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#57568 12/19/06 05:36 PM
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I'm looking to release the negative programming that has caused me to have fear/inhibitions in my life (ie. keeping myself from rock climbing or public speaking or being in long-term relationships). I hear that the holosync program is good at releasing the negative clutter that has saturated the subconscious. I purchased the Sonic Access cd's a few weeks ago.

Can any of the SA cd's help with the general decluttering like holosync or are they JUST heavy-duty paraliminals. I also own a few paraliminals but I hear that the Sonic Access cd's are stronger...or combining the two. I'm just somewhat confused on the differences between Sonic Access and holosync. I mean, does holosync work on a deeper level than SA? Thanks!

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Comparing the two would be like comparing oranges and watermelon - both sweet and juicy, but definitely in different leagues, and created for different purposes.

Holosync is a long-term program (approx. 12 years to complete for most individuals), which over time will assist in releasing negative clutter, but it works in a different way than Paraliminals, and probably at a different level as well.

Rather than just take someone else's word for what Holosync does, or doesn't do, why not actually explore the web-site yourself, and get the full details by the people who offer the program, as well as see testimonials by actual users. You can also acquire a FREE demo of the program, although if you are using Sonic Access or any of the paraliminal CD's, you've already experienced Holosync. The big drawback, other than the time commitment, for Holosync, is the financial commitment.

You might also explore The Sedona Method for releasing your fears and moving away from recognized negative programming. Not nearly as expensive as Holosync, but you will need to commit some time for good results.

Bottom line, though, is that whatever method you choose (and they're all great!) to move forward in your life, you must make a commitment to follow through - even with Sonic Access and the Paraliminals, there is that need. Personal advancement isn't something you can buy, use once and put on a shelf, and expect it will do the job for you. (something I have become acutely aware of recently )


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Thanks a lot for the thorough reply! I did actually listen to the demo and read some of the info on the Holosync website. You are right, I'm better off doing it myself as opposed to hearing other people's results as everyone is different, and the results have been different for many people.

I just looked at the Sonic Access booklet and it mentions "dissolve emotional and spiritual blocks to free yourself from fear, anger, and resentment so that you enjoy positive and loving relationships." I guess my question is how does that compare to holosync or Sedona method in terms of releasing negative blocks. I don't think I can afford holosync at the moment, but since Sonic Access is designed to do just that (dissolve blocks), then I will focus on that. And not be scared to do some extreme sports like rock climbing;-)

I've heard mixed results on holosync but one person mentioned that it made him more logical and released many emotions. It may not have been a good thing for him, but it is the fearful emotions that keep me from living a fuller life so maybe I do need more logic to "just do it" and not having that voice in the back of my mind saying "it's scary, don't do it!"

Take care!

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I have been doing the Sedona method now for nearly 4 years and it does work and is simple to use. Yet I have gained much from Spring Forest Qigong. Much emotional blocks have been released and I know it because of the newest dreams that I have. And I do like the Sonic Access program with the template to me it does more that holosync. And in the reading section there is a book called Brain Gym I have used it and it works. The physical movement in Spring Forest QiGong and Brain Gym work.

Last edited by kevinfromnorthernont; 12/20/06 03:35 AM.
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Nice to read your post Unis! I have not started Genius Code yet, have you? Hmmm- and Boundless renewal is on its way. I did get through the others, and they are very good...(Santa, I realy have been a good boy and I am getting better...)

soleada80, I can't say enouph about Sedona Method. Simple, effective, Life long usefulness. I still use it every day after all these years.

Centrepoint is good, if you can afford it- it's pricey and long term. I may pick it up again $omeday...Keep in mind that it will bring old painful stuff to the surface, but it also provides advice about how to handle that. Of course, if you have Paraliminals, Sedona, etc, you could handle just about anything.


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Hi Vita-man:

No, haven't started Genius Code yet (and it's been almost a year since I bought it!) and only slightly got into one of the other of the 5-Pak I ordered at almost the same time. My time to work on myself this year has been scattered at best, and I'm making some New Year resolutions now to correct that situation. Santa has already dumped a large chunk of black coal in my stocking, so I really do need to pick up my act.

I think one of the things that has been holding me back from using the Genius Code is that I just don't seem to have the ability to visualize anything but a blank, black nothingness with my eyes closed. Tried image streaming and gave up in frustration - how do you image stream when there are no images? Guess that's why I like Holosync so much - there's nothing to have to try to visualize. Just energy running, and feeling on Cloud Nine!

I generally don't get visuals with the Paraliminals either, and that's probably why getting results with them (for me, at least) takes a long time and a lot of listening. On the very rare occasion that I actually do see something, I get so excited it's gone before I can do anything with it. With my eyes wide open, I can visualize almost anything - it's like it's floating out there in front of me and I could reach out and touch it. But as soon as Paul instructs to "close your eyes", it's gone. Nada!!! Definitely a disconnect there somewhere's!

PS: Lost your email addy when my hard drive crashed last year - you probably still have mine.


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Unis, Use one of the kick start techniques for Image Streaming. Also it starts out being like remembering a picture of your car. You describe it as best you can. Very rarely do the images appear vivid like when you are at a deep level in meditation.

If for example you just momentarily thought of a flower describe the flower you might name the it and then go on to explain what colour it was, how open it was how healthy it was. Any flash that makes you think of something is the basis of your image stream. The image may already be gone when you start streaming so describe what you remember in as much detail as you can. It gets easier.


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Hi Unis,

Unis wrote:
"I think one of the things that has been holding me back from using the Genius Code is that I just don't seem to have the ability to visualize anything but a blank, black nothingness with my eyes closed. Tried image streaming and gave up in frustration - how do you image stream when there are no images?"

I bought Genius Code a couple of months ago, and am impressed by the logic of it. (And it makes a fitting complement to Huna, it seems to me, but that’s another story).

You ask "How do you image stream when there are no images?". I too have always been a very poor visualiser. That is, during meditation, (holosynch, and other forms), and during other times when I'm in an 'altered state', I can get flashes of images, sometimes very intense, but usually very short-lived. There have been many times when, in some form of deep meditation, I have been in contact with some inner mind stuff, and a moment later, a fraction of a second later, my awareness has all been in my conscious mind, and my memory of what I had been aware of in my inner mind, has completely gone. Forgotten in a moment.

I have never had that easy familiarity with Inner Mind contents in the way that some people seem to have - they just shut their eyes and - voila - they perceive a whole bunch of inner mind stuff. But with me, my awareness is EITHER focussed almost entirely in my inner mind (and I can only 'bring stuff back' from there with some difficulty), OR it's focussed almost entirely in my conscious mind. It’s as though there’s a closed doorway between the realms of the conscious and the inner minds, and one’s awareness can be on one side or the other, but not on both sides, of this door.

What I need is the means of opening this doorway between Conscious and Inner Mind.

What I get from Image Streaming is the notion that we can actually perform a kind of practice that will begin to open this doorway between Inner Mind processes, and Conscious Mind processes; that by doing the 'out-loud-description' process we can actually, gradually open this doorway between these inner and outer lives and facilitate an easier flow of information between them.

With me so far? Hope so. Back to: "I just don't seem to have the ability to visualize anything but a blank, black nothingness with my eyes closed." What I see when I close my eyes is initially blankness. The sight of the closed door, I would suggest. However, beyond this door is supposed to be the teeming, vigorous, ceaseless activity of the Inner Mind. It seems to me that this teeming activity ought to penetrate the door at least a little bit, through even a closed door, in the same way that a noisy party on the other side of a door will be perceivable through that door. Okay, the sound that comes through the door may only be muffled and dim, and consist of the bass notes since they pass through the door most easily, but something will get through, if only one listens hard enough.

So, I say that initially I see blackness. BUT if I look more closely, I find that this blackness is not featureless - it may have a kind of granularity about it, where there are paler granules dancing against a black background; and this granularity may pulsate somewhat. And if I keep looking, I may start to get a slight hint of a coloured field gradually crossing and recrossing my visual field. And by focussing on these things, they become clearer and stronger. They start out as the muffled hint of something beyond the door, but by focussing on them, they gain more clarity. Sometimes they change dramatically – a couple of times I had the experience of very clear mandala-like imagery forming with a very tangible energy shift or flow. On another occasion, the slightly dancing granularity of what I saw changed into a thrumming, throbbing, frenetic pulsing granularity. And many many times, a slight hint of a coloured wave crossing my visual field has turned into a bright clear powerful coloured field.

I think I am at the very beginning of what may be a long learning process, but Learning Strategies have given me a tangible process, a technique, a practice that I can do, that I believe will gradually ease open this doorway. And even if it’s slow [as it is at the moment], it’s a hell of an advance on feeling that we’re simply stuck with whatever degree of Conscious-Unconscious communications we find ourselves with, and we can’t do anything about it, which is the way things used to seem.

One other thing. Until I started earnestly to try the Image Streaming practice, I assumed I was looking very intently at the blankness behind my eyes. But I have come to realise that I was kidding myself a lot of the time – I thought I was looking hard, but in fact I was spending a lot of time talking to myself in my head, and not really looking at all. That is, my attention was much more on inner dialogue and listening, than it was on actually looking. I might well have been talking to myself about how blank it seemed, but in doing that I wouldn’t really be seeing the blankness, I would be talking about an assumed state of blankness. Even when I thought I was looking, I was frequently mainly listening. So if you see what I mean, and can bring your full visual attention to bear on what you see behind your eyelids, whatever it is, you may start to find that it isn’t just a featureless blankness, but in fact is a blankness which actually possesses a lot of features, and that the more you pay it visual attention, the more dynamic it will become, until it will spring into life!

Another simple little success. Even though I don’t feel I’ve had any great success with Image Streaming during the Image Streaming sessions, I have noticed that when I’m trying to navigate a route when I’m driving, something interesting sometimes happens: I get a flash of a visual representation of my route, a flash of a series of maps showing the segments of my route, in my mind, something that never used to happen. So I feel that that door is opening a little bit in everyday life.

I hope this helps,



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Hi Soleoda,

Not sure I can add much to the conversation as I too am in a similar situation to yourself. I'd been thinking about Holosync for a couple of months - I know a couple of people who use it and say it is awesome! - but was a little scared by some of the comments I found online about it. I only have ONE brain so I want to make sure it works properly and the description of 'overwhelm' was what was freaking me out a bit.... Yes, yes, I KNOW if you focus on it you will attract it but that doesn't cut it with me, I just want to know I won't be a TOTAL nut job or that I am recruited into a cult if I use it (sorry, don't mean to offend those who use Holosync, but I guess I have been burnt before by a simlar group/organisation so I just tread/react carefully now...).

I'd read a lot about Learning Strategies and had a chance to view the set of Sonic Access CD's up close and have a read of the manual - I was impressed. I thought this would be a good opportunity for me to try both Learning Strategies and Holosync (to a degree) and I just ordered it and am waiting eagerly for its arrival. I'm excited to pop it in the CD player, can't WAIT!!!

Also, and this might help you, I signed up to a FREE course with Bill Harris interviewing Teachers who had been in 'The Secret' and Hale Dwonski from Sedona was on there along with heaps of other great Teachers. I found Hale and his discussion about Sedona AWESOME and am TOTALLY gonna save up for this course - importantly to me, he sounded like he lives what he teaches and has a calm beautiful personality. I have studied Tibetan Buddhism heaps and it resonates with a lot of Eastern Philosophies and I need to learn how to manage IN THE MOMENT rather than hash up old stuff so I think it will be perfect.

I think we all need different tools and combinations and some work for some and not for others so (unfortunately) it is a matter of experimenting - hard if you are on a budget.

For me, I will work with Sonic Access (and perhaps buy some other paraliminals if it is right for me) and DEF order Sedona tapes or get to a workshop (around $360 but then NO MORE costs involved after that unlike Holosync). I MAY try Holosync after this, depending on how I find working with Sonic but I have been budget challenged recently so I need to be 100% sure before I go with it. I ordered the trial CD but got nothing much out of it though I suspect you really need to try AP to get a real sense. I think Holosync could work well with Sedona too as if you are bringing up feelings with Holosync you have the tools to release them with Sedona. These combined with some Learning Strategies material and other seminars will be I think a POTENT combination.

I look forward to hearing more about your journey and decision and feel free to email me personally if you like so we can share our experiences - I am a FEAR expert too :-)

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For me I found holosync a waste of money but I am autistic so it could be I am one of the people that does not get results from it. If I was starting out again I would get paraliminals and the free trial of the neuroprogrammer software, those together are very powerful.

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