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Originally posted by Fear Not!:
disclose to the public that the claims are only speculations, personal opinions and personal believes, not the facts or truth. One-sided claims are not about "allowing people to make up their own minds and make their own choices", right?

(edited February 03, 2005).]

And you obviously feel that way about Michael Hutchison's claims as well, right?

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Originally posted by garics:
And you obviously feel that way about Michael Hutchison's claims as well, right?

You are right, I am, and I am still lsitening to binaural beat encoded cds. I don't know if Hutchson's claims are valid, but unless I have evidence to prove him wrong, I am not going make any judgements.

Hutchson "alerts" people of the potential risk of barinwave entrianment, based on his field expertise and personal experience, Bill Harris "promises" something that are unproven, please note the differences and be objective.

I make my personal choice to subject myself to this potential risk by continue to list to binaural beat cds, I made the informed choice, and I want to help others to be informed as well. peace!

[This message has been edited by Fear Not! (edited February 03, 2005).]

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Originally posted by Fear Not!:
Absolutely! But I also believe in fairness and business ethics. Don't promise any benifits and effects that are unproven, instead, disclose to the public that the claims are only speculations, personal opinions and personal believes, not the facts or truth. One-sided claims are not about "allowing people to make up their own minds and make their own choices", right?

Actually, I think CP has done some research on their products--if I remember correctly, it's been published. So their claims are not entirely unfounded--as are Michael Hutchinson's about brain damage, at least so far until we see more documentation.

Another thing: you seem terribly upset and bitter about the CP products. Instead of letting this anger and bitterness rule your life (or at least your posts here), I wonder if it might be more constructive if you investigated the possibility of a refund from CP, or failing that, selling your set on eBay or elsewhere? Many of these companies, including Learning Stragegies, do have a money-back guarantee if you don't like their products--I'm not sure if CP does this, but you could check.

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perhaps too much time has passed to be of any help to king411. but as results occur along a continuum of effects depending on the individual, this represents something toward the negative extreme.

all doubts and disappointments are well spoken here. and i could spool reams of rational. but in brief:

first, one has to understand the idea of grounding and holding the space once change is happening. this translates to preparation work in the emotional, physical and psychic body. then the energy body has a home.

for example, qi gong and so many many other physical disciplines have been for a long time both the means to gradual change and the grounding. simple but genuine technologies.

now, with cymatic (sound entrainment) shortcuts, one should make time to continue moving the body and grounding the neurological shifts in the cellular recording device (your body).

this is just pragmatics, not meant to be fancy mumbo jumbo. even if you never buy another cd, subliminals and brain cd's are not deleterious to human evolution. the data tells us what is being affected. but it is up to the individual regarding the effect.

poor king411 and others were/are already on loose ground prior to using the cd's.

a shaman's apprentice can fail. a yogi can hurt themself. a mystic can awaken then lose all gains and wonder why. - preparation and grounding. anchoring the new position of neurology and awareness.

i have used sound technology for fifteen years but always with movement. daily. and nutrition. daily. and regular sitting meditation to settle, quiet, integrate. any less of a formula is reckless now. the technology is just too invasive.

not everyone will be able to use this method successfully. some old, low cost tapes still bake my cookies better than expensive cd's.

on our own, bad results just mean we have to back off and take another approach. we are a non-shaman culture. screwed, basically, but for these self-serve experimentations.

still, our generation must go for it because it is part of our time. pause and intuition go a long way to help choose what to try and how to use it.

when are we whole, happy, new, at awakening level 4? level 15? what do we do with the change at level 2, outgrow it and hunger for the next fix ? this is not the path it seems to be. a progressively bigger hammer is not the way to build a bigger or better house.

some persons may want and NEED to go all the way. others may not or even cannot. 'why' is more important than 'how far'.


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That was a good message, Larkin.

I like your perspective.

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Hi All,

One thing I notice, is that Holosync seems to give excellent results on most people, and none on some.

Maybe the problem is that the Holosync program is "one size fits all", using the same starting carrier frequencies for everyone. Maybe the beginning carrier frequency they use (140 Hz in Awakening Prologue) is OK for 95% of the population, but is not OK for the last 5%...

It's like medicine : most prescription medicine has the standard effect on the majority of the population, but there is always a percentage of people who need an more massive dose tha the standard prescription, or a different drug altogether, simply because there are variations in body types and individuals'intenal chemistry.

I got tested several times on a device that made measurements of the body's energy field (some call it the "Aura") on the fingertips of the hands and feet. It's similar to, but slightly more elaborate and precise than, Kirlian photography. It was used by my chiropractor/accupuncturist. He used it to determine what energy imbalances there were in my body (and it was pretty accurate, too !). In making the measurement, he had to turn a knob that adjusted for the vibration frequency of the body's energy field. It was like focusing a lens : when the frequency was off my body's frequency, the image of the Aura would be blurry, but with the correct adjustment, the image turned very sharp. I was surprised that there wasn't any preset frequency, but my chiropractor explained to me that A HUMAN BEING'S BASE FREQUENCY IS AN INDIVIDUAL CHARACTERISTIC, just like your size or weight, so there's no one setting that could be good for everyone.
This intrigued me, and since I was experimenting a lot with brainwave entrainment (I hadn't bought Holosync yet at that time) I aksed him if we could try a few things. Since we were quite close, and the idea intrigued him as well, he accepted to do several mesurments before and after using Brainwave entrainment CDs.

There were two results :

1) After listening to half an hour of Theta waves (7,5 Hz), my "Aura", which was, like any normal person's, full of spikes and dents before the listening session, had become all smooth and regular, leaving only some deeper dents (corresponding to my long-temr health issues) which were also smoothed out. The effect was the same as that of doing 1 hour of CHi Gung, or a full session of energy re-balancing by accupuncture (something he charges 75Euro for).
So conclusion 1 :
Theta Brainwave entrainment has measureable positive effects on the body's energy field, which is itself a good measure of one's overall health and well-being.

Result 2 was more surprising...

2) Before and after listening to the Brainwave entrainment CD, my Body's base energy vibration frequency had completely changes.
Before, it was something around 340 Hz, and after, it was 185 Hz. This was almost exactly the carrier frequency I had used for my Brainwave entrainment CD...
This was quite a surprise : sound listened to in earphones had had a direct influence on my whole body’s energy field (not only the ears or the brain).
Conclusion 2 is : there is a clear interaction between the carrier frequency we listen to, and the body’s energy filed.

Holosync states clearly that the lower the carrier frequency, the more powerful the effect on the system (that’s why they want to make it gradual, level by level : so as not to « blast people out of their shoes » with lower carrier frequencies right from the start)

The problemn in this reasoning, is that some people might have an individual carrier frequncy that is so low to start with, that the carrier frequency of Awakening Prologue (140 Hz) mightnot be enough for them. Such a case would be quite exceptionnal, but not improbable. The end result would be like giving a 200 pound person a dose of medication low enough to be safe for a 50 pound child. I twill be safe, might have some effect, but it won’t really do the job. For that specific person, the dose would have to be quadrupled. In the case of the person with a low personal body energy vibration frequency, If my reasonning is correct, the right thing would be to start the program from a deeper level, with a lower carrier frequency right away.

I’ve read for example in science reviews, that Chi Gung grandmasters, when they « projected chi energy through their hands », were actually producing inaudible vibrations at 70Hz. (These vibrations were inaudible, although they were measured through a microphone. This seems contradictory at first, since 70 Hz is a perfectly audible frequency, it’s in the lower end of the male human voice. Since a microphone is basically made up of a magnet attached to a spring on one side and a membrane on the other side, it is not only capable of measuring air vibration through the membrane, but also variations in the ambiant electric or magnetic field, by direct effect on the magnet.)

The conclusion is that these Chi-Gung grandmasters were channeling 70 Hz electric or magnetic waves through their bodies. This is not only much lower than the average 200-400 Hz frequency for the body’s energy vibration frequency usually measured in most people (according to my chiropractor’s experience on his « aura » machine), but it’s also much lower than Holosync’s Awakening Prologue Frequency (140 Hz). Such a chi-gung grandmqster would probably benefit from using Brainwave entrainment CDs ONLY if the CD’s carrier frequency was lower than 70 Hz. I am currently using Awakening Level 2, whose carrier frequency is 100 Hz. I suppose that to get below 70 Hz one wouldhave to use Purification level 1 or 2…

The problem with the Holosync Solution program is that it’s a mail order program, a « one size fits all solution ». While this is probably OK for 95 or so persent of the population, there will be people, even with no previous meditation experience, who will have a body’s energy vibration frequency lower than 140, and for these people the beginning levels of Holosync would be insufficient. In those exceptionnal cases, Holosync would have to find a may to measure which deeper level would be appropriate to start with.

I hope this (long) post was of interest to you all.

Cheers !


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Joined: Feb 2005
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Interesting, Erwan...

If your conclusion is correct, then one would have to have their "aura" evaluated in order to determine what carrier frequencies would be the best beginning points?

Also - have you looked at Neuro-Programmer in order to set the particular frequencies you desire?

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Great post. I think your commnets about the "one-size-fits-all" nature of the starting carrier in Prologue is exactly right.

Back in 1998 or 99 when I was on the Purification Levels, I got a letter from Bill pitching the Centerpointe program to new people. In this letter, he basically stated to the potential customer, that if they tried Prologue and didn't feel anything (perhaps due to having a background in formal meditation etc.), that he would send them a deeper level until they felt they were being challenged by the technology.
My impression at the time, was that he was offering to do this free of charge -- in other words, you could just send back Prologue and get Level 1, perhaps paying only the difference in cost between the two (although this was not made completely clear in the letter).
To me, this seems like an apporpriate solution to the problem you are describing....I wonder if Centerpointe Institue has since renounced this policy?

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Originally posted by Erwan:

One thing I notice, is that Holosync seems to give excellent results on most people, and none on some.

There is just so much emphasis on brain-wave entrainment but I would argue that coherence is more important. It does matter what you entrain to. Physiological Coherence is defined as

  • High heart rhythm coherence ((sine wave-like rhythmic pattern)
  • Increased parasympathetic activity
  • Increased entrainment and synchronization between physiological systems
  • Efficient and harmonious functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous ,hormonal and immune systems

The term coherence is also used in mathematics to describe the ordered or constructive distribution of the power content within a single waveform. In this case, the more stable the frequency and shape of the waveform, the higher the coherence.

The most powerful electrical device in the human system is not the brain, but the heart. The magnetic field produced by the heart is more than 5,000 times greater in strength than the field generated by the brain, and can be detected a number of feet away from the body, in all directions, using SQUID-based magnetometers. Coherence here is measured by Heart Rate Variability (HRV) which is the variation between pulses. The HRV of a healthy heart is irregular while regularity indicates serious problems. Applying a fast fourier transform on HRV waveforms yields data on sympathetic and parasympathetic activity and total autonomic nervous system (ANS) activity. Negative reactions and emotions create disorder and imbalance in the ANS. The ANS affects our digestive, cardiovascular,immune and hormonal systems. Positive feelings such as appreciation create increased order and balance in the ANS,resuting in increased hormonal and immune system balance and more efficient brain function. Intentionally altering one's emotional state through heart focus modifies afferent neurological input from the heart to the brain. A recent study has also shown that when intention is combined with HRV Coherence, the ability to manifest changes in reality (the study used DNA) became much more powerful and effective. Traditional meditation techniques such as Loving-Kindness, Universal Smile, Buddhist Compassion, etc., are much more effective in achieiving physiological congruence, er, coherence than merely entraining brain waves.

Many years ago when I mentioned this research to Bill Harris, he looked for some research to back up the benefits of Holosync and came up with Giampapa's studies on longevity which he began advertising.

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Interesting reading thought others might want to delve further too so I posted the links.

ANS = autonomic nervous system (ANS)

More info on the hearts magnetic field

Brains response to the hearts signal

How they are finding out the effects of emotional states on the heart.

I thought this is interesting since it says something about using intention rather than merely relaxation.
On Entraintment, Coherence and Auto

The post seems a bit off topic to me since I am not sure what that has to do with Holosync. It probably would have been a better option to start a new thread given the lenght of this one already.


[This message has been edited by Alex K. Viefhaus (edited March 22, 2005).]

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