Two families have asked me to express gratitude to all who participated in the healing of these two babies I had placed on the list.

Baby Rogers: healing request was made prior to her birth after it was discovered her liver and other organs were developing outside her body. Her birth was good, and only two surgeries were required instead of the 6-8 that her doctors were anticipating. Her parents got to hold her within days instead of months, and she got to go home in three weeks instead of six months. She's a beautiful, happy little girl.

Nine-month old Hannah developed viral spinal meningitis. Doctors offered little to no hope for her survival. She is the youngest baby to survive that these doctors know. She's a tiny, very feminine little girl who is adored by her older brothers. She still has problems from damage that was done, but she is sharp and she deals with them in ways that amaze her parents. If her leg doesn't work the way it should, she simply reaches down and moves it into position with her hands. I hope some of you will continue to remember her.

Hannah's brother was included in the prayer request; he had been hospitalized at the same time with fever after he had kissed her. He had a complete, quick recovery.

I also want to thank you for the healings for my Dad after he broke his neck. Any movement of the broken bones would have resulted in insteat death. His neck is healed.

With gratitude,