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#78085 04/30/11 05:25 PM
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I do this meditation before going to sleep at night. But sometimes I fall asleep while doing it. Do I still receive the benefits?

slarocco #78091 05/02/11 07:14 AM
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Absolutely. The process is mostly sub-conscious anyways. When sleeping your sub-conscious is sorting thought streams and compiling information from your "day". If you did this mediation before, or as you are falling asleep, your mind is going to kick in and keep going AND as it is sorting thoughts, its going to integrate your meditation in as well... With this in mind, this can only produce benefits. wink


Zakyrus #78095 05/03/11 03:08 PM
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Thank you for this information. I'm not doing the active exercise consistently but always do the small universe. As for the active exercise I find it hard to stand for 45 to 50 min at one time. Is it also beneficial if you only do a few of the active exercise and if so which ones are the best to do?

Thanks for your help

slarocco #78099 05/04/11 06:55 AM
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I hear ya. I find it hard to motivate myself sometimes, but we gotta do it to keep the flow going. "not wanting" to do something, (especially wholesome activites like qigong) can mean there's something off in the flow. However, in your case, it's most likely because you are starting out and getting into the newness of it. Oh, how fortunate you are to be learning of the wonderful energy all about your reality. Don't ever lose that perspective by the way, you want every moment to have a "newness" to it. ...but anyways, I'm rambling.

I'd say, start simple. Do the opening exercise, then pick one you'd like to try, do it for 15-20 minutes or so, then do the closing.

Start with that. You should opt for *at least* 15 minutes a day. Even 5 mins. wont hurt if your having a busy day.

Over time, your body will get used to the short excersise time and you can gradually work up to 20, 25 or 30 mins and beyond. The idea of any energy system is not to force your body into it. That would cause you to try to make all these "limits and boundries" like ugh, I *have to* practice today, I *have to* to it this way... The idea is to heal as well as undo all "stuck-ness" and limitation, not create more for yourself by thinking you *should* or *have to*...

It's your body, your energy system is tuned to how you are in your current state, whatever that may be. So jumping into a 40 minute exercise without doing any prior training, might be a little excessive. Yes, there are certain techniques you must follow in the beginning stages(in time you'll see that these are actually guide-lines more than 'rules'), but once you understand the "flow" and the foundation of how it 'works', you can adapt and write your energy system however you want, as long as it's smooth and flowing and not stagnating somewhere.

I like 7 steps myself, so try that. It's simple and easy, and opens you up pretty good. Joining of Yin/Yang is also great. (They all are, pick one and try it--you might get addicted and wont want to stop)

Also remember to keep your intent in mind before you go into practice. Take a few minutes before you start, clear and relax your mind. Then visualize what you want to get out of your excercise, whether it be for healing yourself, healing others, improving awareness and focus, "enlightenement", etc, etc.

For instance, if you want more love--take a moment and imagine what it is like to be feel loved, but also shines from you, enraptures you, becomes you--like if you could make love into a blanket and wrap yourself in it. Spend a few moments generating this feeling, and intend to manifest it in your practice and other areas of life.

Or you could imagine you are taking the Divine hand of God and walking upon a bridge of dazzling colors, going upwards towards a *vast* crystal clear light, as flawless as clear mountain water-- symbolic of enlightenment-- I assure you, that will be no idle fantasy.

I hope my ramblings will serve some purpose in helping you with your training. Yeah, when I get excited, I get pretty verbose and write a lot more that I need to--I dont get to talk about this stuff much, people think your nuts...

Anyways, I know there's a few out there that want this kind of information. So hey, take it, use it, credit Source, not me, I'm just a channel... (pun intended) grin


Last edited by Zakyrus; 05/04/11 07:26 AM.
Zakyrus #78102 05/04/11 04:49 PM
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I enjoyed your post, Zakyrus.

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Thank you so much, I completely get what you are saying. In fact this morning I did just that, started with 2 excerise's then the ending. It seemed to be just enough for me to do right now. In fact I had some feeling going down the leg that I'm trying to heal which was a new feeling, not quite pain but defintely something that I haven't felt before.

I appreciate you taking the time to discuss this with me.

slarocco #78116 05/07/11 12:19 PM
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That is definitely a good sign. The 'stuckness' dissolving and moving is good. Also, here's another tidbit. Since our every day life, our Universe and even our brain is holographic and all energies are entangled and flowing through one-another, then this would mean everything is really happening in our mind. Spirit is invisible, but does have a wonderful 'flow' to it.

Every event that happens in your every day life, from moment to moment will have a feeling of flow, within you and around you at all times. In your training and or not, you will get more and more attuned to the feeling of the smoothness of a flow. Everyone feels it on some level, but we usually hide behind our walls of anxiety that we create for ourselves (another 'stuckness') Some people will focus on stuckness scenarions rather than flow, this can be detrimental. Never stop flowing. In other words, keep your mind and intent light, and your body relaxed and not tensed, and your emotions calm...

Sometimes events will arise that have a 'stuckness' theme to them, such as trapped in traffic longer than expected and the line appears to go nowhere... or your computer will lag for an extraneous amount of time. --and you will notice that this might annoy you. The annoyance (or whatever emotion arises from you due to the appearance of the stuckness) is actually a projection from the mind. The out-there of the "world" is also a projection created from your mind, to *assist* you in undoing this 'invisible' stuckness.... which is all symbolic of us thinking that we are separate from our Source. Which is the one and only 'real' problem we have.

We are part of an infinite energy sea of unlimited knowledge which exists beyond time. Inside of the illusion of time, we have limitation, we have to learn things, we have to evolve our perspectives... this is stuckness, but learning or evolving is symbolic of going beyond stuckness (EVERYTHING except the observation state of mind and Source itself is Symbolic). The observation state (part of you 'watching' and 'knowing' -- not the thinking part, that's your brain) the WATCHER of you, that's you, that's your soul-spark of awareness so to speak.

Go look into a mirror and get a view of your 'self' you'll see the reflection of your physical body, (a bio-machine that you are borrowing symbolically in order for your soul to undo the stuckness and find it's way home) then look again 5 minutes, a year, a trillion aeons (well....) and you'll see the reflection again and you may have changed or had 'all these adventures' ...but there's a part that hasn't changed... a part that's timeless... You will see YOU, you're not in the mirror, you are flowing through and between the energy of the mirror, it's not the kind of energy that will reflect. It's a feeling of presence that is observing, that's the real you. Knowing that 'presence' is you, is only the next step of countless in your vast and wonderful journey across this abstract and wonderful Universe.

The reason this world seems so solid is that part of the mind "believes" that it is cut of from the Source. The solidity, is symbolic of the stuckness. The variables, the chaos, or 'different' situations or themes that this stuckness has (traffic, computer lag, forgetfulness) are just small events or "pocket versions" of the large stuckness we think is there. The "violent" and destructive changes on the mental planes that occur such as war, people crashing airplanes in buildings, self-destruction, people getting hooked on drugs and falling into hopeless-ness.....these are symbolic to our 'reaction' to us thinking we are seperate.

Let's look at some other concepts of stuckness...we seem to have not gone beyond populating and exploring other worlds...
Yeah, the energy system of the "body" is bound to circadian rhythm...
(every 2 hours an energy channel opens, and this is based on the angle of the sun and is divided like a prism through the atmosphere and channeled into your pineal gland which activates hormones which increases the resistance in your channel which causes a more focused/intense energy flow to go thru it, thus acting upon the specific organs)
...and the muscles would atrophy in space after long periods of being away from earth's magnetic Gauss.

Our bodies need these kinds of Qi, they are Heaven, Sky and Earth Qi combining with Spirit and melding with the body.

But aren't these limitations, all just seemingly different concepts of stuckness...? What if they are all in the mind? And all it took was a little searching to look at something new? And that the mind could alter it's Qi flow and one could change what kinds of environments you could survive in --just by tuning your thought to a different frequency?

The fear of 'seperation' and all its chaotic variables can only be undone by total understanding. Love, kindness, and forgiveness are the key. You are forgiving the situation, not because you or the 'other party' that is seemingly separate from you is at fault. That would be cause/effect in time-bound universe of limited and seemingly scripted change. No, you instead forgiving them, because you have done nothing and were mistaken for the what world was. It has done nothing to you, and you have done nothing to the world. By having the intent to purify your mind, and knowing that everything on your 'way home' is symbolic (save for all minds around you, they are joined with you) you can't possibly lose.

Each time we recognize the stuckness or un-smooth flow, we can use our intent to smooth it out and the 'big stuckness' diminishes. If we didn't think it was there, we would be perfectly flowing with the rest of the infinite energy sea and all these problems that symbolically arise in the world would cease and there would be total bliss, because the illusion of fear (ego self) would fall away.

The good news is that we are not separate from our Source so there really is no problem (even though we think there is)-- so systems like QiGong that restore energy flows help dissolve this stuckness and help us return to our natural state of Immortal Spirit.

Do not be afraid of your ego mind, do not worry about a thing. You and all minds around you are not separate from your Source and remember that when you practice and train you will become a more effective healer, as well as better at freeing yourself and those around you from our seemingly limited states.

Also, do not be concerned with what it looks like 'out-there' or the apparent state of the body. These are also setups. Smooth the energy flow of the situation, and what it looks like 'out-there' will change. Sometimes you might have to witness something awful, hang in there and just flow through it. Sometimes you might experience or see something that will surprise you, don't worry and just flow.

For example, sex, a touchy subject. It is symbolic of joining in bliss of total innocence, but in a world of seemingly opposite mental states, we have embarrassment associated with nakedness, we also have more twisted varieties....

This can be an analogy of why ego is so protective of 'self' without the illusory distortion of ego, there is only flawless perfection--total innocence. Because we think we have become separate from our Source (symbolically) we have the opposite of flawless perfection, which is EVERY variable and changeable state. Daoists discovered this, Bhuddists were into this stuff. Jesus was into this. He knew he was awake and was helping other people wake up by forgiving and healing the stuckness. The message got distorted. I don't intend going to raise a religious argument, but *collectively* we are God's Son--which acknowledges the concept of Oneness. It unifies Religeon and Science. There is no split, it was already over.

But...since we seem to be time-bound, we have 'cycles'. From Universal, super-galactic, down to atomic, sub-atomic, quantum and sub-quantum levels. We have the Small Universe cycle through us as well. This is part of the mind flow, to keep these open will diminish the blockages, and when that's open--will allow you to effect and smooth out your reality around you. As long as it's positive vibrations, you will only be closer to reaching total un-stuckness or unlimited state.

Practicing things like circle walking from bagua or visualizing the two channels flowing, harmonizes you with the cycle of the current time-stream your reality is experiencing. (which comes from the mind of course) The two channels (symbolic of seperateness) are part of the ONE Small Universe channel. Joining these channels into one flow, is another symbolic concept of joining and smoothing flow.

You will start to notice much more 'stuckness' concepts, 'seperateness' concepts or other things to tempt you that you are a body and separate from your Source. Don't worry bout these and don't focus mentally on them too much or you might go a bit a mad for a while. Flow past them knowing well that you not separate from your Source and division in Oneness is impossible. Over time they wont stand out so much (as the mind is being healed) and you'll see the abstract 'separate' components of your world as more like a dream than a nightmare.

The idea is to ride with the smooth flow, the illusory 'stuck' flow doesn't really exist anyways, so smooth it out. You'll help the Universe. "Go with the flow." If you go with it, it's like a bulldozer clearing a path for you and those around you--who you definitely touch with your gift.

If you go against it, it's like that bulldozer is coming at you. Don't judge yourself or others, just stay with the smooth flow. If negativity arises, keep your cool and gently recognize it as smooth flow 'tied in a knot' or something to that effect. -and undo it.

I'm not assuring you that your going to be impervious to everything... but, if someone is going to wish you harm, you could probably know well in advance and help them overcome their own sufferings.... their soul will thank you for it at the very least. That, and you will have the knowledge that you are not your body and in that aspect, you are totally protected and cared for by your Source.

Good luck in your training... I just like to keep the flow going so I'll be here now and then if ya want to philosophize or something. This goes for anyone. For if we are all of One Source, how could I hold anything good apart? wink

I also want to sort of document what I've been working with down... I might write a book at some point. I feel like I've just scratched my finger-nail on a vast mountain of knowledge--and can actually write it down in ways that people can understand...... I seem to be good at that. So yeah, ask questions, it can only be beneficial. wink

Last edited by Zakyrus; 05/07/11 01:50 PM.
Zakyrus #78425 07/18/11 10:16 AM
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I am new and after reading your philosophy,am absolutely blown away. I am so excited to receive my Level 1 package which is on its way to me. I will take into account all the wonderful advice that I received today. Thank you, thank you for making me understand so clearly where I stand in the flow of life. I have always wanted to be a Healer, but if I had the knowledge that you have, I would not hesitate to write a book. I have studied many other Teachers of life, but you are right up there with the best. Please keep writing as I love everything that you publish.

Jaya #78435 07/22/11 03:10 AM
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Welcome, Jaya!

You've got the intent to spread love and healing energy. That's a HUGE start--much more than the 'techniques' or stances...

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