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quote.. "If I understand you, you're saying that relationships contain elements of interdependence. I agree."

Focusing upon and in the soup of sour relationships, is sort of like stirring a plugged toilet... We can all agree that much of many relationships is no more more than just "sewage" at best...
Forget about all that crap. It is your religious conditioning directing you into a slush zone to prevent you from learning more than religion wants you to know... I have proof, but it be extremely "blasphemous"...
Is there a part of this forum that can handle anti-religious extremes?

Students need to take a break from the "toilet of relationships", and look in and up simultaneously at evolving the Being in the required Kundalini steps, while the student still has breath... Don't be wasting your precious time digging into, and denouncing petty evil, or it will be your anchor and your demise...
Oh sure we all know that evil exist, but that is not reason to bathe in it...

A better use of ones time and energies be to work on neutralizing ones own fears... Kundalini won't work properly if the student harbors fears... In the advanced levels of Kundalini practices, fears can manifest, and hurt the student badly... or even destroy the student...

Is there a thread in this forum dedicated to Neutralizing Fears? I would call that "lesson-two"...

Lesson-one in learning Kundalini would have to be a strong lesson in "dumping" old data without being an obnoxious bully... which is what I''ve found lurking in the many other forums I've played in...
Is there a thread in this forum dedicated to "Dumping"?

Lesson three would likely be in neutralizing ones science and religious conditioning... crucial to attaining the more... But again that is another extreme that would no doubt offend the student who harbors religious conditioning...
Is there a place in this forum that can handle the extreme techniques in neutralizing religious conditioning?

Please Advise...

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Perhaps what you're looking for is your own website and forums in which you can present your beliefs and guide those who are willing to participate in them and any exercises you have to offer.

I am not the one looking for relationship advice here. I am happy. My relationships are fine. You are aware of the fact that I was never asking for relationship advice, aren't you?

[This message has been edited by babayada (edited October 29, 2004).]

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"Originally posted by babayada:
Life, Perhaps what you're looking for is your own website and forums in which you can present your beliefs and guide those who are willing to participate in them and any exercises you have to offer.
I am not the one looking for relationship advice here. I am happy. My relationships are fine. You are aware of the fact that I was never asking for relationship advice, aren't you?"
[This message has been edited by babayada (edited October 29, 2004).]

I here you Mr. Bada... It is very good advice to move on away from where you are not wanted... Thank you for sharing your deep thoughts with me... Are you god?

quote: "You are aware of the fact that I was never asking for relationship advice, aren't you?"

I am aware of that ... and I was aware that you were giving very bad advice to someone desperately in need of good advice... You obviously gave Christian conditioning related advice to someone who was obviously asking for beyond-religion, realistic Kundalini-Magic Advice... Kundalini and Christanity don't and can't mix... The religous conditioning prevents the seeker from ever seeing beyond established religous dogma... and forces ones religious conditioning to detour the seeker from such trains of thought... something you seem to be trapped in...

So the message I'm getting from you, is to "Get the hell out of this forum!", Is that correct? Is that also the general consensus of this forum? Do you folks actually believe that I have nothing valid to say?
I can handle that, but can you?...
I have 70,000 condensed notes on Human Magic, and untapped future sciences... plus 1,184 full floppies... How many do you have?

I have taught critters to speak English...
I can light a fire, and bend a steel beam in half, both from thousands of miles away... Plus a hundred powerful active mental abilities that you've never even heard nor dreamed of...

Forum owner and leaders:
Please Advise... Do you want me out of your forum now and permanent?

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I do not want you out of these forums, Life.

You're free to do whatever you Will.

What I read in your posts was a desire to promote your own views of what truth is and to have people follow certain exercises (on a forum) that you, presumably, would lead. I am sorry if I was mistaken about that. The best way to do that, if that is what you really want, is to start up your own website with your own forums. If you can do what you say you can, getting your own website up should be no problem.

As I see your abilities, however, you apparently have a high level of excellence in perceiving that which you want to perceive. Your problem probably has to do with choicefully joining and participating with others in consensus reality.

You have every right to express what you want. You have every right to think my advice is bad. You are not every person, however, and for another the advice might actually be good. To an extent, these things are not absolute and none of us has absolute knowledge or a copyright on the truth.

I don't see, however, how advising a person to become more self-reliant is bad (or Christian). I don't see how moving from a place of needy emotions to stability and self-confidence is bad. Did you see my advice as something different than that? Please share, because the meanings above are what I intended.

Let us say that people DO have the power to magically create whatever they want. The question is, is it GOOD for them to do so? Sometimes a person thinks what's best for them is to get something that will be an answer to their problem. But they have mistaken what the problem truly is. If you feel you are incomplete, then perhaps another person will fill you? Or another car? Or this, or that. Well, you might find that its a bottomless hole, that nothing truly satisfies. The truth of the matter is, probably, that the hole isn't bottomless or unfillable. It's just that you've been trying to feed the wrong appetite. You need to be able to make youself realize your completeness first inside and then when you go to the outside world to feed yourself you can do so with sobriety rather than desperation and addiction.

On another subject, why do you feel its necessary to call in an authority figure to make a decision? Don't you believe you're able to make your own decisions? Do What Thou Wilt, right?

[This message has been edited by babayada (edited October 30, 2004).]

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Joined: Oct 2004
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by babayada:
[B]I do not want you out of these forums, Life. What I read in your posts was a desire to promote your own views of what truth is and to have people follow certain exercises (on a forum) that you, presumably, would lead."

You just described exactly what you are trying to do...

"I am sorry if I was mistaken about that. The best way to do that, if that is what you really want, is to start up your own website with your own forums. If you can do what you say you can, getting your own website up should be no problem."

Don't have a computer for that... Hackers destroyed the four I had... I am forced to trek through the mud and snow to use the neighbor's computer, when she isn't using it for her many projects... I get about an hour per day, when I'm lucky...

"As I see your abilities"

You don't. You can't.

"you apparently have a high level of excellence in perceiving that which you want to perceive. Your problem probably has to do with choicefully joining and participating with others in consensus reality."

"consensus reality." that being the fantasy fanatical way of existence our Species has chosen to wrap around themselves, in a group attempt to make sense of it all... I label it "Synthetic Reality", since it is based upon fantasy, money, and fear... and has no base to actual reality... therefore my views and practices would have to be viewed as do you...

"You have every right to express what you want. You have every right to think my advice is bad. You are not every person,"

Correct, I am not 6-billion people, but I do not have any ceilings anymore, as I have eliminated them, and I have explored the many "light showers"... which makes me able to see as no other can see... and I have an undeniable connection to all 6-billion...

"however, and for another the advice might actually be good. To an extent, these things are not absolute and none of us has absolute knowledge or a copyright on the truth."

Are you actually fully aware of that fact?
And why do you seem to fight against it so aggressively and hard?

"I don't see, however, how advising a person to become more self-reliant is bad (or Christian)."

Self reliance does not create, especially when the student is querying, in an advertised "Kundalini Forum", "Why didn't my attempts at magic-manifestation work?"
Redirecting a magic seeker into the "Sit back in peaces, and let the universe provide" thing, is like preaching to them to just roll over and die... is like instructing them to curl up in a corner of the crib, for an eternal nappy... is like giving up, and just waiting for mummy to bring the next full bottle, or tit...

"I don't see how moving from a place of needy emotions to stability and self-confidence is bad."

Not bad in proper context...
The emotions are what powers the magic... and your advice should thus be how to do the magic... not to just lay back and hope and/or pray for fantasy to effect change...

Did you see my advice as something different than that? Please share, because the meanings above are what I intended."

Then delete the erroneous post, and write it up properly... including All realms of life in the equation...
Without including all the facets of life, you are not fully addressing reality... but, in essence are just "poking holes in your and other's toes with a sword"...

"Let us say that people DO have the power to magically create whatever they want. The question is, is it GOOD for them to do so?"

Is it BAD?
Who are you to decide what is good or bad for anyone?
Have you ever created anything, besides words on paper?

"Sometimes a person thinks what's best for them is to get something that will be an answer to their problem. But they have mistaken what the problem truly is. If you feel you are incomplete, then perhaps another person will fill you? Or another car? Or this, or that. Well, you might find that its a bottomless hole, that nothing truly satisfies.

Maybe you see "problem" where the reality is simply someone inquiring about the next step in a viable process... Maybe the only problem is that you too do not understand their position, nor yours... and merely make a wild stab at it, believing your one and only stab to be "god's' word...
Maybe the wanting and needing is not a problem, and the student is just curious and seeking truth, for a personal greater goal, or just for curiosity...
One "ounce" of magic is just a tiny segment in a step for them, as dictated by their ancient Being, which has set them on that particular course... If you do not understand their question, then it be the wise man who maintain his silence in matters that he cannot fully fathom...
That is when you document your response, not post it in a rush, but file it, and ponder it over the days, and build it within yourself before playing teacher...

"The truth of the matter is, probably, that the hole isn't bottomless or unfillable."

You can not present a truth, with a "maybe", nor a "probably"... It is or it isn't. There is no 'hole", nor any "unfilled" anything"... That is just the chamismical crucial segment in religion's herd conditioning, designed to frighten the seeker from seeking more than religion can allow them to see, so to maintain total submissiveness and mass blindness, in herding and tithing...

'It's just that you've been trying to feed the wrong appetite."

In reality I don't want to feed you anything... I would prefer that you totally ignored my posts... because I would only find myself paying for all your new lessons to pull you out of fantasy, and into reality, your lessons payed-for by my own blood and pain... You come across as a mean bully... especially when you are proved wrong, and even when you are not...

"You need to be able to make youself realize your completeness first inside and then when you go to the outside world to feed yourself you can do so with sobriety rather than desperation and addiction."

Completeness is first recognized outward, then you resonate with it inside... to discover that there is no difference between out and in... That be when you have become one with the Universe and one with life, and one with me... A "triadish" kind of thing...
All that advice you thought you were giving me, was exclusively for you... You might check your other posts in that frame, and be deservingly embarrassed and ashamed...

"On another subject, why do you feel its necessary to call in an authority figure to make a decision? Don't you believe you're able to make your own decisions? Do What Thou Wilt, right?"

That be all your own illusion, not my reality...
All I attempted to do was eliminate a bully's blatant error, and then get the bully off my back...
Too often we see others as our mirrors, seeing ourselves as they would, and we spew anger for what we saw, and try to break the mirror for it showing us the truth... It's called "violent dumping"...
Look into the mirror... but you will quickly discover that attempts to break the mirror be futile, as you learn the hard way that some mirror possess powerful cosmic venom's and sword, and are quite capable of stinging an attacker-bully to dust upon approach...
Caution and respect and dignity and love are all prerequisite to maintain the stable reality that creates meaningful communication... any less is construed as "bully"... and shall be recycled in the usual ways... In that, I suspect that bully bloodlines are thus recycled...

Years ago, I met the Shaman of the central North American First Nations Tribes... He be the legendary fellow who walked from Alaska to Peru, and back, in 35 years... pausing two years in Portland to cool-down with a wild lady friend, before making his final stretch back home in Northern Ontario...

I presented him with a valuable gift, which would assist his entry into the first afterlife... and he shared a soul to soul with me... after which he said, "Now you are seeing and touching where I saw and touched, as I am seeing and touching where you have touched and been"... and stated that his meeting me was like his first drunk on firewater."... It was big for me too...
He was 108 years old then... In Fall of his 111th year I felt a hard tug at my chest, that nearly pulled me over, face-down to the floor... I immediately dove into trance, and discovered his animate remnants, in my living room, hovering 6-feet from me, 6- feet up... A quick scan indicated he was only lost and confused, and had come to me for assistance... me being his last resort... I gently firmly grabbed his mind/spirit/soul combo, and pushed him along a path I had found years previous, through layers, past the dangers, into a place where my pets would nurture and guide him in the ways of their realm... I released him in their care, and released the trance, had some sips of my still hot coffee, and went back to what I was doing before the intense interruption..
Half hour later he was back in my living-room, 6-feet up, 6-feet away... to share with me what he learned in that half hour... thereby confirming my path... My ear to ear smile lasted about an hour and a half, and hurt a lot for hours later...
Now it's my turn to give him a gift... I still don't know what... except maybe to permit him to share my vehicle, to again experience woman's embrace... as long as he refrain from touching the controls.

I have pushed, along that path, several good friends who have passed, who opted to make their presence with me for assistance in what they couldn't even begin to fathom..., moments after they jettisoned the vehicle...
None were as agile and honest as the First Nation's Shaman... The rest were gone like a shot!... Not even one considered a "thanks", so I am confident that I have, at least, one cosmic brother who will be my attendant when it's my turn...
This perpetually exchanging gifts process is number-one... It's the difference between life and death... The ancient peoples had a good idea in initiating this gifts giving thing... and probably knew it...

This is a tiny part of what I've been trying to share with this mindless Species for 30-years, but I run up against only mindless bullies, guarding all the doors, who can't fathom any new, and fight new as if they are battling "crazy"... , for they see everything beyond their infantile capability to process thought, as "crazy",... and are content to one day lay back on their deathbed, and wait for mommy to deliver the next full bottle, or tit... They die 100%...
There is another option... one that really works...
It's time to WAKE-UP! Human-Race...

[This message has been edited by Life (edited November 01, 2004).]

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May you have peace.

[This message has been edited by babayada (edited October 31, 2004).]

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Originally posted by Life:

I can light a fire, and bend a steel beam in half, both from thousands of miles away... Plus a hundred powerful active mental abilities that you've never even heard nor dreamed of...


Can you tell me how to bend metal with the mind? I've seen Uri Geller do it close up and it was definately authentic.



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[QUOTE]Originally posted by babayada:
Quote: "[B]Life, May you have peace."

You too dude...

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"Can you tell me how to bend metal with the mind?"

Generally the novice needs a great reason, powered by extreme excesses of emotion...

You start with growing focused ultra deep trance... grown from the start with only your alternate goal in mind, that not being metal-bending... as if you are enveloped in conceiving a child, birthing a child, and growing a child simultaneously ("the power of the triad")... as can be viewed in a river's waves, birth, life, death, all in a second, in each wave's start to finish... Simultaneously pouring yourself into the metal, as the metal is becoming you, and you it... as the wave births, lives, and dies...
When you are one, bow to the Sun... and the metal bows with you... For this you need to be able to maintain six active thought progressions, then slowly sync them into one, without losing any one facet...
Simple multiple arithmetic progression practices teach you this element.

There are several ways to bend metal by thought...
Some schools teach to stroke the metal, to heat it up by your thoughts. I don't believe that one could work, as it is like the person needing to become a "cosmic torch" in essence...

The easiest one I know is to mutate clean anger into creativity... which is how I bent beams in a Russian lab, after the Russians flatly boycotted America's Peace Talks...
They complained in the world media that a "ghost was smashing and bending support structure in one of their peace time labs"... A subterranean nuke guidance systems lab. Suddenly they were begging to engage in peace-talks.

For me it happens easily... I never consider bending metal... I am busy with thought progressions that can result in metal bending... I.E.: It's like you are not interested in the stove, nor its heat, but only in the reactions to the gourmet meal you are creating... Eventually success, the food is ready to eat... The heat only becomes irritating and uncomfortable. It be the creating and eating that you focus upon...
In essence, the stove is the "metal and the bending"... creating the meal is your entire focus. The stove is of no concern...
Yikes! and Dam! It's difficult to document the insides of a useless paradox on paper...

In a sense you have become so relaxed, that matter around you relaxes too... The trick is to focus it at the prime moment it announces it is to birth... That requires an inner completeness, and total lack of fear, and a deep reach into the cosmos...

You want to bend metal, then start by working on neutralizing all your fears...
because in these layers of thought, your fears can fully all sense manifest, and hurt you real bad. You must be fearless when playing with open mind. You must not fear death, or death will present itself.

That's "off the cuff', some distorted and fragmented, as I was struggling for correct words, and avoiding the words I use that we don't yet have in our dictionaries... Is why I am writing a dictionary with this encyclopedia...
I'll try through the night to make it more scientific... It's best if I do it, then fresh document the facets of it...

A good practice for you right now, is to work on modifying anger into creativity...

The hardest part of this exercise is for a relaxed loving person to suddenly force anger... Don't be trying to hurt yourself just to make yourself angry, it can't work... I recall an incident in which secret service apes kicked my tailbone after i was evicted out of a government building after a politician refused me claim tags for radioactive mineral deposits. I imagine attacking that bastard for kicking my tailbone, and recall how it shot extreme pain up and down my spine, and made my ears feel like they were on fire. Eventually anger bubbles up, and I use it for creativity. I bet by now that feller is wondering why he's experiencing so many extreme nightmares... and who knows, maybe he even gets tossed out of bed, and flung across the room..

Maybe just look at how the election campaigns are going, and try to take right into yourself... I do, but I just don't give a darn.. It does nothing for me... I've just got too much seritonin flowing... so when I do experience anger, I can't wait to experiment with that precious rare commodity... With it you can even calm a square mile of turbulent ocean shoreline...

I need your questions to set my mind set on a path... Ask me definite segments of your metal bending project, in your own clearest terms, so I know where you are, so to determine where to address you from...

Oops! my neighbor is yelling from the kitchen, "I want the computer Now!" I'm outa here.

[This message has been edited by Life (edited November 03, 2004).]

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