you read my messages carefully, you can see the hypnotic patterns I'm using...

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I would love to be able to attend the retreat but the cost is out of my league. Add to it the cost of the plane ticket and then--oh well. Just thinking aloud-

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If money is tight, and if a long-term payment plan would help, just ask. Pete

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Last year I wanted to go and thought it was a bit expensive yet I chose to go anyway. I was amazed at how much time was spent in the retreat activities (from 6:00am to 10:00 or 11:00pm) and at all the free things given by Learning Strategies. And all the opportunities to get and give healings. The accomodations were superb too.

This year when I look at the price I think it seems inexpensive. Guess that is experience talking.

If you can pull the money together it is well worth the price in my opinion. And, I understand about the additional cost of an airline ticket as it tends to be about a thousand dollars from where I live in Hawaii to Minn.

Good luck

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I have a question about the retreat. I just started with Level 2, and so far I haven't been able to detect energy blockages. (I live with 2 cats, so I don't have any humans readily available to practice with, and the cats won't sit still for me to scan them!)

I'm very interested in going to the retreat, but I'm wondering if it would be premature to go this year. I realize I have a few months to practice and with luck will make much headway in that time.

So I guess my question boils down to ... if I'm still unable to detect energy blockages, is it appropriate for me to attend and am I likely to get good value out of it?

Thanks very much for any input!


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Learning Strategies

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Aloha DeniseH,

Good question.

This isn't like a standard Level III or IV class of Chunyi's - you'll have the opportunity to ask questions at all levels. He will be reviewing Level I on Day one, and Level II on day two, so we'd like people to be familiar with those two classes/home study courses. He'll fill in the gaps for you, but won't teach the entire course on those days.

Your situation is a perfect reason to attend the retreat. It's set up to give you 6-days (well, more like 5, as we get into that part on day two) of practicing detection and the healing steps on you fellow participants.

You'll have the Guest Instructors there - Chunyi's advanced students, to answer questions and give assistance in things like detecting. They are there for you, so use their expertise, and come out of the retreat a confident detector and healer.

We've had people who glanced at the Level I and II courses on the plane ride to the retreat, and gained a lot from participating. The retreat is so much more than just information (ask all the returnees each year). We put the Level I and II prerequisite in place so you can hit the ground running at the retreat, rather than possibility being overwhelmed if it would be the first time you've worked with Spring Forest Qigong.

Looking forward to seeing you at the retreat,


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Joined: Jun 2004
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I was happy to attend last years retreat with Chunyi and felt it was worth every penny.

What I found most inspiring was the evening meditations with Master Lin.
Being able to "go into the emptiness" with Master Lin present was one of the greatest meditation experiences ever for me.

When I left the Retreat I was mentally prepared for the glow to fade after a few days, although many things had changed for me and the glow didn't fade.

I believe the greatest gift I received that week was to go home and be able to do healing on myself, very much improved.

Any regrets?

There were many great people there I wish I had more time to talk to. I wish we had started doing healing practice on the first day.

It was perfect.

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