I too read Neo-Tech many years ago. I actually read a lot N-T books, listened to
N-T tapes and even went to a N-T summit in Las Vegas.

I certainly learned a lot of practical stuff from N-T for instance how to detect Neocheaters and how to discover the way manipulators work.

The downside of N-T is that it blames*.. Others, neocheaters, mystics, politicians,
the clergy etc. Also like many orthodox religions it puts a lot of guilt on there
followers if they do not follow the code laid out by Neo-Tech.

A big word in Neo-Tech is "Integrated Honesty" however, from my and many others
which I know it became apparent that N-T is not honest and uses open lies when
it pleases them.

I have a few examples from their advertising. Example: A few years ago I read in a N-T advertising brochure a testimonial from a friend of mine, who is also a N-T
owner. I that article he stated that thanks to N-T he had increased his income by
200 % within six month.

But that was not true, he had never ever said anything like that. He contacted them and demanded a correction. He got a response sorry but our staff was a bit overzealous but still continued to use those fraudulent ads.

That's only one example. I myself and others have written to them telling them about
those and other lies and asked for an explaination but never got an answer.

That speaks for itself from my point of view. Unlike a cult were we would have been
immediately excommunicated they are still sending us their advertising material for
new books etc.. Business is business.


[This message has been edited by Frodo02 (edited May 11, 2005).]